What can I do with Mace of Molag Bal?

The mace is useful as a powerful weapon, and is useful for debilitating enemies. This allows for speedy skill leveling, making enemies' attacks weaker. This weapon is good for enchanters looking for a way to fill their soul gems without having to cast Soul Trap all the time.
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How do you upgrade Mace of Molag Bal in Skyrim?

The Mace of Molag Bal can be improved using an Ebony Ingot. However, it is not classified as an Ebony weapon nor is it classified as any other type of material. Therefore, it does not benefit from Smithing Perks.
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Can you keep the rusty mace in Skyrim?

The wiki says if you take the rusted mace, take it to your home and put it on a weapon plaque, kill the priest and obtain The Mace of Molag Bal, you can return home and remove it from the plaque to keep it.
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Can you disenchant the Mace of Molag Bal?

-Enchanted staves cannot be disenchanted due to the nature of staves. At the moment, the enchantments are given to the player under the name of the items themselves (ex; disenchanting the Mace of Molag Bal will give you the "Mace of Molag Bal enchantment").
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Does the Mace of Molag Bal level with you?

5 Enchantment Is Not Leveled

The Mace of Molag Bal is one of the few exceptions to this rule. Its enchantment is at a fixed strength when you obtain it that is only affected by the Destruction tree's perks.
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Skyrim SE - Mace Of Molag Bal - Unique Weapon Guide

Should you take the Mace of Molag Bal?

The mace is useful as a powerful weapon, and is useful for debilitating enemies. This allows for speedy skill leveling, making enemies' attacks weaker. This weapon is good for enchanters looking for a way to fill their soul gems without having to cast Soul Trap all the time.
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Can you reject Molag Bal?

If you don't want to serve molag bal then simply lie to him to escape the cage and then never go back. Simple.
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Does Boethiah hate Molag Bal?

Molag Bal is a Daedric power of much importance in Morrowind, where he is always the archenemy of Boethiah, the Prince of Plots.
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What does Molag Bal do to females?

The first Daughter of Coldharbour can be roughly dated back to at least the early First Era. Lamae Beolfag was a Nedic virgin who was raped by Molag Bal. It is recorded that after the ordeal, Molag Bal shed a droplet of blood on her brow and left her to die.
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Can Molag Bal be killed?

God of Schemes: Use the power of the Amulet of Kings to defeat Molag Bal.
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What is the most powerful maces in Skyrim?

Read more about this one-of-a-kind weapon below.
  1. 1 Mace Of Molag Bal. Damage: 16. Effect: Deals 25 Stamina And Magicka Damage, Fills A Soul Gem.
  2. 2 Dragonbone Mace. Damage: 17. ...
  3. 3 Daedric Mace. Damage: 16. ...
  4. 4 Stalhrim Mace. Damage: 16. ...
  5. 5 Ebony Mace. Damage: 15. ...
  6. 6 Horksbane. Damage: 10. ...
  7. 7 Glass Mace. Damage: 14. ...
  8. 8 Elven Mace. Damage: 13. ...
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What weapon in Skyrim does the most damage?

The heaviest of heavy weapons, warhammers are the slowest to swing but deal the greatest amount of damage per hit. Volendrung is one of the Daedric artifacts, obtained for completing the Daedric quest "The Cursed Tribe".
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What did Molag Bal do to Serena?

She was a priestess and after her rape by Molag Bal she was abandoned by her deity, causing her to become bitter and curse their name.
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What God is Molag Bal?

Molag Bal is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the domination and enslavement of mortals. He is known as the King of Rape. His main desire is to harvest the souls of mortals and to bring them within his sway by spreading seeds of strife and discord in the mortal realms.
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Can you marry the vampire girl in Skyrim?

Although it is not possible to marry vampires, including Serana, in vanilla Skyrim, it is still possible to do so with the help of mods. To make marriage with Serana possible, fans should use the Marriable Serana mod made by C0drm0nk33 and available on Nexus Mods.
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Who is the evilest Daedra?

MOLAG BAL. Molag Bal is easily the most evil Daedric Prince: The Daedric Prince of Domination and the Enslavement of Mortals. No matter how you spin that title, there's no real way of misconstruing it in a positive light. Molag Bal's followers follow him out of fear and manipulation.
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Who is the best character to sacrifice to Boethiah?

If players want to sacrifice a follower to Boethiah based on justice or morality, Ralis Sedarys can be a good choice. Rails is the Dunmer at the head of the Kolbjorn Barrow excavation in Solstheim, who requests the Dragonborn's assistance and money to clear an ancient Nord Tomb.
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Is Mehrunes Dagon or Molag Bal more evil?

As the grantor of one of the most popular maces in the game, Molag Bal is only a little bit less evil than Mehrunes Dagon but he's just as notorious. That's because his dominion is, well, domination, and he loves to either crush his opponents or enslave them.
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Who does Molag Bal fear?

Molag Bal has a strong hatred of the Divine of death, Arkay, who controls the flow of mortal souls, diverting the pure and righteous from Molag's grasp.
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What is the reward of Molag Bal?

Just let him beat you to death and you'll appear back in front of the Shrine of Molag Bal. As a reward, you are given the Mace of Bolag Mal which is enchanted to do a drain Strength and Magicka at 5 points each on strike.
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Can logrolf be saved?

The House of Horrors

The Daedric Prince will first instruct the Dragonborn to beat Logrolf into submission with the rusty mace. This cannot be accomplished on the first try, and Logrolf will die. However, Molag Bal will resurrect Logrolf and he will submit on the second try.
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Should I help Molag Bal in Skyrim?

Molag Bal needs to find a champion to help him take his revenge on a rival Prince. If you step up and help him, you will be richly rewarded with a powerful and unique weapon to help you break down and dominate your foes just as its maker demands.
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What is the most powerful mace in Skyrim?

The mace has the 2nd highest base damage of one-handed weapons in the base game, with the Mace of Molag Bal being the strongest in the base game and the Dragonbone mace having the highest base damage with the addition of Dawnguard.
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Is Molag Bal a girl?

Like all the Daedric Princes, Molag Bal has no definite gender. Most often, however, he appears to his followers as male. Sigillah Parate mentions in her spiritual commentary that she belonged to a cult known as the "Witches of Molag Bal," where Molag Bal often appeared to its members in the guise of a mortal female.
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Can you fail Molag Bal quest?

You can fail molag bal by killing the one you are sent to fetch. But most are just of the don't finish variety, no real way to tell them where to stick it.
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