Is Radahn a God?

Over the course of his life, Radahn is reputed as the mightiest demigod, an honorable warrior, an intelligent tactician, and a powerful sorcerer, gaining the respect and fear of many for his greatness.
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Is Radahn the strongest demigod in Elden Ring?

General Radahn is generally considered by most Elden Ring characters as the strongest demigod, except it seems even the strongest don't always win. Because if players watch the intro cinematic again, they'll catch a glimpse of what appears to be Morgott stabbing Radahn in the middle of a battle.
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Why is Radahn considered a demigod?

Radahn was the son of Queen Rennala and Radagon, and became a demigod stepchild after his father's marriage to Queen Marika.
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Who is Radahn the son of?

Radahn is one of the three children that came from the union of Rennala and Radagon. Radagon was a champion of the Golden Order, and he married Rennala to unify her realm of Liurnia and avoid any confrontation between her Carian Royals and the Erdtree. The other two children of Rennala and Radagon are Rykard and Ranni.
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Why did Radahn turn evil?

General Radahn is cursed ever to wander. Eaten from the inside, by Malenia's scarlet rot, his Wits are long gone. Now he gathers the corpses of former friends and foes alike, gorging on them, like a dog. The fate of Radahn following the Battle of Caelid.
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Radahn Is The Main Character

Who won, Malenia or Radahn?

Miquella's twin sister, Malenia, marched from the Mountaintops of the Giants and into Caelid to confront Radahn, seeking to kill him and send his soul to Miquella. The two of them fought to a draw, causing Malenia to resort to unleashing her curse of Scarlet Rot.
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Is Ranni or Radahn older?

She had two older brothers, Radahn and Rykard. Ranni was also an Empyrean, meaning she had the potential to one day succeed Queen Marika as the divine ruler of the Lands Between. The Two Fingers chose her as a potential successor and granted her a Shadow by the name of Blaidd to be her vassal.
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Is Radahn brother of Malenia?

Malenia and her half-brother Radahn would eventually be the last two demigods left standing in the conflict. Their forces clashed in the Caelid Wilds, and the two fought a bitter duel for supremacy. In the midst of the combat with Radahn, the Scarlet Rot was unleashed by Malenia, resulting in her first bloom.
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Is Radahn missing his feet?

Most fans seem to agree that Scarlot Rot is the root cause of his missing feet, with one user giving examples of other important characters with missing limbs. Some users also believe that years of dragging his feet through sand while riding a laughingly small horse probably did this to him.
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Who is the true god in Elden Ring?

The Greater Will

The vessel of the Elden Ring is considered a God, and the God's consort takes the title of Elden Lord. Assuming Elden Lord means "consort to the vessel of the Elden Ring" then we know of two Gods under the Greater Will: Queen Marika and Placidusax's fled God (see Remembrance of the Dragonlord).
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Who is the weakest demigod in Elden Ring?

Godrick the Grafted is the first major boss and shard bearer that the players come across in the game. Despite giving a hard challenge initially, he happens to be the weakest shard bearer in contrast to every other demigod our tarnished character fights against.
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Why is Radahn on a tiny horse?

Apparently, Radahn felt compelled to learn some gravity-based magic to ensure he could keep riding Leonard. When Radahn got to a size beyond his steed's natural carrying capacity, this magic was used to circumnavigate Leonard's physical limitations.
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How is Radahn alive in DLC?

Put simply, the reason why General Radahn is alive in the Elden Ring DLC even though we killed him in the base game is because Miquella brought his soul back and used the remains of Mohg, Lord of Blood as a vessel for it (he's the other boss you had to beat as part of the Elden Ring DLC requirements).
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Who is canonically stronger Radahn or Malenia?

Even After Losing to Malenia, He Is Incredibly Strong

During the Shattering, Radahn was considered one of the greatest threats in the Lands Between, his threat level was only tied with his half-sister Malenia. When Malenia and General Radahn fought, it was a perfect stalemate until Malenia unleashed the Scarlet Rot.
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Why does Morgott hate Radahn?

Radahn must have tried to conquer Leyndell at some point, with Morgott's only drive being to defend his city from willful invaders.
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Who is the strongest demigod?

Who is the most powerful demigod in the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series? Percy. No question. He's so powerful that Hazel, who has had personal contact with Mother Gaea herself, initially believes him to be a God come to test Camp Jupiter.
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What kills Radahn?

The shockwave is potentially an instant kill attack. Radahn moves fast, but there are some key openings for melee builds to exploit. As with most large bosses, Radahn is vulnerable for a brief time at the end of a combo or major attack--enough for two, maybe three hits, before you need to retreat.
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What is Radahn weak to?

Was messing around when fighting him and was able to beat him with help from the Rotten Battle hammer. His resistance to Scarlet Rot seems really low.
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How did Radahn go mad?

The two fought to a stalemate. until millenia drove her own blade into her chest, causing her first bloom, unleashing the scarlet rot upon radon and the entire region of Cailid. Radon was driven mad by the rot.
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Why was Mohg obsessed with Miquella?

He believed that by having Miquella, he'd have a shot at becoming Miquella's consort and lord and establishing his dynasty. Welcome, honored guest. To the birthplace of our Dynasty! Because of this obsession, Mohg comes up with a plan to abduct Miquella and take him to Mohgwyn Palace.
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Who did Radahn marry?

Radagon eventually repented his territorial aggressions by cleansing himself with Celestial Dew, and swore his love to Rennala. He became husband to the Carian Queen, wedding her at the Church of Vows.
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Is Miquella a boy or girl?

Miquella's gender is almost impossible to guess: "He" is androgynous and is so beautiful "He" could pass as female. The most obvious trait of Miquella is "His" divine aura and looks. "He" has surpassed humanity in looks and makes the most beautiful of Demoness' look like hideous hags in comparison.
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Did Radahn stop fate?

In an interview with Famitsu, Dark Souls and Elden Ring Director Hidetaka Miyazaki confirmed that Radahn must be defeated in order to access the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. It seems safe to speculate that this must be because of Radahn's conquery of the stars that left fate itself held in stasis.
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Why are we killing Radahn?

However, he is a shardbearer, and two of the five available shardbearers must be defeated before entering Leyndell, Royal Capital. In addition, he must be defeated to access Nokron, Eternal City, achieve a certain ending, and unlock the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion.
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Where is Ranni's body?

With the statue, the Tarnished can get to the top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia. There, they will find Ranni's discarded body along with the Cursemark of Death. This item is useless unless the player then proceeds to do Fia's questline.
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