Is Tyranitar better than dragonite?

Tyranitar has slightly higher defensive stats and its Stone Edge is super effective against Dragonite but then again Dragonite can hit pretty hard even without SE with Dragon Tail and Outrage and its ATK is slightly higher too.
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Which Pokémon is better than Dragonite?

Salamence also sits in a much better Speed tier than Dragonite.
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Who is better than Tyranitar?

The best Pokemon Go Tyranitar counters are Mega Lucario, Keldeo, Terrakion, Mega Blaziken, Mega Gallade & Shadow Conkeldurr. Login to see your custom results!
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Is larvitar or Dratini better?

Rash or Mild nature is what you're looking for. Which one do you like better? Go for that, both are good. Personally, I'd use both, but If you don't want to change your team, I'd recommend Dratini, because it learns good moves early on.
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What is the best Pokémon to beat Dragonite?

The best Pokemon Go Dragonite counters are Shadow Mamoswine, Mega Glalie, Mega Gardevoir, Shadow Articuno, Cetitan & Mega Rayquaza. Login to see your custom results!
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Whose Dragonite is the strongest?

Definitely one of his strongest Pokémon.
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What kills Dragonite fastest?

The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Dragonite are:
  • Darmanitan (Galarian Zen),
  • Darmanitan (Galarian Standard),
  • Kyurem (Black),
  • Mamoswine,
  • Weavile.
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Should I buy Tyranitar or Dragonite?

Tyranitar has slightly higher defensive stats and its Stone Edge is super effective against Dragonite but then again Dragonite can hit pretty hard even without SE with Dragon Tail and Outrage and its ATK is slightly higher too.
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Is Tyranitar stronger than Charizard?

Tyranitar is still leaps and bounds above Charizard, even with Mega Evolutions. Both standard and Mega Tyranitar's Sp. Def is absolutely monstrous because of Sandstorm and while Tyranitar has more weaknesses including a 4x weakness to Fighting, he's also much sturdier and much bulkier than Charizard to take it.
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Who can defeat Dratini?

The best Pokemon Go Dratini counters are Shadow Rayquaza, Mega Garchomp, Mega Rayquaza, Shadow Weavile, Shadow Dragonite & Dialga - Origin.
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How strong is Tyranitar?

Extremely strong, it can change the landscape. It is so insolent that it doesn't care about others. The effects of Mega Evolution make it more ferocious than ever. It's unclear whether it can even hear its Trainer's orders.
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Is Tyranitar or garchomp better?

Garchomp is better. He's really strong, really fast, and gets STAB Dragon and Ground, which is awesome. However, Tyranatar has Sand Stream. if you have a ground/rock/steel team going, he would be a great choice.
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Is Dragonite stronger than gengar?

A level 34 Gengar with 2506 CP defeats a level 34 Dragonite with 3327 CP in this battle simulation. The attacking Gengar was using Shadow Claw as its quick and Shadow Ball as its special move. The defending Dragonite was using Steel Wing as its quick and Dragon Claw as its special move.
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Who is stronger Dragonite or Greninja?

Both are EASILY in Top 3 Strongest Pokemon that Ash has ever had but when deciding who's stronger, it really depends. Ash's Charizard has come a long way since it's time as a Charmander.
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Who is best Charizard or Dragonite?

Dragonite has more attack than Charizard has special attack. It means Dragonite is able to dish out more damage every turn if it survives. Its Multiscale ability will allow it to take a hit and set up a Dragon Dance and allow it to outspeed Charizard henceforth.
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Is Tyranitar based on Godzilla?

Tyranitar is clearly inspired by Godzilla and another Kaiju called Bemular, evident from its similar appearance and abilities. Mega Tyranitar takes inspiration from Space Godzilla and Super Godzilla, with additional spikes on its shoulders resembling the former's design.
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Is Lycanroc better than Tyranitar?

Well Tyranitar is by far the superior pokemon. That said, it evolves late, and is fairly useless in its unevolved state. In terms of playing through the game, Lycanroc will probably prove to be more useful. End game, Tyranitar no question.
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Is Tyranitar a popular Pokémon?

In response, Pokemon has featured the fire-breathing monster in plenty of merchandise and expensive Pokemon TCG cards. Not too far behind, Tyranitar has also steadily grown more popular. Game Freak has also capitalized on the monster's fame, but it may be taking things too far.
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Why is Dragonite so rare?

Interestingly, reaching level 55 in the game can also trigger the evolution of Dragonair into Dragonite. So, the rarity of Dragonite is not only because of its initial scarcity but also because of the time and effort it takes to nurture and evolve this impressive Pokemon.
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Is Dragonite better than lapras?

Lapras would have the upper hand in type and Blizzard/Ice Beam against a Dragonite, however with Dragonite's DW ability Multiscale it could withstand a hit from Lapras's mediocre special attack stat with the defensive increases and Dragonite's natural bulk.
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What is Dragonite best for?

Dragonite is a Dragon and Flying-type Pokémon, which is weak against Ice, Rock, Dragon, and Fairy-type moves. Dragonite is resistant to Bug, Fighting, Fire, Water, Ground, and Grass-types so it's best used against those Pokémon.
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Who can defeat Dragonite?

Dragonite is 4x weak to ice, so pretty much any pokemon that can learn a high powered ice move will destroy it. As would most fairy types and faster pokemon with dragon moves.
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What is Dragonite scared of?

If your Dragonite knows a wide variety of attacks, you can use it as a wild card against any of these. Dragon Pokemon only fear two things: Dragon and Ice attacks.
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Is Dragonite weak?

Dragonite: Dragonite's Flying typing effectively covers Grass, Fighting and Bug types, and its Dragon typing neutralizes Electric type attacks. However, Dragonite now has a 4x weakness to Ice types, as well as an added weakness to Rock types, and a weakness to itself and Fairy types.
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