What areas of Dark Souls are optional?

2 Answers. The Wikidot Dark Souls Wiki lists 4 areas as "optional" - The Great Hollow, Ash Lake and Painted World of Ariamis on the Areas page, plus Valley of Drakes on its own page. (I'd argue Darkroot Basin is also optional, but the border between Darkroot Garden and Darkroot Basin is somewhat blurred.)
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Is the abyss optional in DS1?

While everything about Artorias of the Abyss is technically optional, the main storyline consists of the Chosen Undead taking the place of Knight Artorias, rescuing Dusk of Oolacile and killing Manus, Father of the Abyss.
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Do you need to play all Dark Souls in order?

That being said, if the lore of Dark Souls appeals to you, you're probably best jumping into the original game first. Dark Souls has a rich world and a deep story that you'll uncover over time, and while each game largely stands on its own, some aspects of the lore are best experienced chronologically.
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Is Blighttown optional in Dark Souls?

You can completely ignore Ash Lake, Depths, Lower Burg, most of Blighttown, Painted World, Valley of the Drakes and Darkroot Basin if you want. To skip most of blight town, you need to go through the Valley of Dragons. Also, either the depths or Valley of Dragons is not optional.
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What is the least favorite Dark Souls area?

Ranking the Dark Souls Areas From Worst To Best
  1. #1 - Anor Londo (Dark Sun Gwyndolin, Ornstein and Smough)
  2. #2 - Sen's Fortress (Iron Golem) ...
  3. #3 - The Duke's Archives. ...
  4. #4 - Kiln of The First Flame (Gwyn the Lord of Cinder) ...
  5. #5 - Royal Woods (DLC) (Knight Artorias, Black Dragon Kalameet) ...
  6. #6 - Undead Parish (Bell Gargoyles) ...
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15 Secret Areas In Dark Souls That You Probably Missed

What is the scariest area in Dark Souls 1?

Scariest: The Depths. This place has the scariest enemies in the entire game - slimes, Giant Rats, basilisks, etc. Best: Anor Londo. 'nuff said.
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Which areas in Dark Souls are optional?

This is also the case with many of the areas and non-hostile characters players can experience as well.
  • 10 Taurus Demon. ...
  • 9 Eingyi. ...
  • 8 Demon Firesage. ...
  • 7 Ash Lake. ...
  • 6 Crossbreed Priscilla. ...
  • 5 Centipede Demon. ...
  • 4 Painted World. ...
  • 3 Capra Demon.
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Why is Blighttown so infamous?

Many players would put Blighttown in the “bad” category. It is, for a not insignificant number of Dark Souls players, an obscenely unpleasant experience. For one thing, it's a swamp level, the hellish fusion of water levels and sewer levels and pretty much every kind of environment that's nasty, slow, and waterlogged.
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Is Darkroot Garden optional?

This section covers the optional area past the Undead Parish, known as Darkroot Garden.
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Is the Great Hollow optional ds1?

You can access this optional quest by going to the base of the giant tree that sits at the bottom of Blighttown in the opposite corner of where you entered Quelaag's Domain. If you're going to make the trek to the Hollow, make sure to equip poison-resistant armor as well as the Rusted Iron Ring.
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Has anyone completed Dark Souls without dying?

So, there's this thing in the FromSoftware community called the “God Run.” It's a challenge run where you play through the studio's various Soulsborne games without getting hit. It's difficult, but not impossible. Two of them have been completed by other streamers already.
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Which is the hardest Dark Souls game?

  • 8 Salt And Sanctuary. ...
  • 7 Demon's Souls. ...
  • 6 Dark Souls 3. ...
  • 5 The Surge. ...
  • 4 Hollow Knight. ...
  • 3 Dark Souls. ...
  • 2 Bloodborne. Platform(s) PS4. ...
  • 1 Dark Souls 2: Scholar Of The First Sin. The least favorite Dark Souls of most fans, many players would say that Dark Souls 2 was the easiest in the series.
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Can I play Dark Souls without order?

The games are not in chronological order. However, it will help to play 1 before you play 3 and the Ring City DLC. A lot of the lore from 1 is connected to 3 so it will help to play 1 before 3 and that DLC so you have a better idea of what is going on lore wise.
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Is the Hydra in ds1 optional?

Neither boss fight is essential to advancing the plot of the game, so it is actually possible to skip both fights altogether. You will have to fight the Hydra before you can get to Dusk of Oolacile and access the DLC content included in Artorias of the Abyss.
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Can Sif be saved?

If the Chosen Undead saves Sif in the Chasm of the Abyss before killing Sif in Darkroot Garden, a different cutscene will play before the fight; however, this can only be done if the player places the Lordvessel in the altar through Firelink Shrine, as Artorias' ring is needed to access Kaathe.
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How many endings does ds1 have?

There are two; the normal ending and the “bad” ending. Link The Fire and Age Of Dark, respectively. The first one is just you playing the game normally; ring the bells,summon Frampt, get the Lordvessel and place it, collect the Lord Souls, put em in the Lordvessel, get to Gwyn, kill him, link the Fire.
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Is Knight Artorias optional?

While everything about Artorias of the Abyss is technically optional, the main storyline consists of the Chosen Undead taking the place of Knight Artorias, rescuing Dusk of Oolacile and killing Manus, Father of the Abyss.
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Is The Butterfly optional in Dark Souls?

Yep, she's optional. If you defeat her you do get some nice stuff though. Her soul can be used to make one of the best weapons in the game (the crystal ring shield), and beyond her you can find the divine ember that will let you forge divine weapons at the blacksmith.
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Is Four Kings optional Dark Souls?

4 kings + bed of chaos (no extra bosses cus of shortcut) + nito. You need all 4 lord souls, so.... no, you can't skip Bed of Chaos or Four Kings. Gwyndolin is completely optional.
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What level should you enter Blighttown?

If a player is running the game normally they will usually be around level 30 when reaching Blighttown.
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Is Blighttown really that hard?

Most of the enemies arent so bad, but theres a couple of spots where you can get overwhelmed if you arent extremely careful. Like, more than usual. And while its not "hard" per se, the Big Room of Toxic Dart Jerks can be a nuisance.
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What boss is in Blighttown?

Return to the Blighttown bonfire once more and prepare yourself for the next stage of your quest - the Boss Chaos Witch Quelaag.
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What is the hardest area in Dark Souls?

Some games test the patience of these determined players, and Dark Souls is definitely one of them.
  • 4 Four Kings Boss Room.
  • 5 Gravelord Nito Boss Room. ...
  • 6 Chaos Witch Quelaag Boss Room. ...
  • 7 Dark Anor Londo. ...
  • 8 The Anor Londo Staircase Tower. ...
  • 9 Crystal Caves. ...
  • 10 Seath The Scaleless' Boss Room. ...
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Which Dark Souls is the most accessible?

As others have said, Elden Ring is definitely the best choice.
  • Most recent major one, while still old enough to have gotten a bunch of patches, so it has the most QoL features and polish.
  • Open-world nature means that if you get stuck somewhere you can just go somewhere else.
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What is the most beautiful place in Dark Souls?

  1. 1 Irithyll Of The Boreal Valley (Dark Souls 3)
  2. 2 Leyndell (Elden Ring) ...
  3. 3 Majula (Dark Souls 2) ...
  4. 4 Anor Londo (Dark Souls) ...
  5. 5 Forsaken Cainhurst Castle (Bloodborne) ...
  6. 6 Fountainhead Palace (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice) ...
  7. 7 Miquella's Haligtree (Elden Ring) ...
  8. 8 Lothric Castle (Dark Souls 3) ...
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