Is Wandering Noble Ashes good?

Use. Wandering Nobles have very little HP and attack extremely slow, and shouldn't be relied on to assist you in taking out enemies - but instead can serve as excellent distractions to get enemies to change targets and take the heat off you.
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What's the strongest ashes in Elden Ring?

Lhutel the Headless Spirit Ash

Lhutel is one of the strongest summons in Elden Ring, and he does it all. He shields. He teleports. He attacks up close and far away, and he's got a lot of HP as well.
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What Ash is the best Elden Ring?

10 best Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring and where to get them
  • Dung Eater Puppet.
  • Lhutel the Headless. ...
  • Latenna the Albinauric. ...
  • Nightmaiden and Swordstress Puppets. ...
  • Banished Knight Oleg. FP Cost: 100. ...
  • Bloodhound Knight Floh. FP Cost: 95. ...
  • Radahn Soldiers. FP Cost: 71. ...
  • Lone Wolf Ashes. Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bandai Namco. ...
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How many times can you use wandering noble ashes?

Answers. They can be used once per boss fight attempt, they are not used up by doing so. No, they're more like spells, though there's a limit on how often you can summon them per encounter. They are not consumable.
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What is the best spirit ash for Godrick?

The best Spirit Ash to use on Godrick this early in Elden Ring is the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes. You can upgrade this Spirit Summon a few times with Roderika if you complete her questline before taking on Godrick, and its high HP pool and Poison-based abilities make it a very useful ally indeed.
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How To Unlock Wandering Noble Spirits And Noble Sorcerer Spirit Ashes In Elden Ring

What are the worst spirit ashes in Elden Ring?

Generally, the least useful Spirit Ashes are ones like the Jellyfish or Rotten Stray that do little more than apply a status effect. While afflicting a boss with Poison or Scarlet Rot is helpful, you can often do this easily yourself with magic spells or consumables you've made with the Elden Ring crafting system.
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What spirit ash is best against Margit?

I'd recommend using the Lone Wolf Ashes or Godrick Soldier Ashes, which you can find in the jellyfish-filled cemetery west of Stormhill. You won't have much time in between Margit's four-combo attacks, so focus on dodging and healing until he slams his staff or hammer into the ground, then punish him.
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Is the wandering noble ashes good?

Use. Wandering Nobles have very little HP and attack extremely slow, and shouldn't be relied on to assist you in taking out enemies - but instead can serve as excellent distractions to get enemies to change targets and take the heat off you.
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What are the wandering nobles looking for?

Wandering nobles wear faded and tattered travel attires adorned with fine golden embroidery. They are accompanied by noble sorcerers and protected by pages, searching for a proper death and remnants of the Ur tree's grace.
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How to use wandering noble ashes in Elden Ring?

To summon these Spirits, you will need to select them from your inventory to activate. Your character will automatically ring the Spirit Calling Bell (no need to equip it) and your Spirit will come to your aid.
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What is the tankiest summon in Elden Ring?

For those wanting a tanky ally who's willing to take the brunt of the battle, summoning Banished Knight Oleg is one of Elden Ring's best Spirit Ash options. Despite being one of the first Ashes that players can find in the Lands Between, Oleg makes himself useful for far longer than just the early game.
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What is the strongest class in Elden Ring?

Hero. The Hero has the highest Strength stat of any class. Personally, I never feel safer in a game than when I'm in control of a tank, and the Hero is the closest thing Elden Ring offers (though the Samurai isn't a bad shout for this purpose either).
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What is the strongest character in Elden Ring?

10 Strongest Elden Ring Characters, According To Lore
  • 4 Godfrey, First Elden Lord Is A Warrior Of Epic Proportions. ...
  • 3 The Lord Of Frenzied Flame Is An Apocalyptic Threat Just By Existing. ...
  • 2 Queen Marika The Eternal Is Nearly A God. ...
  • 1 The Elden Beast Embodies The Greater Will.
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Which spirit summon does the most damage?

Choosing the right tools to upgrade and tackle specific bosses can be overwhelming, which is why we highlight the pros of the best Spirit Ashes.
  • 8 Banished Knight Oleg. ...
  • 7 Redmane Knight Ogha. ...
  • 6 Latenna The Albinauric. ...
  • 5 Omenkiller Rollo. ...
  • 4 Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff. ...
  • 3 Black Knife Tiche. ...
  • 2 Lhutel The Headless. ...
  • 1 Mimic Tear.
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How to turn the Dung Eater into a puppet?

He will task the player with giving this potion to Nepheli Loux, but Tarnished will instead give it to Dung Eater in his cell. Afterward, purchase all of Seluvis's Sorceries and read his message within his secret Puppet Lab northwest of Ranni's Rise. Return to him and receive one Puppet.
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Why can't I summon wandering noble ashes?

You have to be in the boss area to summon it. Do you have the summoning bell? As for why you can't summon them, the majority of the time you have to actually be *in* the boss arena and not just right in front of the fog gate. So yeah, you gotta enter an then summon them real quick.
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Why are the soldiers in Elden Ring undead?

Breaking the ring made people stop dying, and as soon as people stop dying, they end up like the zombies in every Souls game.
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What are nobles free to do?

Thanks to their favoured position in life and the labour of the peasants on their estates, nobles in an English medieval castle had plenty of leisure hours which could be frittered away by eating, drinking, dancing, playing games like chess, or reading romantic stories of derring-do.
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Which carian staff is better?

At high levels of Intelligence, the Carian Regal Scepter will deal more damage than any other staff without some drawback.
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What is the best ash for Elden beast?

The best Spirit Ash to take into this fight is theoretically the Mimic Tear, but that depends on the strength of one's build. For those who would prefer to avoid the Mimic Tear, choose a Spirit Ash with high mobility and evasiveness, like Black Knife Tiche or Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff.
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What is the best summon for Rennala?

Lastly, there isn't an NPC summon available for this encounter, though your spirit summons will help immensely. I recommend using the Godrick Soldier Ashes or Lone Wolf Ashes, as they're both effective at interrupting Rennala's spellcasting. Regardless, save your Spirit Summons until the second stage of the fight.
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What is the best summon before Margit?

Spirit Summons, while not essential, are a helpful tool if only to keep Margit distracted while you close in for an attack. Jellyfish, which you obtain by speaking to Roderika at Stormhill Shack several times, and Wolf Pack, the default summon, are the best choices for this fight.
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What is the best ash for Godrick?

Once you're in, Godrick will appear quite far back along the path, so this is your chance to use Spirit Ashes - we recommend either the Lone Wolves or Skeletal Militiamen, if you've got them. Godrick's attacks can devastate any summon, so having multiple ones appear is better to divide his attention.
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Is Margit weak to anything?

Margit's weaknesses

Margit doesn't have any blatant weaknesses, but if you are looking to deal some extra elemental or affliction damage, then Fire is a good place to start, especially since you can learn how to make Firebombs fairly early.
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