Is Valkyrie White?

In Marvel comics, Valkyrie is white, blond, busty and scantily clad. In Thompson's hands, Valkyrie is an enormously strong wisenheimer who drinks too much.
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What race is Valkyrie?

Valkyrie shares many similarities with her voice actress, Erika Ishii: They are both mixed race, they are both queer, and they have similar outgoing personalities. Valkyrie had a Caucasian father and a Japanese mother. Although Valkyrie was exposed to her mother's heritage, she cannot fluently speak Japanese.
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What race is Valkyrie twitch?

Rachell Marie Hofstetter was born on January 8, 1992, and grew up in Moses Lake, Washington. She is of Filipino and German descent and has three brothers and one younger sister. She cites her mother as the reason she became interested in video games, who encouraged her to pursue it as a hobby from a young age.
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What nationality is the name Valkyrie?

The name Valkyrie derives from its Scandinavian roots, specifically from Old Norse mythology.
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Is there a black Valkyrie?

Black Valkyrie (ブラックワルキューレ, Burakku Warukyūre?, romanized as Black Walküre in Japan) is a character from the PC Engine version of the game Valkyrie no Densetsu. She is the penultimate boss, being fought before Kamooz in the last stage.
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Thor: Ragnarok (2017) - "Massacre of the Valkyrie" | Movie Clip HD

Is Valkyrie Black or white?

So you can imagine their discomfort once they learn that Tessa Thompson, who is very much a black person, with credits in blackity-black movies such as Creed and Dear White People, plays Valkyrie, a Norse goddess, fighter and defender of Asgard. In Marvel comics, Valkyrie is white, blond, busty and scantily clad.
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What does Thor call Valkyrie?

After Thor had requested Valkyrie's help in stopping Hela, she waved bye to him until Thor called her a coward before being told to go out and fight. Being furious with his reasoning, Valkyrie confronted Thor and stated that he was no longer on Asgard, including the resignation of her title as a Valkyrie.
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What did Valkyries look like?

They are often depicted as voluptuous and feminine women, mostly nude, but carrying shields. They appear as angelic warriors entering the fray on the side of good. But if you read the descriptions of the Valkyries from the Viking Age, they appear much more like demons of death.
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Are Valkyries only female?

Yes, all Valkyrie are female. Some earlier depictions portray them as ferocious man-hunters while later depictions portray them more as guides to the afterlife.
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What is a Valkyrie in the Bible?

Similarities included the early warrior god Yahweh who was a model for Odin, and Jesus equated to Thor as divine son of the powerful god. Valkyries, winged goddesses who transported those killed in battle to Vallhalla mirror the semi-divine angels who helped humans travel between earth and heaven.
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Is Valkyrie gender fluid?

Valkyrie is bisexual.

In the comics' "The Fearless Defenders" series, Valkyrie is clearly bisexual and has a relationship with the female anthropologist Annabelle Riggs. Thus far, despite Thompson's efforts, Valkyrie's queerness hasn't been made clear onscreen.
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What gender is Valkyrie?

As female Valkyries in Norse mythology are tasked with escorting heroic male warriors (Einherjar) to the realm of the gods (Valhalla), fallen JSDF members sent-off by Shigururi's Valkyries are said to become heroes and reunite with their loved ones in the afterlife.
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What animal is Valkyrie?

Definition. A Valkyrie is a figure in Norse mythology depicted as a warrior woman on horseback, a wolf or boar, and armed with a spear, who decides the fate of warriors in battle and carries the dead to Odin's Valhalla.
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What ethnicity is Valkyrie streamer?

Valkyrae was born Rachell Hofstetter on January 8, 1992, in Washington, D.C. Her zodiac sign is Capricorn, and her ethnicity is half Filipino and half German.
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Is Valkyrie streamer black?

Background. Rae was born to a German-American father and a Filipina mother; she is also part Swiss through her father and part Filipino through her mother. Prior to streaming, Rae worked at a variety of jobs, such as being a Gamestop employee and a bank clerk.
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Is Valkyrie LGBTQ?

Valkyrie is bisexual in the comic book source material, a fact Thompson has said informed her portrayal of the character from the beginning.
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What race are Valkyries?

Just like the word Viking,'Valkyrie' is a job description, not a race or a species. There are many instances in old Norse stories in which mortal women are chosen to become immortal Valkyries, though the hiring criteria that Odin uses to select these women are shrouded in mystery.
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Can Valkyries get pregnant?

Valkyries can become pregnant and carry the fetus to term, but they die in childbirth (Let Them Burn). Upon a Valkyrie's last death they disintegrate into particles of light.
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Is there a boy Valkyrie?

If you're asking about Norse mythology, there are no male Valkyries. The closest equivalent would be the einherjar, which are the souls of warriors who have died in battle. They fight each other daily in training for Ragnarok, and feast and drink every night.
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What is Valkyries physical appearance?

Physical Appearance

In her Scavenger appearance, her hair in a ponytail. She also wears black sleveless armor and tunic amd black fingerless gloves. Over her fingerless gloves are black gauntlents. She also wears leather, black pants that have knives strapped across her side legs.
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Are Valkyries pretty?

The Valkyries were at least as deadly as they were beautiful, and were said to be blessed with superhuman strength and speed.
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What colors are Valkyries?

The colors, black and purple—or “valkyrie violet” as Chin calls it—are unclaimed in the Bay Area sports scene, where the Niners and Stanford Cardinal both claim red, while the Giants wear black and orange, and the departing A's wear green and yellow.
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Did Valkyrie have a girlfriend?

Missing from all this is a queen or even the implication Valkyrie is looking for one. She doesn't even have a girlfriend.
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Is Valkyrie stronger than Thor?

She is significantly stronger than any other Valkyrie, and most other Asgardian men and women for that matter. Superior to that of Loki, and nearly matching with that of Thor and Hulk, the latter of whom she was able to knock down in a brief sparing match.
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What God is Valkyrie?

Valkyrie, in Norse mythology, any of a group of maidens who served the god Odin and were sent by him to the battlefields to choose the slain who were worthy of a place in Valhalla.
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