Should I get stamina or hearts first Zelda?

Choose stamina over hearts You may not have many hearts, but you'll learn how to dodge as if your life depends on it — because it really does. At the beginning of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you'll have one stamina wheel — which gives you little room to sprint, swim, climb, or glide.
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Is it better to get stamina or hearts in Breath of the Wild?

Because Breath of the Wild is open-world, the Stamina Vessels are the better option. Players will spend the majority of their gameplay climbing and paragliding. It's also much easier to activate Sheikah Towers with more Stamina Wheels than it is with more Hearts.
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Should I prioritize hearts or stamina?

Picking which to get first, Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels, is quite a tricky decision. For most players, more Hearts will be the best way to go to ensure Link survives. However, getting another Stamina wheel means an easier time exploring and nabbing the Master Sword early.
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Can you max both hearts and stamina?

Similar to Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom does not allow for players to max out both hearts and stamina. Even with all of TOTK's temples, shrines, and the select few quests that give Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels completed, maxing out one stat leaves the other two upgrades short of the maximum.
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How many Shrines does it take to max out hearts and stamina?

152 Shrines (Zonai Shrines, not Shiekah Shrines) in the game which means 152 Blessings of Light to offer up at Goddess Statues across Hyrule. Divide that by 4 and that equals 38 upgrades to either Stamina or Health.
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Should you choose HEARTS or STAMINA in Breath of the Wild?

Can you max out both hearts and stamina in Tears of the Kingdom?

Maximum Hearts & Stamina

The maximum amount of Hearts you can have is 40, and the maximum amount of Stamina that you can have is three full wheels. Unfortunately, you won't be able to have both of these resources filled to the max. You will only be able to choose one that you want to fully max out.
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Can you get all 120 shrines before Ganon?

You can beat and find all shrines before facing Ganon. There's simply puzzles to them at times.
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How many hearts should I have to fight Ganon in Tears of the Kingdom?

Given the mechanics of the final boss, I would say an average player needs at least 20 hearts, alongside a ton of gloom healing food, and general healing. And that's on top of an armor set that's at least upgraded to 2 stars. 3 unless you plan on getting hit.
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How many shrines does it take to get full stamina?

For every four completed Shrines and Blessing Lights, we can obtain one heart. Stamina Vessel: Increases the stamina gauge. For every four completed Shrines and Blessing Lights, we can obtain the sixth part of a Stamina wheel.
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How many Stamina Vessels do you need to get the Master Sword?

The player needs two full Stamina Wheels to draw the Master Sword, which steadily drain throughout the midair struggle. As food and potions cannot contribute here, this means that Link will need to obtain five Stamina Vessels to add to the single Wheel he starts the game with.
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Should I upgrade hearts or stamina in tears of the kingdom?

Should You Choose Stamina or Hearts in Tears of the Kingdom? (Spoiler Free) Though both have their upsides, players should definitely prioritize stamina, at least to begin with.
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How much stamina can you have with Max Hearts?

If Link chooses to obtain all 40 Hearts, he can only obtain 8 Stamina Vessels. During Link and Zelda's venture underneath Hyrule Castle, Link's life force is drained by a mysterious force known as Gloom, leaving him with only a fraction of his stamina and health.
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What is the hardest thing to do in Breath of the Wild?

There are innumerable moments of “frustration” of course, e.g. throwing rocks off cliffs perfectly into a ring of lilies or facing off against a Lynel/Guardian sandwich. If I were to rank the hardest part of the game, I actually would have to say the Trial of the Sword in Master Mode is top of my list.
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How much stamina do you need to tame the giant horse?

To tame Ganon's Horse in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom you will need just over two full bars of stamina. You can upgrade your stamina by trading in Light of Blessings at Goddess Statues. Alternatively, cook meals that significantly increase your maximum stamina, like those containing Endura Carrots.
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How do you cheat stamina in Breath of the Wild?

Sprinting while holding B will drain stamina, but pressing down on the D-Pad will make you whistle which is not a stamina consuming action. By tapping B over and over while holding down on the D-Pad, you will regain any missing stamina and keep up a running speed.
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What is max stamina in Zelda?

Link can obtain a maximum of 10 Stamina Vessels in order to gain 2 extra Stamina Wheels. As shown in the graphic, should the player choose to have full health, a maximum of 7 Stamina Vessels can be gained because there's only so many slots to allot for each type of vessel.
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How do you make tears of the kingdom easier?

Tears of the Kingdom: 10 Tips to Get You Started on Your Next Zelda Adventure
  1. Get the Glider Before Exploring. ...
  2. Fuse Anything and Everything. ...
  3. Visit Skyview Towers and Shrines Early On. ...
  4. Save an Arrow, Throw a Bomb Flower. ...
  5. Break the Rules With Planks and Logs. ...
  6. Sort Materials For Easy Access. ...
  7. Return Projectiles With Recall.
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What happens when you do all 120 Shrines?

If you manage to push through and complete all 120 Shrines, though, you'll be rewarded with the Hero of the Wild clothing set at the Forgotten Temple.
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Can the Master Sword break while fighting Ganon Totk?

While the Master Sword comes in handy during the final boss fight against Calamity Ganon, during which it can't break, it isn't necessary to beat the game. The Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom functions similarly, but it's not exactly the same.
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What to do before fighting Ganon Totk?

  1. 4 Save Lurelin Village.
  2. 5 Retrieve The Master Sword. ...
  3. 6 Enter Korok Forest. ...
  4. 7 View Every Tear Of The Dragon. ...
  5. 8 Assist The Great Faeries. ...
  6. 9 Gather The Divine Helms. ...
  7. 10 Upgrade Your Sage Abilities. ...
  8. 11 Obtain Autobuild And Defeat Master Kohga. ...
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What is the hardest Ganon to fight?

Each one is located in a different Divine Beast and while none of them are easy, Thunderblight Ganon is the toughest. He flies around and shocks Link. It can be hard to catch him in a single spot and the fact that he can make Link drop his weapons makes fighting him pretty tricky.
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Can you go straight to Ganon?

And there are players who ran straight for Ganon and the ending right after they completed the tutorial. Tears of the Kingdom does not make this so explicit. In fact, if you go to Hyrule Castle right away, there won't be a gigantic final boss waiting for you.
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What goes into 100% Botw?

Once players finish all four Divine Beasts, complete all 120 Ancient Shrines, acquire all 900 Korok Seeds, and visit every named location on the map, they'll hit 100% in BOTW.
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