What animal is chansey?

Chansey and the olm are both pink cave-dwelling amphibians. Olms have unique adaptations for an underground life - they can survive without food for up to a decade!
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What creature is Chansey?

Chansey is a pink, ovoid Pokémon with stubby arms and dark pink feet. It has tiny eyes and three hair-like growths on each side of its head. The tufts of hair have dark pink tips. On the center of its belly is a dark pink pouch that contains a single white egg.
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What is Chansey supposed to be?

Chansey is a Normal type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1 .
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What animal is Blissey?

Blissey is a Pokémon that has a large, ovoid body with a pink upper body and white lower body. It has hair-like curls on either side of its head. White, wing-like tufts grow from its hips and shoulders, creating the impression of a dress.
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What animal is Charmander based off of?

Charmander. Charmander is based on a salamander, which the Pokémon's name already hints at – not a great revelation in and of itself. The reason behind this pairing is rather interesting, however.
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Is Bulbasaur a frog or a turtle?

Despite their English names, Ken Sugimori confirmed that the design of Bulbasaur and its evolutions are based on frogs. In the Pokémon franchise, Bulbasaur are small, amphibian and plant Pokémon that move on all four legs. They have blue-green bodies with darker blue-green spots.
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Is Ivysaur a frog?

Since the beginning, Venusaur and its evolutionary predecessors Bulbasaur and Ivysaur have resembled a sort of hybrid between frogs and dinosaurs, with the only major difference from normal Earth frogs being the plants they carry on their backs.
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What animal is Mienfoo?

Mienfoo/Kojofu is a yellow, bipedal, mustelid-like Pokémon, with round ears, red eyes, round black 'eyebrows,' and pink nose with a whisker on each side. Its red arms look similar to flared sleeves, and the paws are yellow.
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What animal is Tangela?

Tangela is a plant Pokémon covered by blue, seaweed-like vines that obscure its face.
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What animal is Remoraid?

#223 – Remoraid

He's not much like a remora at all – at least, not on his own – and in the original Japanese isn't even named after one. Rather, he's more of an archerfish, those fish that shoot down flying insects by spitting water. And they've redesigned the actual animal to mimic a pistol, to boot.
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Are all Chansey female?

Chansey is a female-only species with no male counterpart.
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Why is Chansey holding an egg?

Chansey are supposed to bring happiness and are seen carrying a stone shaped egg and shares her with injured Pokémon. The Chansey line happens to have more items associated with it than any other Pokémon: the Lucky Punch, the Lucky Incense, the Lucky Egg, and the aforementioned Oval Stone.
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What is Chansey in Japanese?

Chansey's original Japanese name is “Lucky” (ラッキー), while “Fuku” (福) in 'Fukushima' means luck or happiness.
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Is Chansey an amphibian?

Chansey and the olm are both pink cave-dwelling amphibians. Olms have unique adaptations for an underground life - they can survive without food for up to a decade!
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What kills Chansey?

The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Chansey are:
  • Terrakion,
  • Pheromosa,
  • Lucario,
  • Urshifu (Single Strike),
  • Keldeo (Ordinary).
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What is the baby of Chansey?

Most baby pokemon can only be bred when the parent is equipped with a special incense. In this case, equip your chansey with a Luck Incense, and the offspring should be a Happiny.
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What animal is dragonite?

Dragonite is a Dragon-type Pokemon introduced in Generation 1. It is Dragonair's level 55 evolution. Dragonite is a bipedal Pokemon that has features that strongly resembles a dragon. Unlike a dragon however, its wings are relatively small.
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What animal is machamp?

The machamp (Senianglosaurus gigapokevus) is a species of non-mammal therapsid-type synapsid that originally did not exist, but has since been created by SciiFii due to demands for real life Pokémon-like animals from Pokémon fans.
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What animal is Gardevoir?

A Gardevoir is a species of mammal part of the dylanusid family. They originated from Pokémon game series. They aren't the alternate forms of Gallades, nor have they evolved from Kirlias or Ralts, since they are a completely different species.
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What animal is Stunfisk?

Stunfisk / Stargazer (Uranoscopidae family)

Although perhaps a tad cuter than its ferocious-looking inspiration, with its bug eyes and upward-facing mouth, Stunfisk does bear a resemblance to a Stargazer fish.
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What animal is Bidoof?

Bidoof is inspired by the mountain beaver, scientifically named Aplodontia rufa. Though it is a North American rodent, it is not actually a true beaver, being a closer relative of the squirrel - thus explaining why it is listed in the Pokédex as the Plump Mouse Pokémon!
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What animal is Sceptile?

Sceptile is a reptilian, bipedal Pokémon. Its neck is somewhat long, and it has two crests on its head. It has semicircular, yellow eyes with red rims. Its lower jaw and a belt-like band across its waist are also red.
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Is Venusaur a lizard?

Despite Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur all having “saur” (Greek for “lizard”) at the end of their names, they aren't based on reptiles. Instead, they're designed around frogs & toads, which are amphibians.
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Is Lotad a frog?

Lotad is a Gen 3 Pokemon based on a lily-pad that is debatably a frog Pokemon. While many have speculated, there are several key design features hinting at a frog inspiration for the Water Weed Pokemon. Its stubby legs and aquatic nature give this Pokemon away as a frog.
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Is Bulbasaur a parasite?

Another interesting aspect of Bulbasaur is how quickly the plant can become a parasite. According another pokédex entry “The bulb-like pouch on its back grows larger as it ages.
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