Is there a safe haven in Elden Ring?

If any Elden Ring location is deserving of DLC attention, it's the Haligtree. Found beyond the Consecrated Snowfield, the Haligtree and the city surrounding it, Elphael, were once beautiful safe havens for the Lands Between's most vulnerable people.
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Is there a safe place in Elden Ring?

The only locations in the game that were thought to be completely safe from enemy intervention are the Sites of Grace, that is until now. The Sites of Grace are checkpoints in Elden Ring. They function in the same fashion that bonfires would in the Dark Souls series.
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Are there any peaceful places in Elden Ring?

It's rare to find an area of Elden Ring as peaceful as Jarburg since the creatures (Living Jars) that inhabit this tiny town are mostly peaceful and will not attack the player even if they are near them.
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Can you go anywhere you want in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring is a true open world game. That means you can go anywhere and do anything. The answer to "where to go next?" is wherever you want! If you want to advance the main story, you can follow the trails from Sites of Grace.
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Is Elden Ring like Skyrim?

Elden Ring features a much larger map than Skyrim, providing many varied locations filled with potential enemies and quests to complete. While in Skyrim, you often travel gigantic distances never using your weapons – Elden Ring promises plenty of activities and breathtaking locations to explore.
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Elden Ring: 10 Things The Game DOESN'T TELL YOU

Which map is bigger, Skyrim or Elden Ring?

It may then surprise players to know that, in the grand scheme of things, the open world isn't all that big. At 30.5 square miles, or 79 square kilometers, it is bigger than the map of some classic open-world games like Skyrim, but it still falls short of plenty of others.
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How long does it take to beat Elden Ring?

And become the Elden Lord. How long is Elden Ring? When focusing on the main objectives, Elden Ring is about 59½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 133 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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What happens if you refuse melina?

You have to accept Melina's accord in Elden Ring if you want to level up and get your horse. While suspicion is wise in a FromSoftware game, you really have to say yes here. Because without her, you'll be cut off from some crucial tools.
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Does Elden Ring lock you into endings?

Yep, once you beat Elden Ring you'll have to do it again in New Game Plus to see the other possible endings. (Or just watch them on YouTube.) You need to choose wisely before initiating the final boss fight, ensuring that you've set yourself up for the ending you most want to achieve.
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What is the main goal of Elden Ring?

Your main quest is to reach the Great Erdtree and become the Elden Lord. To do this, you must find a Maiden. We'll guide you through this below, but first we'll list all of the necessary steps that you must complete in Limgrave: Unlock the ability to level up in Elden Ring.
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What's the hardest area in Elden Ring?

  • 7 Sellia Crystal Tunnel. The Sellia Crystal Tunnel is one of the hardest and earliest areas players can reach as soon as they begin the game. ...
  • 6 Nokron, The Eternal City. ...
  • 5 Liurnia Of The Lakes. ...
  • 4 Atlus Plateau. ...
  • 3 Leyndell, Royal Capital. ...
  • 2 Mountaintops Of The Giants. ...
  • 1 Caelid.
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Have all Elden Ring secrets been found?

The director of Elden Ring has revealed that, while players have found most of them, Elden Ring still holds “a small element” that hasn't been discovered yet. Elden Ring is absolutely full of secrets.
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Are there friendly people in Elden Ring?

Melina may not be the only friendly NPC in Elden Ring, but she's certainly the most prominent, accompanying your character throughout their entire journey and serving as a catalyst for both the plot and almost all of the crucial mechanics.
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Where is the most peaceful place in Elden Ring?

Liurnia Highway South. North of Stormveil castle is a Site of Grace that can be reached early on in the game and quickly after defeating Godrick, the Grafted. Liurnia Highway is a peaceful location great for sightseeing the vast land.
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Is there anything inappropriate in Elden Ring?

There's no dismemberment or gore. The enemies are not humans (but two late game bosses are). The only thing that gives this game a higher rating is the fact that it is for the mature. If you get easily angry or give up quickly it's probably not for you.
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Is it worth killing NPCs in Elden Ring?

Spare NPCs like Alexander, Nepheli Loux, and Hyetta to get valuable rewards and avoid missing out on questlines. Keeping NPCs like Gowry, Millicent, Thops, and Gatekeeper Gostoc alive leads to more rewards and benefits in Elden Ring.
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What is the hardest boss in Elden Ring?

Malenia (329 million attempts) – It couldn't be anyone else and the enormous difference with respect to the second in the classification makes it clear. Malenia is the most difficult boss in Elden Ring, as simple as that.
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How to become Elden Lord?

This is the standard ending for Elden Ring, seeing your Tarnished take the throne and become Elden Lord after choosing to Mend the Elden Ring after the final boss battle. Getting this ending only requires you to follow the story and beat each of the Main Bosses.
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Does Melina hate you if you save her?

You will need to take her place as the sacrifice to light the Erdtree, and even though you'll be saving her life in the process, Melina will hate you forever.
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How does Melina betray you?

If the player ignores her warnings, or just inherits the Frenzied Flame without speaking with her, she will say that The Tarnished is no longer fit, ending her accord, and forever leaving their side but threatening to kill them should they become Lord of Chaos.
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What ending does Melina give you?

Elden Ring Melina ending

This is the standard Elden Ring ending, the one that Melina has been leading you to throughout the game. Once you've defeated the Elden Beast, walk over and touch Fractured Marika, choosing the option to mend the ring. The Tarnished will become Elden Lord and sit upon the throne.
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What is the longest game ever?

What's the Overall Longest Game? According to HLTB, the crown for longest overall video game belongs to Melvor Idle, a Runescape-inspired idle/incremental game with an estimated playtime of 3,126 hours.
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Who is the final boss in Elden Ring?

Elden Beast is the final boss of Elden Ring. It is encountered inside the Erdtree in Leyndell, Ashen Capital.
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How hard is it to 100% Elden Ring?

It's really not that hard to 100% ER, friendo. Certainly not as hard as the Souls series where you needed to do covenant quests/multiplayer. Edit: the cheese would be save scumming for different endings so you wouldn't have to actually beat the game 3 different times.
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