Is there a Easter egg on Nacht Der Untoten?

An Easter Egg can be found inside the help room, you can find a radio between the mystery box and the stairs, if you shoot or knife the radio, it will play one of the many songs found throughout Zombies.
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Is there pack-a-punch on Nacht der Untoten?

The Pack-A-Punch can be accessed from Nacht der Untoten by entering the Apothicon at any time for the remainder of the game.
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Is there a mystery box in Nacht der Untoten?

The Mystery Box is in the same location and will never move. The special weapons in the Mystery Box of Nacht Der Untoten include: Ray Gun. Monkey Bomb.
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What is the incident in Nacht der Untoten?

An Allied plane malfunctions over an airfield and crashes. German Army trucks transporting the undead and Element 115 between Group 935 facilities, are struck in the crash. The marines surviving the crash hold out against the undead as long as they can.
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Is Nacht Der Untoten the hardest map?

1 Nacht Der Untoten

Even with Gobblegums in Black Ops 3, reaching high rounds remains a tricky task, making it one of the few maps in that game with such a distinction. For players looking for the original, challenging Zombies experience, Nacht Der Untoten is their best bet.
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NEW SAMANTHA HIDE & SEEK EASTER EGG: Zombies Chronicles Nacht Der Untoten Easter Egg! (BO3 Zombies)

Where is Nacht Der Untoten in real life?

Nacht der Untoten has been uncovered in real life! It is a Japanese Air HQ Building on Peleliu Island. Photographs are from 1944 and in Call of Duty, Nacht was relocated to Morasko Poland.
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What happened to the 4 Marines in Nacht Der Untoten?

Overview. The team was sent to the asylum to extract OSS operative Peter McCain. They failed in their mission and, with the exception of "Tank" Dempsey and Paxton "Gunner" Ridge, were killed by the overwhelming hordes of zombies.
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Who do you play as in Nacht Der Untoten?

The players play as four unnamed soldiers as they make a last stand during the night. Nacht der Untoten set the bar for future maps, including basic features that will be used at later dates.
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What is the highest round record on Nacht Der Untoten?

According to Gaming Intel - Esports and Video Games News , “Thanks to the efforts of one truly dedicated Call of Duty Zombies player, the world record of Nacht Der Untoten now sits at the unbeatable Round 255. For those unaware, without PC mods, the highest possible wave in Black Ops 3's Zombies mode is Round 255.”
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Why is Nacht der Untoten so hard?

Nacht Der Untoten is as barebones as you can get in Zombies. Few perks (outside of the Black Ops 3 version), no Pack-A-Punch, and barely any rooms, all make for an exceedingly difficult map.
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Is there a wonder weapon in Nacht der Untoten?

The Wonder Weapon on the Black Ops version of Nacht Der Untoten only is the Thundergun. This gun shoots a massive blast of air which can kill up to a whole wave of zombies in one blast. Here is everything you need to know about the The Thundergun: Only one player can obtain it at any one time.
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Why is Nacht der Untoten so small?

They never planned for zombies to get as big as it did, Nacht was just an easter egg for people that finished the campaign. The map was seriously nothing more than a mini-game, just like zombies was back then. Things have changed, eh?
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What does Shi No Numa mean?

Shi No Numa (Japanese for Swamp of Death) is the third Zombie Map from Call of Duty World at War.
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How do you get flamethrower Nacht?

Sadly, it's not something you can simply find. To get the Flamethrower, you'll have to receive it from the Random Box, which can be found in the unlockable room on the first floor (the room that says "HELP" on the door leading into it -- it costs 1000 points to open). Every attempt at the Random Box costs 950 points.
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What guns are in the wall on Nacht Der Untoten?

Wall Weapons include the Kar98k, M1A1 Carbine, Double-Barreled Shotgun, Thompson, BAR, M1897 Trench Gun, Sawed-Off Double-Barreled Shotgun, Stielhandgranate. The Thompson is located in the second room and is always worth waiting for, get the first door open as soon as you can as this gun will help you for many rounds.
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Did the Marines survive Nacht Der Untoten?

Overview. In Nacht Der Untoten, a plane carrying marines back to the U.S. was shot down and only four survived. They fend off against zombies in an abandoned German Bunker. In Verrückt, a small strike team of four sent to extract the OSS Operative Peter McCain.
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Does Verruckt have an Easter egg?

There is no main Easter egg in Verrückt, but there are several minor Easter eggs that can be found among the many versions of the map.
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Is there juggernog in nacht?

Juggernog is a Perk in Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops. It appears in every Nazi Zombies map (excluding Nacht der Untoten).
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Is Primis Richtofen dead?

Remarking that he was the "nicest" Richtofen and that no one will ever remember him, Primis Richtofen soon dies from blood loss in the Dark Mechanism, effectively breaking the cycle caused by his actions.
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Was Dempsey in nacht?

Tank Dempsey is an American playable character in the zombie franchise. He appears in most of the maps, except Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt, "Five", and Call of the Dead.
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What happened to the Nacht der Untoten crew?

They died in verruckt. Dempsey is the only survivor and was taken by 935 and experimented on by richtofen. Did you ever follow the storyline dude ? The four marines who crashed in Nacht are not the same as the four marines who ventured into Verruckt.
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What was the first Zombies map?

Nacht der Untoten (German: "Night of the Undead") is the first map of the Zombies Storyline. It is also the smallest and simplest, as there are only three rooms in this map.
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Where is Kino der Toten in real life?

Well the botanical garden in STL thing was actually stated or alluded to by Jimmy Zielinski.
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