What data does Overwolf use?

What data does Overwolf collect? Overwolf collects three types of data: Data required to make Overwolf work - apps installed, updates, settings etc. Data used to improve and customize Overwolf for you - games you play, how you use Overwolf etc.
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What does Overwolf come from?

We started Overwolf in 2010 as fresh Computer Science grads with a big passion for building gaming apps. Powered by a $100K seed investment by the epic Yossi Vardi, we wanted to build the features we were missing in the games we played.
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Is Overwolf owned by Israel?

Overwolf, a private Israeli startup, was founded in 2010 in Israel. Uri Marchand, Overwolf's CEO, is fully committed and personally responsible for making sure every cent finds its way to those in need ASAP. Feel free to contact us at any time [email protected].
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Does Curseforge collect data?

We use this data to give you recommendations that are relevant to you, and include you in testing new features that could make Overwolf even more epic! The data collected here includes the apps you use, the games you play, video capture preferences, experiments you participate in, etc.
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How do I delete CurseForge data?

If you would like to delete your project from CurseForge, you do not need to contact us! You can delete these from your profile. Head to your project page and select the "Manage Project" button in the top right corner. From there, select the "Delete Project" item from the the navigation menu within project management.
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Why I Use Void GNU/Linux (And Why You Should, Too!)

Is everything on CurseForge safe?

The CurseForge app and website are entirely safe for use for all games.
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Can Overwolf be trusted?

For gamers, Overwolf provides safety by vouching for apps. Apps published on Overwolf have been manually tested for quality, malware and performance. We also make sure all apps comply with the game developer's terms - so you know you're safe from bans.
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Did CurseForge donate to Israel?

As a user of the popular Minecraft Modding launcher "Curseforge", I was deeply disturbed to learn that Curseforge/Overwolf has been donating money generated by users like myself to the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).
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How does Overwolf make money?

The TL;DR is that Creators on Overwolf can add “in-app ads” or subscription plans to their apps. Whenever developers choose to monetize their apps we get a 30% cut — kind of like the Apple Appstore.
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Does Overwolf take your data?

Information we collect

Analytical information used to improve and customize the Services for you, such as information regarding how you use Overwolf and apps, and what games you play. You can opt out of this via Overwolf settings.
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Is Overwolf a bloatware?

People are upset because overwolf is essentially bloatware. WildCard also mentioned ASA would be using mod.io, then without warning, switched to overwolf (probably because of money). This means no more Steam workshop. Its additional clutter, not to mention overwolf app has ads.
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Is Overwolf bannable?

We're here to put your mind at ease: Overwolf itself and any of its official apps will NOT get you banned. We are working closely with game publishe... If you'd like to change what data you share with us and how it is being used, you have options!
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Why is Overwolf so popular?

By enhancing the games players love and empowering gamers, makers, and streamers to create and share game content, Overwolf takes games — and gaming — to the next level. With Overwolf, gamers improve their gaming experience with in-game app overlays and mods for over 1,500 popular games.
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What language is Overwolf written in?

Overwolf Platform

Create powerful desktop apps and game overlays, built with 100% pure JavaScript.
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How much is Overwolf company worth?

$300—450m (Dealroom.co estimates Nov 2021.)
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Does Minecraft support Palestine?

The Minecraft Speedrunning Community is coming together to benefit Medical Aid for Palestinians & Palestine Children's Relief Fund, two organizations providing crucial medical support and humanitarian relief to Palestinians.
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Who did not accept Israel?

28 UN member states do not recognize Israel: 15 members of the Arab League (Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen); ten non-Arab members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, ...
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Who made curse forge?

Overwolf Ltd., a company organized under the laws of the State of Israel ("Overwolf") is the owner of CurseForge (CF) and Eternal ("Eternal"), an innovative game modding platform allowing for the creation of third party game related content for the use and enjoyment of the gaming community (the "Platform").
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What happens if I delete Overwolf?

Uninstalling Overwolf will also delete the app info such as settings or recordings made with Overwolf apps.
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What is the security issue of Overwolf?


Untrusted search path vulnerability in The Installer of Overwolf 2.168. 0. n and earlier allows an attacker to gain privileges and execute arbitrary code with the privilege of the user invoking the installer via a Trojan horse DLL in an unspecified directory.
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How do I get rid of Overwolf?

Press 'Start' Click on 'Control Panel' Look for 'Programs and Features' Find 'Overwolf' and remove/uninstall it.
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Is CurseForge still compromised?

Questions and Answers Q: Have accounts on CF been compromised? A: No. Malicious accounts were created and have uploaded infected projects. Those were removed and the accounts banned.
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Does CurseForge allow NSFW mods?

Mods must not modify the game to allow for nudity, sexual content, and/or inappropriate romantic or sexual relationships. ○ Content created to simulate Sim nudity, sexual content, or sexually explicit clothing is prohibited.
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Is there still malware on CurseForge?

As per post from CurseForge, they have already fully addressed the security incident, so it is now safe. They have cleaned the infected files and preventive measures are in place. They have also provided a tool to scan if you're infected. There are also alternative sites like<Removed by Moderator> to download mods.
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