Was Altair Ezio father?

The Game never even hints at Ezio and Altair being reletated. They are not related. And this is confirmed in revelations.
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Were Ezio and Altair related?

How are Ezio and Altair related? They're not. There's an assumption by many fans that Ezio is Altair's descendant, but they're not actually blood related at all. They're both ancestors of Desmond, which is where their bloodlines converge, but they're not related to each other.
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Who is the descendant of Altair?

Leading the Egyptian Brotherhood

By the early 16th century, the Assassin Iskender, a descendant of Altaïr, had risen to the position of Mentor of the Egyptian Brotherhood. In 1511, he managed to locate two Memory Seals hidden in Alexandria and sent his Assassins to retrieve them.
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Was Ezio's father an Assassin?

The films primarily revolve around Ezio's father Giovanni (played by Romano Orzari), an Assassin from 15th-century Florence, and his investigation of the mysterious murder of the Duke of Milan, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, which leads him to confront a larger conspiracy.
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Who did Ezio have a child with?

In the animated short Assassin's Creed: Embers, the last years of Ezio's life are chronicled. After his retirement from the Assassins, he has settled down in a Tuscan villa near Monteriggioni with Sofia, with whom he has two children: Flavia and Marcello.
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Assassin's Creed Family Tree Explained! (Desmond Miles) | The Leaderboard

Is Ezio Altair's son?

However, Altair and his son are not related to Ezio and his daughter. Altair and Ezio (and their offspring obviously) are on separate branches of Desmond's family tree.
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Who is Altair's son?

Darim Ibn-La'Ahad (born 1195) was a member of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins, and the eldest son of its Mentor, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, and his wife Maria Thorpe. When Darim was in his early twenties, he traveled with his parents to Mongolia to combat the rise of the Mongol Empire.
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Why was Ezio's family killed?

On the Piazza della Signoria in 1412 we find a young florentin Noble, Ezio Auditore witness a public execution. His father Giovanni, a member of the Assassin's Order, and his brothers Federico and Petruccio stand accused of treason against the City of Florence.
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How old was Ezio when he died?

Sometime after helping teach the Chinese Assassin Shao Jun the ways of the Order, Ezio died of a heart attack at the age of 65, during a visit to Florence with his wife and daughter.
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Who betrayed Ezio's father?

It stands to reason that he intended on slowly introducing the concept to Ezio soon, especially since he could easily have had Federico (who had already been trained and inducted into the Brotherhood, according to the Wiki) do it instead. Unfortunately his opportunity was cut short by Uberto's betrayal.
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Why did Altair exile himself?

Blaming Altaïr for dishonoring his family's name, Abbas eventually staged a coup to take over the Order, and Altaïr was forced into a self-imposed exile alongside his family.
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Who is better, Ezio or Altair?

Take Altaïr's exile into account while comparing that with Ezio's (near entire) life as an Assassin and you have him being the most likely winner. I argue that Altaïr would win over Ezio during their younger years, but that is due to skill and practiced technique in facing lethal opponents.
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Who is Altair's wife?

Maria Thorpe was the wife of Altair. Since childood, Maria had always dreamed of being a knight. A tomboy in her teens, she was often ridiculed by other children and punished by her parents for refusing to "be a lady".
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Is Connor Desmond's ancestor?

With the help of his father and friends, Desmond relives the memories of his ancestors Haytham Kenway (1725–1781; Kingdom of Great Britain) and Ratonhnhaké:ton / Connor (1756–unknown; Colonial America) using the new Animus 3.0, hoping to find the Key to the Temple's Central Vault, where the solution to stopping the ...
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Is Jacob Frye related to Desmond Miles?

All of the memories available to Abstergo come from Desmond Miles' DNA. In Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, you play as both Jacob and Evie Frye, who are brother and sister. Therefore, Desmond is a descendant of both Jacob and Evie Frye.
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Did Altair become a Templar?

Al Mualim was a traitor to both the Assassins and the Templars. Altaïr was always an Assassin and his allegiance was to the truth. Altaïr was never a Templar.
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Did the apple keep Altair alive?

This was seen in the case of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad who, after being restrained by Al Mualim using the Apple, was completely unmoved and unharmed by its effects when it fell into the hands of Abbas Sofian.
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Who talked to Ezio when he died?

While resting on a bench, a young man with a scar on his face approaches Ezio and berates the women of Florence, reminding Ezio of his younger self. After telling Ezio to get some rest, the man leaves, just as Ezio suffers a fatal heart attack and dies in view of his family.
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What does Ezio say after killing someone?

Every time Ezio assassinates his target, he has a habit of reciting a string of poetic words, concluded by the phrase “Requiescat in pace,” which is Latin for “Rest in peace.” Surely you've seen this phrase many times before on tombstones and obituaries. When I say this prayer is poetic, I really think so.
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What illness did Ezio Auditore have?

Ezio was a 65-year-old man with a heart condition at the time. There was nothing special about his death, he was just an increasingly frail man, living the last moments of his life with his loved ones.
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What were Ezio's dying words?

Requiescat in Pace.] Ezio's signature quote, "Requiescat in Pace.", translates as, "Rest in peace".
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What is Ezio's weakness?

For example, he is tricked by Caterina Sforza, who deceives him for political gains. Ezio's ultimate weakness: women.
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Are Ezio and Altair related?

IS ALTAIR ANCESTER OF EZIO ? No. They're not related.
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Why did Altair marry a Templar?

Maria became romantically involved with Altaïr after traveling to Masyaf. In 1195, they were married in Limassol out of respect for the Cypriots who had made the island a key stronghold for the Order, with Markos as a guest of honor.
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What is Altair's full name?

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165–1257) was a Syrian Assassin during the Middle Ages and, from 1191 until his death, the Assassin Order's Grand Master. Raised to be an Assassin from birth, Altaïr obtained the rank of Master Assassin by his seventeenth year.
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