Is Radagon a girl?

Radagon, also called Radagon of the Golden Order, is a major antagonist of the 2022 video game, Elden Ring. He is the male half of Marika and the protector of the Elden Ring. During his invasion of Liurnia he encountered the Full Moon Queen Rennala and married her.
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Is Marika female or male?

As a feminine given name, it is of Hungarian and Greek origin; a diminutive of Maria. Apart from Hungary and Greece, the name is also found in Czechia, Estonia, Finland, Japan, Sweden, Slovakia and Poland.
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Is Radagon a femboy?

Radagon is male, and Marika is female, so they do not seem to be non-binary.
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Is the Elden Beast a girl?

The Elden Beast is reminiscent of the dragon that serves as part of the alchemical Rebis, much like Marika/Radagon. The Rebis is a single being possessing both male and female qualities, also sometimes referred to as the divine hermaphrodite.
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Why does Radagon hate his red hair?

Radagon was said to have despised his own red hair, as it was perhaps the result of a curse by red haired Fire Giants.
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Is Radagon a girl?

Is Radagon Malenia's dad?

Malenia first appeared in the video game Elden Ring, serving as an optional boss fight available later in the game. Within the game's lore, she is the demigod child of Queen Marika and her second husband, Radagon.
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Who did Radagon marry first?

Radagon is a tall, fractured god wielding the hammer that shattered the Elden Ring, and is found in the heart of the Erdtree. He was previously married to Rennala, but became Queen Marika's consort after Godfrey was exiled from the Lands Between.
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Is Radahn a woman?

Starscourge Radahn is a boss in Elden Ring. He is a Demigod and a Shardbearer who is first encountered in Caelid, and then in Enir-Ilim.
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Is Radagon a he or she?

Radagon, also called Radagon of the Golden Order, is a major antagonist of the 2022 video game, Elden Ring. He is the male half of Marika and the protector of the Elden Ring. During his invasion of Liurnia he encountered the Full Moon Queen Rennala and married her.
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Who is the female god in the Elden Ring?

Queen Marika the Eternal is the reigning divine sovereign of the Lands Between, and a vessel for the Elden Ring. Her offspring possess demigod status and are bearers of the Great Runes.
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Is Miquella a boy or girl?

Miquella's gender is almost impossible to guess: "He" is androgynous and is so beautiful "He" could pass as female. The most obvious trait of Miquella is "His" divine aura and looks. "He" has surpassed humanity in looks and makes the most beautiful of Demoness' look like hideous hags in comparison.
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What is Radagon weakest against?

While physical damage works just fine against Radagon, detrimental effects such as poison and bleeding don't do much in this fight. On the other hand, Radagon has no resistance against fire damage. Weapons like the Godslayer's Greatsword or the Blasphemous Blade are great against him.
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Is Radagon holy or lightning?

While small, Radagon's repertoire of attacks deal high physical and Holy damage. Your best bet is dodging all of them, so consider two-handing your weapon for increased damage. Fortunately, it's easy to spot which of his moves will deal Holy damage (most), as opposed to just physical.
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Is Mohg a child of Marika?

Mohg or Mohgwyn, also known as the Lord of Blood, was born of the Golden Lineage, the offspring of the first Elden Lord, Godfrey and Queen Marika, and was the twin brother of Morgott.
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Who married Marika?

He soon repented his territorial transgressions though, and became husband to the Carian Queen. However. When Godfrey, first Elden Lord, was hounded from the Lands Between, Radagon left Rennala to return to the Erdtree Capital, becoming Queen Marika's second husband and King Consort.
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Why is Radagon hair red?

Radagon's red hair was supposedly a curse laid upon him by fire giants, and its color was something he loathed.
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Is Radagon Melina's Father?

It is implied that Melina is another child of Radagon and Marika: Naming Convention: Most siblings in the Lands Between share the first letter of their name. Messmer/Melina/Miquella/Malenia would be no exception to this rule. Hair Color: Melina's hair color seems to be a combination of Radagon and Marika's hair colors.
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Do Marika and Radagon share a body?

Its entirely possible that if a direct connection of power from Marika to Radagon did exist [if they were two beings at the start] that when Marika shattered the Elden Ring and he tried to repair it with her power, the punishment given to Marika (being sealed for eternity inside the Erdtree) included punishment for him ...
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Is Margit a man or woman?

Margit is a feminine given name, a version of Margaret.
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What did Malenia whisper to Radahn?

In their final clash, Malenia whispers to Radahn “Miquella awaits thee, o promised Consort,” and then unleashes her Scarlet Aeonia, infecting both Radahn and the whole of Caelid with the corruption of the Rot.
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Are Ranni and Radahn siblings?

Originally known as Lunar Princess Ranni, she was the daughter of Radagon, a champion of the Golden Order, and Queen Rennala, head of both the Carian Royal Family and the Academy of Raya Lucaria. She had two older brothers, Radahn and Rykard.
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Is Radagon Malenia's brother?

Malenia was born the child of Queen Marika the Eternal and her second husband, the Elden Lord Radagon. She had an elder twin brother by the name of Miquella. Both Malenia and Miquella were Empyreans, meaning they had the potential to one day replace their mother as a new god of a coming age.
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