Is the Dragonborn a hero?

The Last Dragonborn (Laat Dovahkiin in the dragon language), also known as the Hero of Skyrim, the Dragon of the North, and simply the Dragonborn, is the main protagonist and player character of the 2011 action role-playing high fantasy video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and its three DLCs: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, ...
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Are Dragonborn good or evil?

While they are usually a hero, their morality depends on the player's choices, and at certain points in the game, the player is given the choice to commit terrible, sometimes atrocious acts.
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Who is the hero of Skyrim?

Dragonborn, hero of skyrim, leader of everything.
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Is Dragonborn a god in Skyrim?

The Dragonborn is a mortal gifted the soul of a dragon. All dragons come from Akatosh, the god of time. Every dragon and their soul is a piece of Akatosh.
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What crime did the Dragonborn commit?

The Last Dragonborn and the captured Stormcloaks are all kept as prisoners in Fort Neugrad, the Stormcloaks for being in rebellion against the Empire, and the Dragonborn for illegally crossing the border.
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Who is Tamriel's GREATEST Hero? - Elder Scrolls Discussion

What race is the Last Dragonborn canonically?

The Last Dragonborn being a Nord is certainly poetic in consideration of the province's culture, but Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls at large show that the race of Tamriel's most venerated heroes is usually inconsequential.
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Which God created the Dragonborn?

Also known as the Dragon God of Time, Akatosh is responsible for the creation of both dragons and Dragonborn – all of these individuals have a piece of Akatosh's soul within them.
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Is Alduin the Dragonborns brother?

Since the Dragonborn has the soul of a dragon, Alduin could technically be the Dragonborn's brother, but this is subjected to debate as he is also mortal. Ironically, despite referring to the Dovahkin as being arrogant, it was his own arrogance that led to his demise.
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Which god would the Dragonborn worship?

In the Realms, Dragonborn are most likely to worship Ilmater and Chauntea. They also worship the Untheric god Enlil. The worship of any member of the draconic pantheon was taboo in dragonborn culture due to their long history of enslavement by dragons on their homeworld, but only the faith of Tiamat…
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Who is the strongest god Skyrim?

Akatosh is the most powerful god in the Elder Scrolls universe. Akatosh was the first god born in the Beginning Place and is often portrayed as a gold dragon. It is said that Akatosh is the creator of the dragons.
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Who is the real villain in Skyrim?

Alduin, also known as The World-Eater, is the Nordic God of Destruction and the main antagonist of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He is the eldest son of the main god in the series, Akatosh, the god of time, and his evil counterpart.
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Who is the strongest in Skyrim?

While the strongest person in Skyrim is almost always going to be the Dragonborn (followed by enemies), the humans in the Old Kingdom aren't exactly weak and useless. On the contrary, several humans are essential components of the Dragonborn's journey from the execution block to Sovngarde.
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Who is the true king of Skyrim?

With the support of Galmar stone fist as well as all of windhelm and half of SKyrim, whose allegiance to the nord warrior was brought by the Markarth incident, Ulfric declared himself the ''True'' High King of Skyrim.
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Why do Dragonborn hate dragons?

Because in the Forgotten Realms lore for Dragonborn, they were oppressed by the dragons and only gained their freedom through sheer force. For that same reason, they also avoid worshiping gods for fear of their cruelty or tyranny.
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Is A Dragonborn Immortal?

Being Dragonborn doesn't seem to have any effect on anyone's lifespan, in and of itself. So a Dragonborn would live as long as their race would normally live. That would be a few hundred years for elves, about a hundred years for men and Orsimer, and unknown for Khajiit, and Argonians.
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Who killed the Dragonborn?

Miraak appears one last time at the end of this quest to kill the Dragonborn and devour their soul so that he may return to Solstheim.
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Did dragons create Dragonborn?

Dragonborn are a humanoid race created by either Dragon gods or powerful dragons themselves through dragon eggs initially. That's their creation myth/lore. They aren't "half" anything, they are 100% dragonborn, a humanoid race with draconic features who claim origins among dragons.
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Are there female Dragonborn?

The Last Dragonborn is all races, all genders, all classes. They are potential incarnate, Unbound from fate, with perception transcending causality.
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What is the most powerful Dragonborn?

  • 7 Reman Cyrodiil. ...
  • 6 Mankar Camoran. ...
  • 5 Wulfharth. ...
  • 4 Martin Septim. ...
  • 3 Tiber Septim. ...
  • 2 Miraak. ...
  • 1 The Last Dragonborn.
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Are all Dragonborn human?

In Skyrim, your Dragonborn doesn't have to be human, and I understand that being "dragonborn" isn't tied to race. That's why you can play as a khajiit or a dark elf and still be dragonborn.
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What is the true name of the Dragonborn?

He has an actual name—Miraak. And the same goes for you. I'm getting technical, but my point is that Last Dragonborn is obviously a descriptor, and I think Prisoner is the same thing. Up until you give your character their actual name, Prisoner is what everyone else around you calls you.
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What does Alduin say when he dies?

So the last words Alduin say after defeating him are “Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis oblaan” and after researching what it means it actually translates into “I am eternal!
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What is the lifespan of a Dragonborn?

Dragonborn Traits

Age: Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80.
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Is Ulfric a Dragonborn?

A lot of the Dragonborn's abilites and Ulfric's does seem to line up, and yet he isn't the Dragonborn. And this is because Ulfric is quite simply wasn't chosen. This may have been due to his imprisonment by the Thalmor in the Great War, but the Greybeards did not call him to High Hrothgar.
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Would a Dragonborn worship Bahamut?

Likewise, dragonborn viewed Bahamut not only as their deity, but also as their father, and as such they honored and respected him above all.
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