Is there a khajiit you can marry?

Shahvee is the only female argonian you can marry, there are no khajiit you can marry.
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What races can you marry in Skyrim?

Love is love in the land of Skyrim. You're free to marry anyone of any gender or race. Male Orcs can marry female Dark Elves, female Bretons can marry female Redguards, male Imperials can marry male Argonians. It's all good!
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Is there a khajiit companion?

Trivia. Kharjo is one of two Khajiit in the game who can become a follower; the other being J'zargo, a student mage at the College of Winterhold. He has the sneak perk Silent Roll, as do many followers, and will use it if sneaking and far enough away from the Dragonborn in order to catch up.
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Is there a female khajiit follower?

Naashi is a young khajiit girl with many skills in ranged combat. She spent her life in the dense forests of Skyrim and became an expert hunter.
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Who is the Khajiit god?

Which god(s) in the Khajiit pantheon are the most revered? Most text imply Jone and Jode are their main gods and the most revered. Meanwhile other sources say that Alkosh is more popular especially in the northern regions.
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Skyrim - How To Marry Khajiits.

Can you marry Kharjo?

For example, if you want to marry Kharjo, complete the quest "Amulet of the Moon". Teldryn Sero (After get marriedd with him, you can't hire him as a follower. Speak to him and ask him to become a mercenary again.)
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What is the most common breed of Khajiit?

6 Suthay-Raht

One of the most common form of Khajiit. Suthay-raht are bipedal and similar in build and height to the races of man. Their bodies are completely covered in fur of different colors and patterns and have digitigrade legs.
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Why are Khajiit banned from cities?

Basically they think all Khajiit are thieves and drug dealers. I think the Khajiit just tell people that they aren't allowed in cities, when in reality they don't want to enter because then there's a greater chance of them getting caught selling drugs. They let you in, if you're a Khajiit.
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Who is the best female to marry in Skyrim?

Aela The Huntress is one of the most popular wives in Skyrim, and it's not without good reason. In a world where many women are unable to live out their adventuring dreams, she stands out as a powerful warrior, confident leader, and one of the most fascinating members of the Companions.
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Can you take a wife in Skyrim?

Getting married in Skyrim is actually pretty easy. All you need to do it head to Riften and find the Temple of Mara. Once there, speak to the priest about weddings to have them explain how the process works. You'll then need to buy an amulet of Mara, which you can then wear while speaking to your potential betrothed.
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How many wives can you have in Skyrim?

You can only have one spouse. So, once you decide to marry, it's forever even if that NPC dies.
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What races can you not marry in Skyrim?

In Skyrim, you can marry anyone of any gender or race.
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Can a Khajiit become a vampire in Skyrim?

Khajiits can become vampires as easily as the others. The only races that usually don't catch it in battle with vampires are Argonians and Redguards because of their disease resistances.
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Can a human marry a Khajiit?

Shahvee is the only female argonian you can marry, there are no khajiit you can marry.
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How old can Khajiit live?

Different Khajiit born under different cycles have significantly different life spans. They can range from 150 to 400 years, if not more. Alignment. Khajiit tend toward chaotic alignments, as they let impulse and fancy guide their decisions.
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Who is the best khajiit follower?

6 J'zargo Is The Best Khajiit Follower In Skyrim

J'zargo prefers to focus on lightning and fire magic, although he can wield many different elemental attacks in combat as needed. His personality is not the best, but it is still fun to be able to have a Khajiit as a follower.
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Is there a Khajiit companion in Skyrim?

Kharjo is one of only two Khajiit followers available in the game, the other being J'zargo. Kharjo may have been depicted, albeit with some changes, in the card Caravan Enforcer in the Heroes of Skyrim card expansion for Legends.
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Can you marry kids in Skyrim?

However, this bonus cannot be obtained if the Lover Stone is activated (a workaround can be used with the Aetherial Crown), or if the Blood Ritual has been taken to become a Werewolf. If the Official Plug-in Hearthfire is installed, marriage can also include children.
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Where does Kharjo go if you dismiss him?

After aquiring Kharjo as a follower, by doing his quest, if you decide to split ways he will say something along the lines of "heading home" and after this it can be quite difficult to find him again. The easiest way to find him again is to wait at the small camp next to Riften Stables.
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Is Tabaxi a Khajiit?

Tabaxi are mischievous and deceitful, fun loving cat people, perhaps related to the Khajiit, though this is not known. The origin of the strange race known as Tabaxi is unknown. Perhaps they are the result of magic gone wrong, perhaps the madness of the gods, or perhaps simple wicked fate.
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What language do Khajiit speak?

Ta'agra is the language spoken by the Khajiit. It was created for The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard and is also found sparsely in the Elder Scrolls series, mostly through Khajiit names. Ta'agra was recorded and expanded by the Ta'agra Project, who's work is used for Beyond Skyrim: Elsweyr.
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What daedra do Khajiit worship?

The feline-like race of Khajiit hailing from Elsweyr are extremely spiritual folk, worshipping the moons Jone and Jode. They considered their gods as ancestor spirits and revered Azurah, the Mother of all Khajiit most of all.
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