Is Vilkas a good companion?

Recruitable After Completing The Companions' Main Plotline Completing their quest line allows players to ask one of the many members of the group to become their follower, including Vilkas. This character is a great melee combat specialist who is fairly adept in Archery as well.
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Is Vilkas a good companion in Skyrim?

Farkas has some wasted points in non-combat skills, whereas Vilkas is a strong frontline companion with a high hit-point total. These attributes make him both a pretty decent tank and damage dealer. Additionally, his ability to train the Dragonborn's Two-Handed skill up to level 90 is a significant asset.
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Who is the best companion to have in Skyrim?

Skyrim's best follower is Serana, one of the few pure-blood vampires to exist in the Elder Scrolls universe. Serana plays a large part in the main quest for the Dawnguard DLC and is designed as one of the most advanced followers in the game.
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Is Vilkas essential Skyrim?

Farkas' twin brother and the thoughtful Master at Arms of the Companions, Vilkas can also join the player's party as one of Skyrim's essential followers, so long as the player takes care to make the right decisions.
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What is the difference between Farkas and Vilkas?

From what I understand, Vilkas is more emotionally violent, while Filkas is a bit more kind and simple minded, excelling at brute strength. I like Farkas's burliness, and he's clearly the better looker, but his VA is a bit monotone....
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Skyrim - Top 7 Companions

Is Farkas a good husband in Skyrim?

He may not be the smartest, but he's happy with a simple life. In addition to being a Skyrim follower who can't die, Farkas is popular thanks to his strong, friendly personality, and those same traits make him a great spouse.
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Who is the best follower in Skyrim without level cap?

Stat wise, J'zargo is arguably one of the best Skyrim followers. He has no level cap, which means he continues to level up with the Dragonborn indefinitely. Destruction and Restoration spells are his expertise, making him a great support character for close-combat players.
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Can Vilkas become a follower?

Vilkas is an esteemed member of The Companions guild in Whiterun. A loyal companion to his "Shield-Siblings," Vilkas would be honored to join you as a follower once you've completed The Companions Quests. Vilkas is both a master Two-Handed Trainer and a Marriage prospect.
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Can you turn Vilkas into a vampire?

Trivia. It is not possible to turn Aela the Huntress, Farkas, or Vilkas into vampires, as they are already werewolves. However, Vilkas and Farkas can be turned if they are cured from their lycanthropy. Any other member of the Companions or anyone else is turnable.
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Who is the best husband in Skyrim?

Farkas Is Skyrim's Best Marriage Option

That humility and honesty are what make Farkas the best person to marry in Skyrim. Not to mention, he actually has a speech skill of 100.
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Who is the easiest companion in Skyrim?

Belrand will be among the easiest hirelings to find, namely through his well-frequented location. And he'll be a decent companion, maxing out (as with almost all other Hirelings) at level 40.
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Who are the best unkillable followers in Skyrim?

  • 8 Aela The Huntress. ...
  • 7 Barbas. ...
  • 6 Mjoll The Lioness. ...
  • 5 J'zargo. ...
  • 4 Lydia. Sword To The Dragonborn After Completing The "Dragon Rising" Quest. ...
  • 3 Cicero. Spare Him During The Cure For Madness Quest. ...
  • 2 Serana. A Central Character In The Dawnguard Questline. ...
  • 1 Flame Thrall. A Master-Level Conjuration Spell.
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Who is a good person to marry in Skyrim?

The most popular and best wife in Skyrim, according to the community, is undoubtedly Aela The Huntress.
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Can I cure Vilkas?

When you ask for a new job and Vilkas asks you to cure him, reload your last save and ask Vilkas to join you. Inside Ysgramor's Tomb, part ways with Vilkas and then speak to him again to tell him you've finished the last mission. Ask him for more work and accept to cure his lycanthropy.
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Can I marry Vilkas?

Only after this quest do the Companions, including Vilkas, become available for marriage. By this time, the Dragonborn has spent so much time in their company that it's hard not to fall in love with all of them, especially Vilkas.
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What does the name Vilkas mean?

Vilkas is a Lithuanian language family name. The word means "wolf" in Lithuanian. Vilkas. Lithuanian surname.
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Can Vilkas join the blades?

Upon completion of the Companions' main plotline, Vilkas can be recruited as a follower and becomes a potential marriage candidate. He can be recruited into the Blades if the Dragonborn talks to Delphine while having him as a follower, or as a steward if the Hearthfire DLC has been installed.
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Who is the best Skyrim wife?

Aela The Huntress is one of the most popular wives in Skyrim, and it's not without good reason. In a world where many women are unable to live out their adventuring dreams, she stands out as a powerful warrior, confident leader, and one of the most fascinating members of the Companions.
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What happens if you feed on your wife in Skyrim?

You can turn your spouse into a vampire in Skyrim once you have gotten “The Gift” quest or through feeding on them while they sleep. Once done, it cannot be undone so tread into this dark realm carefully.
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Who do I give Vilkas sword to?

Vilka's sword is a sword which you obtain from the companions questline after being tested by Vilka in a fight. Vilka will tell you to bring it to the sword to Eorlund Grey-Mane at the Skyforge left of Jorrvaskr.
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What is Vilkas level cap in Skyrim?

Vilkas – Like Aela, Vilkas' level is capped at 50. He specializes in Skyrim's two-handed combat and heavy armor, but has no special perks.
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Are Farkas and Vilkas essential?

Farkas and Vilkas are unique in that the essential status of one can change based on the death of the other. During "Blood's Honor." During "The Silver Hand." If "Glory of the Dead" is complete and Farkas is alive.
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What followers Cannot be killed in Skyrim?

Mjoll, Serana, Freya, and Derkeethus are all essential and cannot die. The spooniest bard. Technically, most Followers 'cannot die' due to being Protected (see UESPwiki for moar).
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Can you have 3 followers in Skyrim?

in the regular game of Skyrim, you can have up to 1 human follower, but you can quickly make a small unit with things like a conjuration atronach. Also, you can have a dog follower as well. Meaning at times with the right powers, you can get up to 5 allies at once.
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Who is the strongest Housecarl in Skyrim?

In Morthal you can find Valdimar, the strongest housecarl. The Hearthfire DLC gives him the most varied equipment and skills, including light scaled armor, a steel mace, and access to magic. Because of this array, Valdimar is more of a battle mage than a warrior, using both weapons and magic interchangeably.
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