Is Shadow Claw better than metal claw?

Shadow Claw is one of the best fast moves in the game, and is recommended despite the lack of STAB. Metal Claw benefits from STAB, but has disappointing energy generation. Foul Play ties for the least amount of energy needed, and provides consistent damage that's relatively neutral.
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Is Shadow Claw a good move?

Shadow Claw is a Ghost-type Quick move in Pokémon GO that deals 9 damage and generates 6 energy. It is strong against Ghost and Psychic Pokémon and weak against Dark Pokémon.
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Is Shadow Claw better than Lick?

Shadow Claw has an energy generation of 4 EPT and damage of 3 DPT. Lick is 3 EPT and 3 DPT. Lick is a faster move though, so in certain cases it could be better. Kind of like how Dragon Tail is sometimes worse than Dragon Breath despite being a direct upgrade.
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Should I teach Lucario Shadow Claw?

Basically, go Shadow Claw if you're planning on keeping Swords Dance, and Dark Pulse if not. For your moves so far, it looks like Shadow Claw and Swords Dance is the way to go.
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Is Shadow Claw Sandslash good?

Shadow Claw* is recommended for defense since it's less likely to be resisted by attackers. Powder Snow's high energy gain gives Shadow Alolan Sandslash better odds to use a charged move. Metal Claw doesn't have a valuable typing against attackers.
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Zacian Metal Claw Vs Aegislash Shadow Claw - Pokemon Unite

Is Shadow Claw better than Dragon Breath?

Shadow Claw has good damage with great energy gain. Dragon Breath can also be viable for its superior damage output, but results in less usage of Giratina's charge moves. Generally speaking, Shadow Claw is preferred in the Master League, but both Fast Attacks are viable in the Ultra League.
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Is crunch or Shadow Claw better?

When compared to each other Crunch offers a Defence drop and Higher base Power over Shadow Claw. Shadow Claw would do more damage to a number of things. Namely some Fairies like Mawile and Gardevoir. Yes, because when Lucario is up against Mawile or Gardevoir, its best choice of moves is going to be Shadow Claw.
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Is Shadow Claw or Night Slash better?

It doesn't really matter. They are both SE against Ghost/Psychic, and they are both resisted by Dark/Steel. Ghost also can't hit normal, but Night Slash is weak to fighting. So really, it's just what you prefer.
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Is Metal Claw a good move for Lucario?

And don't use metal claw on Lucario. Steel-type sucks in coverage. Remember, there's always Heart Scales.
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Is Shadow Claw good for gengar?

In Alakazam or Mewtwo raids, it will contribute to your total damage by getting off a few very damaging Shadow Balls before it dies, so in combination with other Pokemon Gengar can definitely be worth it.
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Is Shadow Claw a ghost-type move?

Shadow Claw is an offensive Ghost-type move.
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Why is Gengar so good?

Great Special Attack, a high Speed tier, and most importantly, a near-exclusive ability in Shadow Tag leave Mega Gengar as one of the most dreaded threats in the tier that can selectively eliminate foes it desires to trap.
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Is Metal Claw a good move?

Metal Claw is a Steel-type Quick move in Pokémon GO that deals 8 damage and generates 7 energy. It is strong against Rock, Ice and Fairy Pokémon and weak against Steel, Fire, Water and Electric Pokémon.
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Can Charizard learn Shadow Claw?

Accepted Answer. Both are some of his "Level 1" moves. You'll need to use the Move Relearner in Dendemille Town for these. As a note, Shadow Claw is available through TM65, found in the Glittering Cave's first portion.
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Is Shadow Claw or Shadow Sneak better?

Finish with Shadow Sneak. Initially, I thought Shadow Claw would be better because lol mighty defense. After some battles, I realize that Shadow Sneak is superior. You use it as a finishing move or if you're guaranteed to KO the Pokemon because you are vulnerable after attacking without killing the opponent.
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What is Lucario's best moveset?

Aura Sphere is Lucario's best charge move by far, and should be paired with Force Palm*. Counter works as a slightly weaker alternative if you don't have access to Force Palm. Close Combat, Shadow Ball, Blaze Kick, Thunder Punch and Power-Up Punch aren't worth using offensively.
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Is Metal Claw good for Scizor?

A Technician scizor would give a stronger attack with metal claw, and it has the potential to boost the attack.
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What is the most powerful move in Lucario?

Lucario is a Fighting & Steel Pokémon which evolves from Riolu. It is vulnerable to Fighting, Ground and Fire moves. Lucario's strongest moveset is Counter & Aura Sphere and it has a Max CP of 2,703.
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Is leaf blade better than Night Slash?

Leaf blade covers Water/Ground/Rock and has 90 base damage which is a significant 20 above night slash. So it is your choice, water/ground/rock coverage(rock is already covered by fighting), or ghost/psychic coverage(which both resist you).
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What is the best Shadow Pokémon GO battle?

As a result, the best Shadow Pokemon are constantly changing, giving players more options for creating their own Raid-stomping Shadow team.
  • 8 Shadow Tyranitar. ...
  • 7 Shadow Hariyama. ...
  • 6 Shadow Entei. ...
  • 5 Shadow Moltres. ...
  • 4 Shadow Machamp. ...
  • 3 Shadow Weavile. ...
  • 2 Shadow Mamoswine. ...
  • 1 Shadow Mewtwo.
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Is Shadow Claw a slashing move?

The user attacks by slashing the target with a sharp claw made from shadows.
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Is Brutal Swing or Crunch better?

Brutal Swing costs the least energy and benefits from STAB. Crunch is slightly more expensive and is therefore the less preferable option, but it can occasionally provide Defense drops. Stone Edge is powerful and provides good coverage, but costs quite a lot of energy to use.
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What is the difference between night slash and Shadow Claw?

Night Slash vs. Shadow Claw really comes down to Fighting resistance vs. Normal immunity not taking STAB into account. Fighting/Ghost has perfect coverage while Fighting/Dark is resisted by Heracross and Toxicroak.
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