Should holy Paladins be melee or ranged?

You mostly want to be in melee whenever possible. This is true for all builds. You want to be in melee for auto attacks and the occasional Crusader Strike, and for Mastery: Lightbringer value.
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What stats should a Holy Paladin focus on?

Statistics Explanations
  • Intellect is your primary stat. ...
  • Critical Strike increases your chance to critically hit with all spells and abilities.
  • Haste lowers your global cooldown and your cast time.
  • Mastery ( ...
  • Versatility increases all your damage and healing done, and decreases all damage taken.
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Is mastery or versatility better for holy Paladins?

Versatility: Increases damage and healing done and decreases damage taken. Versatility takes precedence over mastery in M+ as not only will it increase your damage and healing but also provide you with damage reduction.
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What is the best paladin race holy?

With Dwarf currently being the top race for Holy Paladins in Mythic+, here are the other races that also stand out due to their advantageous traits.
  • Dwarf. ...
  • Blood Elf. ...
  • Human. ...
  • Zandalari Troll.
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What are the cons of Holy Paladin?

Holy Paladin weaknesses in Mythic+ include low mobility, lack of a standard interrupt, and limited options for crowd control. If you are unfamiliar with Mythic+ and its associated general mechanics, you can read more about it on our Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 4 page below.
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Is HOLY PALADIN *FUN* In Dragonflight? Melee vs Ranged Gameplay & Talents | WoW Beta

Is Holy Paladin ranged?

Positioning as a Holy Paladin is one of the most important concepts to get right. Paladins usually position in Melee range which means you need to be aware of where the boss is, and where it is going. Being left behind means lost throughput in most cases.
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Should holy paladins wear cloth?

While wearing cloth armor can certainly increase a paladin's mana reserves, it also causes them to take more physical damage when struck in combat. This makes preventing mobs from attacking a clothadin even more important for the group's tank.
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What is the best profession for a Holy Paladin?

Useful Professions
  • Tailoring. Tailoring deserves to be at the top of this list, as it gives you a massive spellpower proc in the form of. ...
  • Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing is competitive with Jewelcrafting. ...
  • Enchanting. ...
  • Inscription. ...
  • Alchemy. ...
  • Leatherworking.
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Do holy Paladins use righteous fury?

All the Holy paladins (which is i think 85% of the paladins at 70 are on my server) I know (not personally) have Righteous Fury.
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What is the best loa for Holy Paladin?

Embrace of Pa'ku is the best Loa to choose.
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Which paladin spec is best?

Retribution is the best spec to level your paladin in Classic WoW. Retribution talents have a lot of synergy with each other, between Deflection, Conviction, Two-Handed Weapon Specialization, and Vengeance, simply auto attacking will get you through most of your leveling content.
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Is there a haste cap for Holy Paladin?

Haste is pretty much a holy paladin's best stat for pure throughput. The soft-cap for haste is roughly 675-680, with every haste raid buff. For all classes, the haste soft-cap is the point at which your GCDs are reduced to one second. After this they can no longer be reduced, no matter how much haste you stack.
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Can you level as a Holy Paladin?

As a Holy Paladin while leveling, you should be aiming to heal dungeons. Leveling solo will be incredibly slow and not a good use of your time if you choose to play as holy. Holy is one of the best healers for dungeons due to your powerful buffs, decent AoE damage from Consecration, and strong single target healing.
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What is the difference between mastery and versatility in Holy Paladin?

Mastery: Increases the effectiveness of Mastery: Lightbringer. This increases the healing you do based on how close your target is to you or your Beacon targets. Versatility: Increases damage and healing, and reduces damage taken.
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What flask for Holy Paladin?

The best phial for Holy Paladin is Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage. Phial of Tepid Versatility is a good alternative that does not have the downsides of making you take extra damage.
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How do you gear a Holy Paladin?

With Uprading gear being limited, Holy Paladin should focus on upgrading weapons, shields and trinkets first. After that you should start upgrading gear with leech if you have been lucky to get any, as this will last you the longest time and will give the most value of your upgrades.
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How to AoE heal as Holy Paladin?

  1. Cast Beacon of Virtue for AoE healing as needed.
  2. Spend Holy Power if on 5 Holy Power.
  3. Cast Light's Hammer on cooldown.
  4. Cast Holy Prism on an enemy for AoE healing.
  5. Cast 1st charge of Holy Shock.
  6. Spend Infusion of Light on Judgment or Flash of Light as needed.
  7. Keep Consecration down.
  8. Cast 2nd charge of Holy Shock.
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Can holy Paladin use staff?

In contrast, Death Knights, Paladins, and Rogues can never wield a staff.
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How do I become a better holy Paladin?

How To Improve As Holy Paladin — Dragonflight 10.2. 7
  1. Correct Amount of Light of the Martyr Usage.
  2. Using Your Short Cooldown Spells More Often.
  3. Using Your Longer Cooldowns Often Enough.
  4. Making Sure Not to Directly Heal Your Beacon(s) too Often.
  5. Improve Positioning.
  6. Analyzing Your Mistakes as a Holy Paladin.
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Who is the most powerful paladin?

As long as a paladin believes their cause is just, they can become formidable.
  • 8 Maraad.
  • 7 Alexandros Morgraine.
  • 6 Bolvar Fordragon.
  • 5 Arthas Menethil.
  • 4 Yrel.
  • 3 Uther the Lightbringer.
  • 2 Tirion Fordring.
  • 1 Turalyon.
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Is Engineering good for a Holy Paladin WotLK?

The best professions for Holy Paladins are Engineering and Jewelcrafting. Engineering offers increased mobility and personal HPS from various enchants, while Jewelcrafting provides the largest stat increase, particularly in Intellect.
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Do holy paladins do fire damage?

Then the Holy Fire Paladin lets you fulfills your dream as the Holy Fire Aura imbues your attacks with massive Fire Damage . You also deal decent Physical Damage to keep your Life topped off in almost most situations.
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Why play Holy Paladin?

The biggest reason for excitement in the Holy Paladin talent trees is that you will be able to play the spec however you wish to. If you want to cast, there are plenty of options, and if you prefer a melee playstyle, then you also have talents amplifying that playstyle.
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Are holy paladins good in wrath?

Holy Paladin PvE Viability in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Holy Paladins are the strongest single-target healer in the game and are essential to any raid's success, as they are primarily tank healers. Holy Paladin's biggest strength, other than their single-target healing, is their Mana efficiency.
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