Is there a Gigantamax Machamp?

You can find Gigantamax Machamp through Max Raid Battles.
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How to get a gigantamax Machamp?

Open your main menu by clicking the X button then head to the Mystery Gift option. Once there, select “Get the Wild Area News.” Doing so will update your game to include Gigantamax Machamp and Gengar as a possible spawn within the Wild Area.
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What does gigantamax Machamp look like?

As Gigantamax Machamp, it swells to enormous proportions and acquires immeasurable strength. Due to Gigantamaxing, its arms are filled with Gigantamax energy, making its punches as hard as bomb blasts. Its bluish-gray skin becomes darker. The ridges on its head are also darker, with the middle ridge becoming longer.
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Is there a Gigantamax Gengar?

Gigantamax Gengar also has fantastic Sp. Atk and Speed stats, so you can often outspeed other Pokémon and deal big damage with a variety of other Max Moves. Gigantamax Gengar also excels when paired up with another Special Attack-oriented Pokémon.
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What is Machamp gmax move?

G-Max Chi Strike is a G-Max Move from Pokémon Sword and Shield, exclusive to Machamp. Fighting type moves turn into G-Max Chi Strike during Gigantamax. G-Max Chi Strike deals damage and increases the user's critical hit ratio.
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Pokémon Sword & Shield - All Characters Dynamax Animations

Is Mega Machamp a thing?

While there is no doubt that Mega Machamp is powerful its strength has actually been reduced since it wears the same power saving device that it wore as Machoke, albeit in a cross banded shape across its thorax.
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Are Gmax Pokémon stronger?

Gigantamax Pokemon also grow and become more powerful. Unlike Dynamaxing, which changes the size of the Pokemon but keeps its appearance, Gigantamaxing a Pokemon changes both its size and appearance - this replaces a Pokemon's Dynamax function.
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Is Ash's Pikachu a Gigantamax?

In the Pokémon Journeys series of the anime, it's revealed that Ash's Pikachu has access to its Gigantamax form. This is referred to as the Gigantamax Factor in the Pokémon video games.
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Is Eternatus a Gigantamax?

Eternatus does not have evolutions, but it does have two forms. Eternatus's regular form and the Eternamax form. The Eternamax form is only encountered in the battle at the Energy Plant. As of this writing, you cannot Dynamax/Gigantamax Eternatus to achieve the Eternamax form.
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Is Gigantamax better than Dynamax?

Dynamax Pokemon gain Max Moves, which are more powerful versions of the regular moves they already know. Gigantamax Pokemon gain ultra-powerful G-Max Moves, which are unique to that Pokemon's species, and replace a certain type of move for each species.
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Is a Machamp rare?

Machamp was printed in massive quantities–well into the millions. It is unknown exactly how many copies of Machamp were printed, but it is one of the most common Base Set rares in collections today.
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How rare is Vmax Machamp?

Machamp VMAX - 073/189 - Ultra Rare.
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How to get Gmax Pikachu?

Gigantamax Pikachu

If your Switch has save data from Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, you'll be able to receive a special Pikachu that can Gigantamax in Pokemon Sword and Shield. This special Pikachu will be unable to evolve. To redeem it, you'll need to visit the Wild Area Station in the game.
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How to get Gmax Duraludon?

When you're in front of the Watchtower Lair, select the Dynamax Crystal in your Bag and choose to use it. A large pillar of light will appear coming from the Watchtower Lair. Press the A Button to investigate the active den and choose to challenge the Gigantamax Duraludon within.
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How to get Gmax Lapras?

They're most often encountered while "surfing" on a body of water, and like rain, snow, and fog. If it's Gigantamax Lapras you're looking for, then only Shield players have access. They can find it at Giant's Seat. Sword players will have to wait for a special event to find G-man Lapras raids.
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Did Goh catch Eternatus?

Goh catches Eternatus, and after adding it to his Pokédex, he leaves its Poké Ball with Professor Magnolia for safekeeping.
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Is Eternatus a 100% catch?

We suggest Espurr and Sneasel take the psychic and ice roles, respectively. Once defeated, throw any ball you have laying around at Eternatus to catch them. Eternatus has a 100 percent catch rate, so don't worry about ball quality.
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Was Eternatus evil?

Eternatus is the second villainous Pokémon in the main series games, the first being Necrozma from Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon. Just like Necrozma, Eternatus is a powerful alien that came from space and gathers energy within its core, which it can turn into a beam for massive damage.
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Is Ash's Pikachu a girl?

Any event that distributes the Electric Mouse Pokémon makes it male with no way to get it as a female. This is especially noteworthy for the special Pikachu in a cap, which is supposed to be based directly on Ash's Pikachu. This seems to act as definitive proof that Pikachu is a male in the eyes of the game developers.
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Is Ash Pikachu level 100?

Ash's pikachu is actually probably level 68. It loses a level for every scrub trainer, two for every important character, and 3 for every gym ash fails to immediately use pikachu on. It then gains 28 levels on the 8th gym and league, when Ash lets pika fight to it's full potential.
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What is Pikachu's real name?

In Electric Tale of Pikachu, Ash gives him the name "Jean Luc Pikachu", a reference to Jean-Luc Picard from the Star Trek franchise.
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Is Gmax better or Mega?

Mega evolution, however, gives you a 100 base stat boost and it can really improve your game. It also lasts forever until you faint or the battle is over. To be honest, it doesn't really matter which one, but I would take mega evolution over gigantamax.
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What is stronger Z moves or Gigantamax?

Z-Moves are superior to Dynamaxing/Gigantamaxing because they're far stronger than Max Moves and G-Max Moves, but similarly, the Pokémon using them doesn't get any stat boosts before using the attack.
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How to make max soup?

After completing the second trial dojo master Mustard has for you, you'll be able to use Max Soup. He'll task you with finding Max Mushrooms, the main ingredient in Max Soup. For every batch of soup you make, you'll need three Max Mushrooms. You can find the chef that makes Max Soup in the kitchen of the dojo.
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