Is there a level cap in AC Odyssey?

Players can also find lots of story and side quests, many enticing mysteries, and valuable treasures in the game. However, the game has a limit to the level at which a player can reach. The limit is set to be Level 99, and players will not be able to go beyond this AC Odyssey Level cap.
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What is the max level AC Odyssey?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Max level is 99. You will continue to get skill points each time you fill the xp bar even after you're level 99.
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Can you get to level 99 in AC Odyssey?

With a 99 level cap, mastery levels after that, and the Atlantis dlc you have way more than enough ability points to get them all. But don't do that, it's a waste of points. Just get the passive ones that buff your character, then get things like critical assassination and overprower strike if you like those.
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How to increase level cap in AC Odyssey?

  1. Pile Up Good Contracts. Contracts are a major part of AC Odyssey, and the game is absolutely full of them. ...
  2. Sail The Seas And Utilize Ship-Based Sidequests. ...
  3. Complete All Location Objectives In An Area. ...
  4. Story Creator Mode Quest Exploits. ...
  5. Conquest Battles. ...
  6. The Arena. ...
  7. Complete Bounties. ...
  8. Focusing On Main Quests.
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What happens after level 50 in ac odyssey?

Once you have reached level 50, you can spend your Ability Points on Mastery Levels to improve your Assassin, Hunter and Warrior skills further. Bonuses gained through Mastery Levels, such as additional armour, damage or health, will be added on top of existing bonuses gained from weapons, gear and engravings.
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Assassin's Creed Odyssey Max Level - ALL THINGS You Can Do After You Finished The Game (AC Odyssey)

What is the level cap in AC Odyssey without DLC?

The original cap was 50, so things should stop being an issue after that. Anything higher is only to beat the S-tier mercenaries. Yes you can reach level 99 without DLC/Season Pass.
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How long is AC Odyssey 100%?

When focusing on the main objectives, Assassin's Creed Odyssey is about 45½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 144 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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What level do you finish AC Odyssey?

Hard to say, it depends how much side stuff you do. Personally I was level 61 when I finished. For most players, typically around 50 to 70.
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How many endings does AC Odyssey have?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey offers many story choices to players that will decide what kind of ending they will get out of nine available options, which may cause players to wonder what is the best ending that they can obtain in the game.
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How do you get the secret ending in AC Odyssey?

How to get the best ending in Assassin's Creed Odyssey
  1. Spare Nikolaus during Chapter Two.
  2. Promise Myrinne you will try to save Deimos from the Cult of Kosmos in Chapter Six.
  3. Convince Nikolaus to intervene with Stentor when you encounter both again during Chapter Seven.
  4. Do not kill Stentor in Chapter Seven.
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Can you still play AC Odyssey after ending?

Once you have completed the main story on any difficulty, you will be able to start over with New Game+, keeping previously gathered experience and weapons. To begin your adventure anew, head over to the main menu and select New Game+. This will not overwrite your manual save files from your previous adventure.
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What gives you the most XP in AC Odyssey?

Complete Conquest Battles

While murdering people and completing Locaton Objectives at different forts, camps, and houses in an area, you'll eventually unlock that area's Conquest Battle. These, too, will give you a "Legendary" armound of XP and some Epic Gear, so they're always worth your time.
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What is the highest Odyssey level?

Players can also find lots of story and side quests, many enticing mysteries, and valuable treasures in the game. However, the game has a limit to the level at which a player can reach. The limit is set to be Level 99, and players will not be able to go beyond this AC Odyssey Level cap.
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Does level matter in AC Odyssey?

Everything gives you more xp on higher level. So if you do quest level 80 you will get more xp than if you do quest level 50. So no matter what the difficulty is, always set level scaling at heavy so quest will always at your level.
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What is the highest level achievable in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

What's the level cap in Assassin's Creed Odyssey? 99, But also there are 72 Mastery Levels(one for each statistic) and each one of them can be upgraded 20 times. So another 1440 levels.
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What do you get for 100% Odyssey?

The golden balloon and new Bowser portrait appear if you collect everything. They are separate rewards. You can get these two achievements in either order, too.
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What level is the Sphinx in AC Odyssey?

Once you've discovered Atlantis and spoken to your real dad, he'll give you a quest called Lore of the Sphinx, locked at Level 35, and also half a medallion. Once you're ready, head to the Strange Ruins, which are in the Southern Part of Lake Kopais, Boeotia.
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What level is Medusa AC Odyssey?

As reported by GamesRadar, players must reach at least level 46 to unlock the Medusa quest. However, achieving the highest level of 50 will give the character the best chance to defeat Medusa, as all her warriors are level 50 as well.
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How many years does AC Odyssey span?

The main game's core story (the family one) starts in 431 and ends around 422 , that's 9 years.
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Can phoibe be saved?

The players will rush to save Phoibe, but by the time they reach it will be too late and Phoibe will die from the wounds inflicted by the Cultists.
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How to get secret ending ac odyssey?

8 How To Get The Best Ending (Overview)
  1. Do Not Kill Nikolaus (Chapter 2).
  2. Don't Agitate Deimos (Chapter 3).
  3. Tell Myrrine You'll Try To Save Deimos (Chapter 6).
  4. Convince Nikolaus To Step In With Stentor (Chapter 7).
  5. Start To Help Deimos Unravel Their Brainwashing (Chapter 8).
  6. Refuse To Fight Deimos (Chapter 9).
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Can you bring Deimos back?

To get the best ending where all of your family members are around, tell Myrinne "I'll bring Deimos back." This may or may not affect the ending, but to be safe if you want the "happiest" one, say, "Hold on!" after fighting Deimos.
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Is there level scaling in AC Odyssey?

To enable Level Scaling: - Select Options from the main menu. - Navigate to the Gameplay tab. - Toggle the Level Scaling option to your preferred setting.
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What level should I upgrade gear AC Odyssey?

Upgrading gear/weapons is good every 10 levels. Legendary gear (Cultist and Mercenary sets) are best to wait until you complete the set because it will automatically upgrade to the highest piece you have.
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