Was Bahamut a primal?

Bahamut is an Elder Primal, thought by some to be the most powerful of the bunch. At the end of the Seventh Umbral Era, Bahamut managed to break free of his prison within the lesser moon, Dalamund.
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What type of dragon is Bahamut?

Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon is the deity of good-aligned dragons and metallic dragons, being considered the first of their kind. He is a sworn enemy of Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant, who is the queen of the chromatic dragons.
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Why does Tiamat hate Bahamut?

Tiamat's enmity with Bahamut dates back to their creation, when Io made them; they were made with the intention of becoming complements and mates, but their personalities were too much at odds. Tiamat murdered Vorel, her eldest brother, and tried to frame Bahamut for the deed.
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Is Bahamut a celestial?

Marduk's church was eradicated and Bahamut was reduced to the status of Celestial paragon.
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Who is stronger, Tiamat or Bahamut?

The platinum dragon Bahamut is a member of the nine dragon deities created from the body of Io and his sister Tiamat. Both Tiamat and Bahamut are similarly powerful, but are very dissimilar in personality.
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FINAL FANTASY XIV - Flames of Truth

Who is the weakest undefeated Bahamut?

Lux is the seventh crown Prince of the Arcadia Empire, which was destroyed in a revolt five years prior to the start of the series, and nicknamed "The Weakest Undefeated Drag-Knight" due to having never lost a fight (all his fights end in draws).
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Who killed Bahamut?

The gods and demons decide to protect Anatae from the raging dragon while Charioce XVII, with the assistance of Nina Drango, fires Dromos and obliterates Bahamut's head and upper torso. Bahamut is believed to be permanently dead by the masses and Charioce XVII is hailed a hero by all.
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Would a dragonborn worship Bahamut?

Likewise, dragonborn viewed Bahamut not only as their deity, but also as their father, and as such they honored and respected him above all.
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What is the true form of Bahamut?

True Form. Bahamut Cat's True Form takes the purpose of its first two forms and completely flips it on its head. He gains reduced recharge time, greatly increased attack speed and movement speed, twice as many knockbacks, and multi-hit attack.
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Why is Bahamut so powerful?

Immense divine power: Bahamut has tremendous divine power, thanks to which he is practically not afraid of demonic or angelic magic. Furthermore, the combined power of the latter, with the participation of the Demon King and the Supreme Deity, was not sufficient to cause him much harm.
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Did Bahamut and Tiamat have a child?

Though Io intended for the duo to have children that took on all of their positive traits, both children were instantly antagonistic towards the other. Tiamat resented Bahamut's righteousness, and Bahamut abhorred her cruelty. Io refused to intervene, allowing his children to bicker.
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Is Tarrasque stronger than Tiamat?

Tiamat by a wide margin. She's smart, has flight and ranged attacks (which aren't a line spell), so she can defeat the Tarrasque with nothing but patience. Add to this that the Tarrasque's attacks are not magical while Tiamat is immune to nonmagical attacks, and the conclusion is quite obvious.
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Is Bahamut a Leviathan?

Above the fish stands a bull called Kuyootà, on the bull, a "ruby" rock, on the rock an angel to shoulder the earth. Below the Bahamut (Leviathan) is the colossus serpentine Falak.
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What is the holy symbol of Bahamut?

The holy symbol used by dragon clerics of Bahamut was a small dragon claw (about the size of a human hand) usually made of platinum or some other metal plated with platinum, although younger (and relatively poorer) dragons made theirs of their own metal type.
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Is Bahamut a primal?

FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. Held in duress for eons within the lesser moon, Dalamud, the elder primal Bahamut broke free of his captivity when the celestial body was wrested from the heavens to descend upon the Battle of Carteneau.
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Is Bahamut good or evil?

Trivia. Bahamut shares his voice actor and many personality traits with another Pure Evil: Derek Simmons from Resident Evil 6. Bahamut is the only Final Fantasy XV Pure Evil.
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What is the holy weapon of Bahamut?

The Platinum Saber - A Holy Sword of Bahamut.
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Are Behemoth and Bahamut the same?

To answer the question posed in this post's title, no, they're not one and the same, but yes, there is an etymological link between the Final Fantasy versions of Bahamut and Behemoth.
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What races worship Bahamut?

Elves, humans and many other races of the world often worship Bahamut as a paragon of justice, often ascribing his priests' dominion over laws and courts as well as honouring him as the patron of most paladins.
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Does Bahamut have a human form?

In his Human form he is simply known by the name Xymor. He is also married to Tiamat Mother of Evil Dragons.
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Why did Tiamat summon Bahamut?

Tiamat called to her siblings, Azdaja and Vrtra, to assist with the Allagans voidsent armies. This battle resulted in Azdaja becoming trapped within the void. The Ascians manipulated the grieving Tiamat into summoning Bahamut back as a primal, something she regretted as the Dreadwyrm was nothing but a crude imitation.
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What is Bahamut weak against?

Does Bahamut have any weaknesses? Bahamut Arisen does not possess any specific elemental weaknesses that can be exploited. Focusing on charging synergy attacks to stagger him is the best course of action.
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What is the difference between Bahamut and Tiamat?

These powerful creatures embody the ultimate clash between good and evil, with Tiamat reigning over the chromatic dragons of the underworld, and Bahamut presiding over the noble metallic dragons from his celestial palace.
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Is Bahamut the strongest Astral?

However, it is soon revealed that the Draconian is, in fact, the true villain. Like the other Astrals, Bahamut is based on a recurring summon in the Final Fantasy series. He is one of the most prominent summoned monsters in the series and is typically considered the strongest among them.
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