What do Dragonborn hate?

Dragonborn society in the nation of Tymanther had a strong and abiding hatred of dragons, perpetuated by terrifying tales of draconic cruelty and retelling of the dragonborn struggle for freedom on Abeir.
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What are Dragonborn resistant to?

Damage Resistance: You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry. Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.
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Are Dragonborn asexual?

Dragonborn didn't feel inclined toward romantic love, as that would detract from their higher purpose. Dragonborn were also asexual and sterile, even when they retained their sexual dimorphism. They had lost their interest in sex after their transformation and felt no need for it.
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Who does Dragonborn worship?

In the Realms, Dragonborn are most likely to worship Ilmater and Chauntea. They also worship the Untheric god Enlil.
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What are dragonborns like?

Dragonborn are bipedal creatures, resembling a dragon in humanoid form. They typically stand almost 6½ feet tall and are strongly built, weighing over 300 pounds. Unlike true dragons, they do not have wings or a tail, although there are individual exceptions to this.
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What They Don't Tell You About Dragonborns - D&D

Are Dragonborn good or evil?

While they are usually a hero, their morality depends on the player's choices, and at certain points in the game, the player is given the choice to commit terrible, sometimes atrocious acts.
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What do dragonborns believe in?

Dragonborn religion is an elaborate form of ancestor worship or animism. It's the rejection of the Dragonborn's one true god for idols and other gods that they decided to follow after. In this case, their ancestors. This is not the shamanism that the orcs follow, no far from it.
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What color are Dragonborn eyes?

Dragonborn eyes were usually red or gold in hue. A rare, few individuals were born with tails, but this was seen as a deformity by most dragonborn.
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Who is in love with the Dragonborn?

A forbidden love ignites between Serana, a vampire and the Dragonborn, destined to save Skyrim from destruction.
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What language do Dragonborn speak?

Draconic language is one of the most unique Dungeons and Dragons languages. Spoken mainly by the Dragons, it's a rare and secret language. The other speakers include only draconic-related natives, such as kobolds and Dragonborn, or reptilian races: Troglodytes and Lizardfolk.
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How tall is a Dragonborn?

Dragonborn are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds.
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Is Dragonborn half human?

A dragonborn, also known as a half dragon, is the result of a union between a dragon and a humanoid. A first generation dragonborn results when a dragon uses its shapeshifting abilities to take humanoid form, and creates offspring with a humanoid.
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Do Dragonborn have beards?

Dragonborn typically can't grow beards, but magic can help.
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Is A Dragonborn Immortal?

Being Dragonborn doesn't seem to have any effect on anyone's lifespan, in and of itself. So a Dragonborn would live as long as their race would normally live. That would be a few hundred years for elves, about a hundred years for men and Orsimer, and unknown for Khajiit, and Argonians.
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Can a Dragonborn fly?

Dragonborns can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they're fatigued at the end of the flight. Dragonborns are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying.
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What color is dragonborn blood?

Dragonborn blood is red, but corrosive to the touch, and, similar to the denser blood of true dragons, has the special property of turning the color of the individual's scales when mixed with certain alchemical substances. Dwarven blood is similar in color to that of humans, but thicker.
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Who do Dragonborn worship?

Philosophy and Religion

Still, some dragonborn do hear the call of the gods of Faerûn and choose to serve them, and are as loyal in this faith as they are to any other cause. Bahamut and Tiamat have dragonborn worshipers, and both Torm and Tyr appeal to the dragonborn sense of honor and order.
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Who would win, Kratos or Dragonborn?

Who would win in a fight, The Dragonborn or Kratos? Love this battle but Kratos would win relatively easily. Dragonborn is a superhuman character capable of vastly dangerous beastsand enemies. He has magical abilities and haxs as well as a vast weaponry and combat skill.
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Who is the most loving wife in Skyrim?

Out of all the NPCs that the Dragonborn can encounter, there are only a select handful that are marked as essential followers in Skyrim.
  • 8 Lydia.
  • 7 Senna.
  • 6 Camilla Valerius.
  • 5 Mjoll.
  • 4 Sylgja.
  • 3 Brelyna Maryon.
  • 2 Aela The Huntress.
  • 1 Muiri.
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What is a black dragonborn?

Being one of the more aquatically associated Dragonborn, its easy to see why the Black dragonborn make their homes along coasts, tropical rivers, and wetlands. Their natural affinity for the night, and water has birthed a bustling maritime culture, that tends to be nocturnal.
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Can dragonborns breed with humans?

Dragonborn cannot procreate with other species, only among themselves. They also hatch from eggs. They're also reptiles, even though warm blooded, which means that their bits are incompatible.
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Can dragonborn have tails?

By default, no. That's a picture of a dragonborn from the 5e Player's Handbook. No wings, no tail. Some Dragonborn players like to imagine their character has a tail anyway.
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Can the Dragonborn be evil?

He's willing to do many good deeds but also atrocious acts. He has saved Skyrim thrice maybe more. He seems to be very noble as he always risks his life for others.
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Are dragonborn half human?

Half-dragons are people that have both a full blooded dragon and a non-dragon in their bloodline. Some dragonborn can be half-dragons and more humanoid. Mostly, half-dragons are relegated to class features dependant on a draconic bloodline.
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Does dragonborn have hair?

A dragonborn's head features a blunt snout, a strong brow, and distinctive frills at the cheek and ear. Behind the brow, a crest of hornlike scales of various lengths resembles thick, ropy hair. Their eyes are shades of red or gold. A typical dragonborn's scales can be scarlet, gold, rust, ocher, bronze, or brown.
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