Is Robb Stark sword Valyrian steel?

The blade was Valyrian steel, spell-forged and dark as smoke. Nothing held an edge like Valyrian steel. Catelyn had no love for swords, but she could not deny that Ice had its own beauty.
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Does House Stark have a Valyrian steel sword?

Ice was a Valyrian steel greatsword and an heirloom of House Stark. It was used both in war and on ceremonial occasions by the Lord of Winterfell. It has been in the possession of House Stark for generations and was kept in a special scabbard crafted from the pelt of a wolf.
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Did Robert Baratheon have a Valyrian steel sword?

Neither House Baratheon or House Tyrell had any named Valyrian Steel weapons that we know of. The dagger used to attack Bran was taken from the Red Keep armoury and was likely there prior to Robert Baratheon's accession to the Throne.
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Is Arya Stark's sword needle Valyrian steel?

Game of Thrones - Needle, Sword of Arya Stark - Valyrian Steel.
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Does House Lannister have a Valyrian steel sword?

Brightroar is a Valyrian steel blade that was the ancestral weapon of House Lannister. It was lost when Tommen II Lannister, King of the Rock, took it on his expedition to the ruins of Valyria and disappeared.
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Prop Review: Game of Thrones (Valyrian Steel) Ned Stark Ice Sword & Scabbard

Is Jon Snow's sword Valyrian steel?

In Game of Thrones season 1, Jon Snow receives the Valyrian steel sword Longclaw from Lord Commander Mormont as a reward for saving his life. Mormont considers Jon his surrogate son and believes he is worthy of the honor of wielding Longclaw.
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Why didn't the Lannisters have a Valyrian sword?

The Lannisters of Casterly Rock had a Valyrian steel greatsword named Brightroar, which they acquired through trade, but it was lost when King Tommen II sailed into the ruins of Valyria.
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Does Brienne have a Valyrian sword?

Ser Brienne of Tarth has Oathkeeper , valyrian steel sword given to her by Ser Jaime Lannister. Ser Jorah Mormont has Heartsbane - ancestral valyrian steel sword given to him by Samwell Tarly. Arya Stark has a valyrian steel dagger given to her by Brandon Stark aka the three eyed raven.
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What sword does Brienne have?

Brienne chooses the name "Oathkeeper" for the sword. Brienne and Podrick encounter Arya and the Hound. Oathkeeper's obvious Lannister qualities (the hilt is a golden lion with ruby eyes) make Arya and the Hound suspicious of Brienne's motives.
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Did the Targaryens have a Valyrian steel sword?

Yes, they in fact have two ancestral Valyrian steel swords, but as of the start of the series they are both lost. The first sword is Blackfyre, during the conquest it was wielded by Aegon I Targaryen. It was then passed down from king to king, and it was in many ways seen as a symbol of the king of Westeros.
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Does Jon Snow's sword have dragonglass?

When Jon Snow reduces a White Walker to bits in the battle at Hardhome in season five, he uses dragonglass. Valyrian steel, a metal forged in the days of the Valyrian Freehold that remains sharp forever, is another way to kill White Walkers. It's recognizable by its intense sharpness and light weight.
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Who got Joffrey's Valyrian steel sword?

After Joffrey's death at the Purple Wedding, the sword resided for a time in the Red Keep, before it was taken by his brother, Jaime Lannister, who wielded it during Daenerys Targaryen's invasion of Westeros.
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How many Valyrian steel swords exist?

Although Valyrian steel blades are scarce and costly, several hundred of them are known to exist in the world, approximately two hundred in Westeros alone. Most of them are swords, but there are a few daggers and axes as well.
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Whose sword did Tywin melt?

Well, for "Two Swords," Sunday night's episode, the duo found the perfect answer: Tywin Lannister melting down the famed Valyrian sword of Ned Stark — a chilling act that cements the Lannister family's dominance over the Starks and attempts to erase the legacy of their once-powerful rival.
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Why are White Walkers weak to Valyrian steel?

Valyrian steel weapons never need sharpening. The blades are infused with magic when forged and fatal to White Walkers, while normal metal freezes and crumbles. The magic used was lost in the Doom of Valyria some four centuries before the show, and many blades have been lost.
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Does House Tyrell have a Valyrian sword?

House Tyrell does not have a Valyrian Steel Sword. They haven't been a prominent house for that long, perhaps never had the opportunity to get one.
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What was Aegon's sword?

Blackfyre is a Valyrian steel bastard sword that originally belonged to Aegon I Targaryen, which he carried during his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. Afterwards it became the treasured ancestral blade of House Targaryen, carried by kings and princes.
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What sword does Arya have?

Needle, Sword of Arya Stark.
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What is Jon Snow's sword?

Longclaw is a Valyrian steel sword, in the possession of House Mormont for five centuries. Longclaw is a bastard sword (also known as a "Hand-and-a-half sword"), which is longer than a longsword, but shorter than a greatsword.
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Does Jorah Mormont have a Valyrian steel sword?

Longclaw. This one started as the ancestral sword of House Mormont, so Jeor Mormont passed it down to Jorah when he joined the Night's Watch. But when Jorah fled Westeros, he left Longclaw behind in shame, and so it got sent back to Jeor. (Lyanna Mormont was a little too young to wield it, I guess.)
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Is Arya's dagger Valyrian steel?

Arya uses the Valyrian steel dagger to destroy the Night King during the Battle of Winterfell, causing his White Walkers to shatter into icy fragments and the wights serving under him to fall immediately. The dagger is last seen at Arya's side, as her ship sails west into the unexplored waters of the Sunset Sea.
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Who is the dark sister Valyrian longsword?

Dark Sister is mentioned in the Dunk & Egg novellas, set more than eighty years before the events of the series. It is one of two Valyrian steel swords belonging to House Targaryen, the other being Blackfyre. Dark Sister was wielded by Visenya Targaryen, Prince Daemon Targaryen, and later Prince Aemon the Dragonknight.
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Why did Littlefinger give Bran the Valyrian steel dagger?

To let Bran know that he could trust him. It was basically Littlefinger trying to build a friendly relationship with Bran, who's a young, cripple boy. Littlefinger probably hoped to please Bran with the symbolic (because he was attacked with it) dagger, especially since it was Valyrian steel.
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What happened to Joffrey's Valyrian steel sword?

Upon Joffrey's death, Widow's Wail passes to his younger brother, Tommen Baratheon. The sword is held at the Red Keep until the boy king is old enough to wield it.
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Where did Tywin get Valyrian steel for Jaime's sword?

Chapter 62, Jaime VII: Following Jaime's return to King's Landing, Tywin gives him a Valyrian steel sword forged out of Ned Stark's Ice. Jaime refuses to give up his role as Lord Commander and return to Casterly Rock.
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