Should I pick a side in Odyssey?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey takes place during the Peloponnesian War (between Athens & Sparta). Your question talks about loyalty to Athens or Sparta. The game play doesn't demand it, so it's all on the gamer's choice. If you want to be loyal to a side, go ahead, it doesn't affect the main story line of the game.
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Does it matter which side you choose in AC Odyssey?

Choose Kassandra

The content is basically the same whether you choose Alexios or Kassandra, so it doesn't have major gameplay repercussions. However, it does determine which vocal performance you be listening to for the entire game. By that measure, Kassandra's less cartoonish delivery has the edge.
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Does it matter which side you fight for in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

no. You should constantly destablize every region you come across, assassinate the leader, take the forts, burn the resources etc, no matter which faction controls that region.
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Is it better to side with Sparta or Athens in AC Odyssey?

From memory it doesn't really matter. The game stays true to the history ultimately, which is to say that Sparta won the war eventually, but Athens won the cultural conflict - after all democracy sprung from Athens…
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Who should you pick for Odyssey?

Ultimately, the choise between playing as Kassandra or Alexios in Assassin's Creed Odyssey comes down to personal preference. Each player can make their own decision, but if they wish to play the canonical protagonist and witness Alexios' performance as Deimos, then they should choose Kassandra.
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Why You should Side with Sparta - Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Is it better to pick Alexios or Kassandra?

While the choice between Alexios and Kassandra is an important one, it won't change things significantly from a gameplay perspective. Both characters have the same skillsets to utilize in combat and the same DPS levels as they are gradually upgraded throughout the game.
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What happens if you pick Alexios?

Does it matter if you choose Alexios or Kassandra? Nope, it's just who you choose to play as. Story and dialogues are identical.
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Would it be better to be a woman in Sparta or Athens?

Spartan women had more freedoms than the Athenian women. Picture showing the victory of Sparta over Athens during the Peloponnesian War. In the city-state of Sparta, an oligarchy controlled the power.
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Is Sparta or Athens military better?

Sparta had a military advantage on land, as their armies were much stronger than the Athenians'. However, Athens had a far superior navy, which gave them a significant advantage at sea.
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Is Alexios a Spartan or Athenian?

Alexios/Kassandra are Spartan by family but their ties to it as an empire was cut the moment the siblings were thrown from Taygetus. They are neither Spartan or Athena by affiliation and are simply a mercenary working for coin (at least that's what they claim).
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Can you change sides in AC Odyssey?

Whilst you may not be able to pick which nation you support during the story quests, you can lend your mercenary skills to either side when you choose to take part in conquering a region during your travels. To take part in a Conquest battle, you must first lower the power of a nation currently in charge of the region.
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Is it better to be a warrior or an assassin in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

Warrior is most usable in most occasion, but everything is good, depend how you want play game, Hunter build is really strong on damage and assassin is nice if want play stealth style.
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Who is the real father of Alexios?

Alexios is the biological son of Pythagoras, a great Greek philosopher previously mentioned in the Assassin's Creed series by Leonardo Da Vinci in Assassin's Creed 2.
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Can you join Sparta in Odyssey?

In Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, how do you join Sparta or Athens? Your character, whether you chose Alexios or Kassandra, cannot perennially pick a side in the Peloponessian War. It doesn't matter that your character is from one of the said city-states. You just can't.
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Who is Kassandra's love interest in the Odyssey?

Natakas is the romance option added to the game in the Legacy of the First Blade DLC for Kassandra during which she settles down and eventually has a child. Nakatas, being trained by the proto-Assassin Darius, is equal parts a formidable fighter as he is a sweetheart to Kassandra.
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Are Spartans good in Odyssey?

Both sides get equal hate and praise throughout. Early on you may think Sparta is the bad side, but it's all basically equal throughout. You play the grandchild of Leonidas.
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Why choose Sparta or Athens?

Although both were Greek city-states, they were very, very different. Athens was an intellectual center with thriving philosophy, art, and architecture, as well as the first true system of democratic government. Sparta was centered around training and perfecting its military, which was strong and effective.
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Why is Sparta better than Athens?

Sparta is far superior to Athens because their army was fierce and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. First, the army of Sparta was the strongest fighting force in Greece.
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Is Sparta good or bad?

Sparta, with both the most slaves per capita and the worst treated slaves, was likely the least free society in the whole of the ancient world. Nor were the Spartans particularly good stewards of Greek freedom.
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What would girls do in Sparta?

Spartan women were trained not only in sports and weapon-wielding but also in skills more expected for a girl in Ancient Greece. Namely, they were trained to dance and sing beautifully, which were considered equally important as the athletics they learned.
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What was Sparta like for girls?

Spartan women enjoyed certain freedoms. They had a reputation for forthright speech, and they were able to own landed-property in their own right. Spartan sexual practices are also a consideration. Sparta's women were both famous and infamous in antiquity.
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Does Athens or Sparta have more freedom?

Unlike the dual-kingship oligarchic system of Sparta, Athens' government was a more open, inclusive proto-democracy. In Ancient Greece, Martin cites the population explosion of “free peasants” in Attica during the 8th century as contributing to the enfranchisement of the poor.
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Why do people prefer Kassandra over Alexios?

There's no question about it - Kassandra is a hundred times a more engaging character to follow because of the level of her voice acting eclipsing Alexios'. The direction for Alexios sounds clunky, so he comes across as a bit of a meathead who can't think for himself.
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Can Alexios save Phoibe?

Unfortunately, no. It doesn't matter what you do, she always dies. Personally, I found her death needless, but apparently Ubisoft didn't want Alexios/Kassandra to have anything tying him/her down to the past…
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Is Alexios a villain?

Deimos, born Alexios, is the main antagonist of the 2018 action role-playing video game Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. He was a member of the Cult of Kosmos, a proto-Templar organization based in Ancient Greece.
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