Should you only evolve 3 star Pokémon?

Pokemon that hatch from Eggs or obtained from completing Special or Timed Research usually have 2/3-star Appraisals. It's recommended to evolve the Pokemon with the higher CP or the better Appraisal. So, if a 0-star Pokemon has 1000+ CP, it may be worth evolving instead.
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Do 3-star Pokemon matter?

Yes, Stars Shine Bright for a Reason

Having 3-star Pokemon is especially crucial when you're gearing up for battles, raids, or defending gyms. A higher star rating generally means a Pokemon will perform better in these scenarios, making your journey to become a Pokemon Master slightly easier.
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Should I keep 0-star Pokémon?

Because it will take most players a long time before they can max out Pokemon Storage, it's best to just release the 0-stars and keep the 1/2/3/4-stars. Storage Expansions can be bought for 200 Coins at the Shop.
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Is it better to evolve a Pokemon or level it up?

Because we cannot predict a Pokémon's move set before evolving it, you should evolve a Pokémon and confirm it has the moves you want before investing your hard-earned Stardust into it. If you evolve first and get a bad/unwanted move set, you'll at least have only used Candies and no Stardust.
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Is it worth it to not evolve Pokemon?

While Evolution is usually a welcome development, it might not always be the best choice for your Pokémon. Evolved Pokémon often learn particular moves at later levels than unevolved Pokémon, or they might learn different moves altogether.
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Should you only evolve 3 star Pokemon?

Are Pokemon weaker if they don't evolve?

To be clear, unevolved Pokémon can still age, as Tracey's Scyther did in the anime. However, instead of taking a stronger and more mature form, not evolving Pokémon can leave them trapped in a weaker and immature state.
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Should I evolve my perfect Pokemon?

If you have a Pokemon that is in the highest or second highest IV tier, it really is not that far away from perfect Max CP. So evolving a Pokemon with IV's in the first or second tier is a good idea, you don't need to wait for the perfect IV's. Never power up a Pokémon before evolving it!
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Should I max CP before evolving?

Pokemon GO: Why evolving first is preferred

Although evolving a Pokemon or powering it up first won't dictate its full battle potential in Pokemon GO, there are a few reasons many trainers opt to evolve a Pokemon before powering it up. After a Pokemon's evolution, they'll acquire new moves in many instances.
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Should I evolve the Pokemon with the highest stats?

It doesn't really matter unless you care about PVP. Cp is determined by base stats of a pokemon, the pokémon's level, and its ivs. Because evolving a pokemon only changes the base stats not the level or ivs, it doesn't matter if you power up a pokemon before evolving or after the cp it gets to won't change.
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Is it better to evolve higher CP or IV?

CP you can change by powering up the Pokemon, IVs cannot be changed, so higher IVs always have priority over high CP. The most ideal situation would be both, of course. Higher IVs will naturally give you a higher CP pokemon once it's fully evolved and powered up.
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Should I evolve my 4 star Pokemon go?

It's recommended to only evolve a Pokemon that has high CP, or a 3/4-star Appraisal.
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Should I purify 2 star Pokemon?

Purified Pokemon will have better Appraisal and receive 2 points towards all their IVs. This can potentially bring a 2-star Shadow Pokemon to a 3-star if it's purified. Purified Pokemon will receive a significant boost in Combat Power (CP).
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What is a perfect 3-star Pokemon go?

Getting a 3-star ranking with a red emblem means that your Pokémon's IVs are perfect, while 3 stars with a gold emblem indicate IVs that are around 82% to 98% perfect. Check out apps like Poké Genie to get a more in-depth look at your Pokémon's IVs.
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What happens when you purify a 3-star Pokemon?

Purifying a Shadow Pokémon will improve their appraisal and reduce the amount of Stardust and Candy required for them to Power Up, Evolve, or learn a new attack. When Purified, a Shadow Pokémon will forget Frustration and learn Return, a Charged Attack that's exclusive to Purified Pokémon.
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What does 3 * 4 * mean in Pokemon GO?

3* = 3 Stars. 4* = 3 Stars with a red background / 100% Pokémon.
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Can you solo a 3-star Pokemon GO?

Yes, You Can Solo 3-Star Raids!

To successfully solo a 3-star raid, you'll need a team of high-level Pokemon with type advantages against the raid boss. Plus, powering up your Pokemon and equipping them with the right movesets can make a huge difference. Knowledge of the raid boss's weaknesses is your best tool.
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Is there a reason to not evolve Pokemon?

In previous games, most of the time you would get moves a few levels early if you do not evolve the Pokémon. Looking through the level up moves, it seems this is no longer the case, moves seemed to be unlocked at the same level for pre evolution and evolved Pokémon.
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Is it better to evolve Pokemon at lower levels?

This is because unevolved Pokemon that pass their level requirement to evolve will gain more EXP from battle. For example, a level 17+ Mudkip will gain more EXP than a level 17-35 Marshtomp or a level 36+ Swampert. So, if you just want to get to level 100 ASAP, then yes, don't evolve until the last few levels.
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What are the rarest Pokemon in Pokémon GO?

The statistic indicates that as of July 2021, the Shiny Shadow Omanyte is considered the rarest Pokemon in the mobile game, Pokemon Go. This means that among all the different Pokemon species available in the game, the Shiny Shadow Omanyte is the hardest to find and obtain.
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Do you find better Pokémon at higher levels?

This is answered in game as well, the higher your trainer Level the higher CP wild pokemon will be. It's also the reason why if you traded high LEVELED pokemon to a new trainer it's level will be reduced.
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Should I power up before purifying Pokémon?

You can purify a Shadow Pokémon at any point, though it's best to do so before you power it up and accidentally burn through your hard-earned Candy and Stardust. It will cost you both Candy and Stardust to purify your Pokémon, and the amount is different depending on the Pokémon.
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Does it matter which Pokémon you evolve?

No, the Pokemon's stats are recalculated once they evolve so they shouldn't matter. Though you might have missed out on some moves that you'll either have to relearn or teach through other means.
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Is it better to purify or evolve first?

Shadow Pokémon cannot learn event Charged exclusive moves. They will keep Frustration after evolving. Trainers must purify first in order to learn exclusive moves, which replace Return. Unlocking the second Charged Attack has no effect on this.
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Should I purify my perfect Pokemon?

Purifying a Pokémon does not affect its individual values; it only changes its appearance, adds the "Purified" tag to its name, and reduces its level to level 25 (or level 30 if the Pokémon is weather-boosted) while also reducing the Stardust and Candy required for further power-ups.
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What are the chances of a Pokemon being perfect?

"Each stat has a 1/32 chance of being perfect, so the odds for an ordinary Pokemon are (1/32)⁶, or roughly 1 in a billion.
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