Should Helgen Keep Ralof or Hadvar?

Following Ralof plays out much like following Hadvar except that his contact in Riverwood is Gerdur. Following him or Hadvar enables players to take advantage of a few glitches to level up skills. Conversely to Hadvar, following Ralof will give the Dragonborn a foot in the door with the Stormcloaks.
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Who should I side with at the beginning of Skyrim?

Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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Do Ralof and Hadvar both survive?

If you pick a side during the escape and then later change sides during the Civil War, then yes, Hadvar or Ralof will be alive to accompany you on some of those quests, so it's implied they both escaped Helgen.
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What happens to Ralof after Helgen?

After escaping from Helgen, he takes you to Riverwood, where his sister Gerdur lives. He will also invite you to join the Stormcloak Rebellion. Once you complete the quest Unbound, you and Ralof will split up.
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Is Hadvar a good guy?

Hadvar is shown to be a generally kind-hearted person, and shows sympathy for the Dragonborn during the execution.
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Ralof Vs Hadvar - Who Should You Go With in Skyrim SE

Is it better to join Ralof or Hadvar?

Following Ralof plays out much like following Hadvar except that his contact in Riverwood is Gerdur. Following him or Hadvar enables players to take advantage of a few glitches to level up skills. Conversely to Hadvar, following Ralof will give the Dragonborn a foot in the door with the Stormcloaks.
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Can I be a villain in Skyrim?

From saving to world to leading its factions, The Elder Scrolls 5 certainly makes you feel like quite the benevolent protagonist. However, Skyrim does occasionally offer the Dragon a once-in-awhile opportunity to become the bad guy and embrace an inner evildoer.
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Can you marry Ralof in Skyrim?

Ralof is marriable and can be a follower. Make love, not war! Be on the side of the Sons of Skyrim and win the Civil War. Then talk to Ralof.
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Can Ralof become a follower?

This makes Ralof available as a follower after winning the Civil War for Ulfric Stormcloak. If you have also completed either The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller or become Harbinger of the Companions, he becomes available as a marriage candidate.
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Can you rebuild Helgen in Skyrim?

Helgen Reborn is a mod made for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. It gives the Dragonborn a chance to rebuild Helgen and foil a Thalmor plot. Much like Kvatch Rebuilt, it adds a new questline that can be walked through while Helgen is being rebuilt.
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Do you see Ralof again?

If you left with Hadvar, got the crown, and delivered it to Ulfric, you're officially on the Stormcloak side, but Ralof will not appear again after Helgen.
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What happens if you enter the keep with Ralof?

1) Ralof gives you the starting quest to join Stormcloaks, Hadvar gives you the starting quest to join the Legion. You can still join either one no matter who you go with. 2) Ralof sends you to see his sister Gerdur, Hadvar sends you to see his uncle the blacksmith (forget his name).
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Who is the best person to follow you in Skyrim?

Skyrim Best Followers Ranked
  • Serana. She's an ancient pure-blooded vampire, daughter of Lord Harkon and Valerica. ...
  • J'zargo. A Khajiit and a magic adept whom we meet at the College of Winterhold. ...
  • Teldryn Sero. ...
  • Mjoll The Lioness. ...
  • Lydia. ...
  • Cicero. ...
  • Aela the Huntress. ...
  • Eola.
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Is Ralof a Stormcloak?

Ralof is a Stormcloak soldier in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He is the first character to directly speak to the Dragonborn during the game and one of the two soldiers that follow alongside the Dragonborn during the Skyrim Civil War, the other being Hadvar of the Imperial Legion.
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Does the choice at the beginning of Skyrim matter?

It doesn't matter. Just changes which people you fight during the escape, and which family you talk to in Riverwood. After that everything is the same, and you can join either faction if you wish.
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Can you join the Imperials after going with Ralof?

For example, if you escape with Ralof do you go to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks? Or do you ignore Ralof's pleas and head to Solitude instead? You can do the opposite with Hadvar and the Imperials. Who you escape with doesn't cement your chosen side.
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Who is the sneakiest follower in Skyrim?

22 Best: Aela The Huntress

At her level cap of 50, her Sneak skill reaches 97 (thanks to her thief classification), making her the best Skyrim follower for sneaky thieves and stealthy archers. Aela is no party pooper. No matter the crime, she will never raise her blade against you or leave your services.
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Can you have 2 wives in Skyrim?

Once you get marry with the vanilla system, you can use the Shrine to move your vanilla spouse to one of the multiple marriage slots. You can also reset the vanilla quest using the shrine so that you can have another wedding.
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Can your wife divorce you in Skyrim?

How To End Marriage In Skyrim. The short answer is that there's no official way to obtain a divorce in Skyrim. That said, there are a few other ways to get rid of an unwanted spouse. The easiest method is to kill them, assuming that the Dragonborn is married to a non-essential NPC in Skyrim.
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Can you be polygamous in Skyrim?

So how we want each house has one wife? No. Even if you have multiple houses, you cannot have multiple wives.
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Who is unkillable in Skyrim?

Mjoll, Serana, Freya, and Derkeethus are all essential and cannot die.
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What is inappropriate in Skyrim?

Drugs are generally depicted as bad, alcohol is generally depicted as socially good or neutral (many characters are tavern regulars), and sexual content is only occasionally described when dealing with particularly evil figures in the world's fictional religion, or followers of those people (the religion(s) are not ...
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What is the rarest enemy in Skyrim?

Here are the rarest creatures in Skyrim.
  • 8 Spriggan.
  • 7 Werewolf.
  • 6 Hagraven.
  • 5 Chaurus Hunter.
  • 4 Dwarven Centurion.
  • 3 Dragon Priest.
  • 2 Wispmother.
  • 1 Dremora.
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