What are the strengths of the Dark Elves?

Their combination of powerful intellects with strong and agile physiques produce superior warriors and sorcerers. On the battlefield, Dark Elves are noted for their skill with a balanced integration of the sword, the bow and destruction magic.
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What are Dark Elves good at?

Magic Affinity: The dark elves' most important power is the ease with which they can tap into the Web of Dreaming. While talent alone is worthless without practice, it is this gift that ensures their survival to this day.
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What are the benefits of the dark elf?

Dark Elf Racial Abilities

Resist Fire: Dark Elves have a 50% resistance to fire, making them less vulnerable to fire-based attacks. This can be particularly useful in combat situations against fire-wielding enemies or when navigating areas with fire hazards.
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What abilities do Dark Elves have?

All dark elves have inherent mental abilities. They can communicate through telepathy with one another. They can enter and exit portals that are triggered by the Dark Elven powers of the mind. Once on the surface world, the dark elves can use their abilities to be invisible to everyone except other dark elves.
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What are elves strengths?

Stronger and more resistant, better at healing, and of evasive capacity as well as being very tall. Elves were immune to disease and pestilence. And the Quendi and Dúnedain also had better skills, powers of mind, and more wisdom, in addition to being magical and capable of producing many things of beauty.
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What are the strengths of the dark elves in Skyrim?

Dark Elf. Also known as "Dunmer" in their homeland of Morrowind, dark elves are noted for their stealth and magic skills. They are naturally resistant to fire and can call upon their Ancestor's Wrath to surround themselves in fire.
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What is the strongest Elf?

11 Most Powerful Elves in Middle Earth & Lord of the Rings
  • Luthien. Luthien was the most potent elf; in Middle Earth, she was also known as Tinviel. ...
  • Feanor. Feanor, the High King of the Oldor, was a talented craftsman, inventor, and warrior. ...
  • Galadriel. ...
  • Fingolfin. ...
  • Glorfindel. ...
  • Ecthelion. ...
  • Elrond. ...
  • Gil-galad.
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What is a dark elf's weakness?

Dark elves are inherently magical beings. From birth, without being taught, they can use rudimentary magic. In time, as they grow and develop, they become masters of elemental magic, at least of ice, wind, and sometimes earth, but their weakness is fire, and no dark elf body can withstand the heat of fire spells.
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Are dark elves immortal?

Powers and Abilities

Some Dark Elves, like Malekith, can use fairy magic do shapeshift, teleport, project energy blasts, and so on. Dark Elves are also immortal, which means they live indefinitely but they can be killed by physical injury.
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Are dark elves good or evil?

The Dark Elves of Mundanus are regarded by most to be a vile, evil race, and the dark elves would certainly not disagree. For millennia, the drow have raided, enslaved and destroyed settlements of every race, simply because of the ideals that "surface dwellers are weak."
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Why do the Dark Elves wear masks?

Their masks maintain their life force, shielding them from the poisonous effects of the universe. Their masks also show evidence of enlarged eyes, possibly adapted for seeing in the darkness.
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How do Dark Elves fight?

Dark Elves don't have the trust and cohesion, nor the discipline, that the High Elves have when fighting in formation. One a one-to-one confrontation the Dark Elves start with more warriors, and those that survive the High Elves' attacks do more damage.
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Do Dark Elves have dark skin?

Dark elves had dark brown skin, as opposed to the ebony skin that drow had, and pale hair. It was believed that some of them may have had black hair instead of white, and no darkvision.
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What God do Dark Elves worship?

An enduring hallmark of Dark Elf culture revolves around the respect and worship afforded to the spirits of their ancestors. While we see both of these traditions practiced among the Dunmer of the Great Houses, the tribal Ashlanders worship specific ancestors and the three “Good” Daedra—Azura, Mephala, and Boethia.
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What type of magic do Dark Elves use?

The Dark Elves are as accomplished practitioners of magic as their arch enemies the High Elves but whereas the High Elves essentially use magic defensively and for the power of good, the Dark Elves utilise the evil powers of Dark Magic a very destructive force indeed.
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Can Dark Elves have wings?

Some Dark Elves who possess bright wings are called "Summoners", using staffs fueled by magic capable of calling in reinforcements. Using their wings, Dark Elves are capable of flight for long distances. In addition, they can walk on any surface, similar to most arthropods.
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Who defeated the dark elf?

The Dark Elves were defeated and nearly exterminated by the Asgardian army under King Bor, with Malekith and several dozen other warriors going into hibernation for 5,000 years until the next Convergence.
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What language do the Dark Elves speak?

Shiväisith is the native language of the Dark Elves. While the Dark Elves can speak other languages, it is their native tongue and the language they prefer to use to converse among themselves. It is written in a system of runes know as Todjydheenil (see below).
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How long are Dark Elves pregnant?

Dark Elves are only pregnant for two weeks and the mother does not show any external changes during pregnancy. This is to not be a hindrance should the Dark Elf get into danger. A Juvenile Dark Elf has no sex at all, completely androgens in mind and body, though they carry female anatomy.
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What is dark elf best for?

The combination of the Dark Elf intellect and strong agile physiques produce superior warriors and sorcerers. It is said on the battlefield, Dunmer are noted for this skill with swords, bows, and destruction magic.
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Who is the strongest elf?

As powerful as Galadriel, Fëanor, and many other Elves worthy of a mention are, the title of most powerful Elf goes to Fingolfin, the High King of the Ñoldor. Fingolfin achieved many impressive feats, but one stands out and places him as the most powerful of them all: his legendary duel with Morgoth.
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What is the evilest elf?

Feanor and his sons all did evil deeds, some more eagerly than others. There's Saeros, the elf who harassed and ambushed Turin in Doriath. Not just Eol but his son, Maeglin. Maeglin was actually much worse than Eol, for he betrayed the location of Gondolin to Morgoth.
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What is the rarest elf?

"Rockseer elves are the rarest of all elvenkind. They are far taller than most of their kin, with a few reaching almost to eight feet in height. An average weight for a Rockseer is between 120 and 140 pounds, with little gender difference.
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Who is the smartest elf?

Elrond: Wisest in lore, master of wisdom; implying that he's good, but not the best. Galadriel: Greatest of the Noldor.
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Which elf is the oldest?

The oldest elf in LoTR is Círdan the Shipwright, the oldest Elf still remaining in Middle-Earth, who appears at the end of Return of the King to sail to Valinor.
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