Is there a armor villager?

Armorer villagers and leatherworker villagers both will trade the player armor in return for emeralds. The leatherworker is not recommended because it only trades for leather armor, which is one of the lowest-tiered armor in the game.
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Which villager sells armor?

Armorer. The armorer villager is who players need to go to if they would like to get diamond armor. This villager has five different levels: Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, and Master.
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What block makes a villager a Armour?

Minecraft Villager Job Blocks

Here is the list: Armourer: Blast Furnace.
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What profession is villager armor?

As the name tells, an armorer is responsible for trading armor pieces. This villager job is centered around a blast furnace, which is used to melt ores. As for trading, you can get pieces of armor, a bell, and a shield from them.
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What villager gives chain armor?

Find an armorer blacksmith's house in a village.

Only blacksmiths with the armorer job will trade chain armor.
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I Got The Worlds Best Minecraft Armor

How to make villagers breed?

Make sure that villagers receive 14 food points – a bread delivers 4 points and similarly, potatoes, carrots, beetroots come with 1 point each. 5. After that, leave two villagers in a building and come back in the next 20 minutes – a baby villager would appear, and grant a bed to him/her as well.
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How to change villager biome?

The villager biome conversion could be done by right clicking a zombie villager with a sapling that represents a biome. So for example a mangrove propagule could be used to get a swamp zombie villager.
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What makes an armorer?

Historically, an armourer is a person who makes personal armour, especially plate armour. In modern terms, an armourer is a member of a military or police force who works in an armoury and maintains and repairs small arms and weapons systems, with some duties resembling those of a civilian gunsmith.
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What are the best villager trades for Armour?

Similar to the leggings, the armorer also offers a trade for enchanted diamond boots. The expert-level armorer offers a pair of enchanted diamond boots for 13-27 emeralds. While villagers may take quite a bit to get to the expert level, it is extremely worth it for the armorer.
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Why won't my villager accept a job?

They won't take any form of profession until after they have linked with a bed. If the villager is not linked with a bed, they won't be able to take a job. Place a bed near the villager and give them a few seconds to link with it. Once linked, they should be able to take on a profession.
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What block gives villagers armor?

Armorer. Created when an unemployed villager claims a blast furnace block, armorers love working on armor much like their name suggests. They're willing to trade away items like iron armor, shields, and bell blocks.
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How do villagers get angry?

If a villager cannot pathfind to their claimed site, both the block and the villager emit anger particles; the job site block may need to be broken before the villager relinquishes it.
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How do you make a villager protector?

How to make an Iron Golem in Minecraft and turn it into your personal bodyguard
  1. You can make an Iron Golem in Minecraft using four iron blocks and a carved pumpkin.
  2. If you place four iron blocks in a "T" shape and put a pumpkin on top, the structure will turn into an Iron Golem.
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How to grow a baby villager?

Villagers will breed autonomously, but need doors and need to be willing in order to spawn baby villagers. After exactly 20 minutes during which the baby villager is within render distance, the baby villager will grow up to an adult.
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How to cure zombie villagers?

Armor. A zombie villager is a variant of the zombie that can be cured into a normal villager using a golden apple while it is under the effect of Weakness.
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Do villagers despawn?

Distance from Village: Villagers need to be within the boundaries of a village to retain their profession and avoid despawning. If a villager wanders too far from the village or gets separated from it, they may despawn.
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Which villager is armor?

Armorer villagers and leatherworker villagers both will trade the player armor in return for emeralds. The leatherworker is not recommended because it only trades for leather armor, which is one of the lowest-tiered armor in the game.
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Can villagers wear armor?

By enclosing an individual villager with a dispenser, it can have armor items applied to it, which will increase its defense and provide a huge boost to its survivability.
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What villager sells horse armor?

Expert-level leatherworker villagers sell leather horse armor for 6 emeralds as part of their trade.
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