What class suits Dragonborn?

Every Dragonborn subrace is a sturdy option that is inherently able to breathe a specific elemental from their mouths. Their powerful physique makes them perfectly suited to destructive melee classes like Paladins, Fighters, and Barbarians.
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What class best fits dragonborn?

Best Class for the Dragonborn

Given the above, we feel that the best class for the Baldur's Gate 3 Dragonborn race is none other than the Sorcerer.
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What are Dragonborn good at?

Common abilities

Dragonborn have exceptional strength and superior charisma. They have the ability to breathe destructive energy at opponents, an ability known as a breath weapon. Its type depends on the its draconic bloodline, and is commonly a cone or line of acid, cold, fire, poison, or lightning.
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What's the best dragonborn build?

Best Builds for Dragonborns

This build focuses on combining the Dragonborn's divine heritage with the Paladin's righteous powers. The recommended sub-class would be either the Oath of Devotion or Oath of Vengence.
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What's the best class for Dragonborn BG3?

Best Race for Sorcerer Class in BG3

The premier race for a Sorcerer is the Dragonborn. The main reason for this is that the different subraces of Dragonborn offer resistance to a certain element and a breath attack using that same element.
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Davvy's Classical Guide to Dragonborn

What class are Dragonborns usually?

Dragonorn Traits

Ability Score Increases: +2/+1 is standard. The default ability score increases make dragonborn good bards, sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards, but make other class options difficult.
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What are the two types of Dragonborn?

There were three known draconic ancestries: the more common chromatic and metallic ancestries, and the gem ancestry. Although dragonborn of different ancestries could interbreed between them, it was generally believed that dragonborn could not breed with members of different humanoid species.
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Is a Dragonborn warlock good?

A Dragonborn Warlock would have better close-quarter abilities than other Warlocks, while a Dragonborn Barbarian could be a little friendlier than most Barbarians. It definitely fits well with more Strength-oriented classes, but there's no need to Min-Max with the Dragonborn.
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Which race should the Dragonborn be?

And in case you didn't notice, in Helgen there's a book talking about the dragonborn, and it explicitly states that a dragonborn can be of any race, and has been multiple times.
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How old is the average Dragonborn?

Dragonborn Traits

Age: Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80.
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What Dragonborn ability is the best?

Dragonborn force is the most useful. This comes down to personal opinion, and I like Dragonborn force, because I use Unrelenting force as a defensive shout often and this makes it useful. Depends on the kind of enemy. I use force against regular fighters such as bandits.
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What tier is the Dragonborn?

Let's start with the dragonborn; https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/The_Dovahkiin Here, we can see that the dragonborn is listed at the ranking of low 2-C(low multiversal), with an array of their equipment, spells etc.
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Can Dragonborn beat Daedric Princes?

Yes, of course a Dragonborn can beat a Daedric Prince. In fact, this happens multiple times in the series.
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Can a dragonborn be a cleric?

Flavor-wise, a Dragonborn Cleric fits in the nature of their Law-oriented lore. Moreover, an appropriate Domain and Deity can expand the Dragonborn Cleric with a lot of story hooks and interesting combat options.
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Can dragonborn fly in D&D?

Dragonborns can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they're fatigued at the end of the flight. Dragonborns are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying.
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What's better Dragonborn or Dawnguard?

In many regards, Dragonborn is more connected to the overarching lore of the Elder Scrolls universe than any of the other Skyrim expansions. The Dragonborn DLC adds around 35 new quests to the game, many of which are side quests to be explored in addition to the primary questline of the expansion.
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When should you start Dragonborn?

Getting Started

To pursue the content of the Dragonborn Expansion, players must have completed Skyrim's main quest line up to the Quest: The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. While certain aspects of the questline differ if you have completed Skyrim's Main Quest Line, it is not necessary to begin the Dragonborn Quest Line.
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Who would the dragonborn worship?

In the Realms, Dragonborn are most likely to worship Ilmater and Chauntea. They also worship the Untheric god Enlil. The worship of any member of the draconic pantheon was taboo in dragonborn culture due to their long history of enslavement by dragons on their homeworld, but only the faith of Tiamat…
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What race is the dragonborn canon?

yeah, there is no "canon" race. there is just a default race, which is the race matching the current country. (MW -> Dunmer, Oblivion -> Imperial, Skyrim -> Nord). that's actually kind of a key point of TES, and RPGs in general actually.
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What class should a dragonborn be?

Paladin is kind of the default Dragonborn class. Dragonborns natively get a boost to CHA and STR, which is exactly what you want for a Paladin.
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What race is best for Warlock?

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Best Character Races For Your Next Warlock
  1. 1 Gem Dragonborns Can Fly, Resist Damage, & Have Breath Attacks.
  2. 2 Eladrin Elves Have Good Traits For Evasive Warlocks In Combat. ...
  3. 3 Variant Humans Get A Feat Up Front. ...
  4. 4 Half-Orcs Make Fine Hexblade Warlocks. ...
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What is the strongest Warlock class?

Dawnblade is arguably the best subclass in all of Destiny 2 right now. What truly makes Dawnblade tick is the selection of Aspects available. Each option is as strong as the next, and Solar Warlocks are completely spoiled for choice, as each option is entirely viable.
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What is a black Dragonborn?

Being one of the more aquatically associated Dragonborn, its easy to see why the Black dragonborn make their homes along coasts, tropical rivers, and wetlands. Their natural affinity for the night, and water has birthed a bustling maritime culture, that tends to be nocturnal.
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What is a gold Dragonborn?

Size. Medium. The Gold Dragonborn are a sub-race of Dragonborn. Due to their nomadic nature, the Gold Dragonborn can be found traveling throughout Londorwin. It is believed that they originated from the deserts of Gyhan the largest concentration of their people can be found there.
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How old do Dragonborn live in D&D?

Young dragonborn grow faster than human children do. They walk hours after hatching, reach the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3 and reach adulthood by 15. They live about as long as humans do.
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