What do Ghost type moves not affect?

Ghost attacks are most effective against their own type, which is unique among all Pokémon attacks. They are also completely ineffective against Psychic and Normal Pokémon, even though they made a three-part series of episodes in the cartoon about how Ghosts are the best way to beat Psychics.
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Do Ghost moves affect Fighting type?

They are super effective against the same types, and the only difference in their offensive interactions is that Dark is resisted by Fighting and Fairy while Ghost is useless against Normal types.
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Do Ghost moves affect Dark Pokémon?

Ghost may not be able to hit Normal types or do much against Dark types, but everything else can.
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Is annihilape immune to Ghost moves?

Tera Fairy gives Annihilape an immunity against Dragon-type moves from Koraidon and Miraidon while also letting Annihilape take neutral damage from Ghost-type moves from Gholdengo and Flutter Mane, OHKOing them in return with boosted Rage Fist.
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What are ghosts weak to?

Weaknesses. Salt - A Ghost cannot interact with salt. Ghosts can be repelled by salt and can't cross a line made of salt. Some hunters use rock salt rounds to dissipate natural ghost spirits, while shooting the person with it will also break a ghost's possession making it useful whenever a ghost is possessing humans.
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The move CURSE has TWO EFFECTS this is why

What type does Ghost not affect?

Ghost attacks are most effective against their own type, which is unique among all Pokémon attacks. They are also completely ineffective against Psychic and Normal Pokémon, even though they made a three-part series of episodes in the cartoon about how Ghosts are the best way to beat Psychics.
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What type is immune to Ghost?

Normal and Ghost are both immune to each other. Ghost is immune to fighting; but not the other way around? The Ghost type has been pretty OP for the last few generations.
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What moves don't affect Ghost?

Ghosts are immune to Normal and Fighting moves. Physical attacks will still hit them if they're not Normal of Physical moves. A Fighting-type pokemon can still hit them, but can't use fighting type moves to do so. Fighting types are not immune to Ghost moves at all, but Normal types are.
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Are Ghost types immune to whirlwind?

Whirlwind ends the battle by blowing the enemy away. It is only effective against wild Pokémon. Despite being a Normal type attack, it is effective against Ghost Pokémon.
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Are Ghost types immune to super fang?

It should be noted that Super Fang can hit Ghost types in Generation I, but ceases to do so in later generations.
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What is the disadvantage of Ghost Pokémon?

Ghost Pokémon are weak to Dark- and Ghost-type attacks, resistant to Poison and Bug, and immune to Normal- and Fighting-type moves. Ghost types are strong against themselves as well as against Psychic type moves.
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Do normal status moves affect Ghost types?

Normal Types and Ghost Types are immune to each other. A Normal Type move cannot affect a Ghost Type Pokemon, and a Ghost Type move cannot affect a Normal Type Pokemon. Why are Psychic type Pokemon weak to bug, ghost, and dark type Pokemon?
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Is Psychic good against ghosts?

This was later corrected: Psychic is no longer Immune to Ghost, there were more Grass types that aren't Poison-typed, and two types were introduced: the incredibly defensive Steel type, and the biggest weakness to Psychic: the Dark type.
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What is the strongest move for Ghost type?

These are the strongest Ghost-type moves you should consider using.
  • 8 Spectral Thief. ...
  • 7 Hex. ...
  • 6 Shadow Force/Phantom Force. ...
  • 5 Astral Barrage. ...
  • 4 Destiny Bond. ...
  • 3 Shadow Bone. ...
  • 2 Shadow Ball. ...
  • 1 Honorable Mention: Z-Moves.
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Why doesn't lick affect normal Pokémon?

Lick causes damage and has a 30% chance of paralyzing the enemy. Because it is a Ghost type attack, it cannot affect Normal or Psychic Pokémon, no matter what you've seen on the show.
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Can Ghost types be trapped?

Ghost-type Pokémon are immune to being trapped by all trapping moves and Abilities, including the binding effect of moves such as Infestation.
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What is the weakest ghost type?

Duskull is known as the Requiem Pokémon and first appeared in the short Camp Pikachu. Duskull resembles a Grim Reaper with its black robe and big-eyed skull mask. It can also turn invisible to sneak up on its prey more easily. With a base stat total of 295, it is the weakest of the pure Ghost-type Pokémon.
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What moves are ghost types immune to?

Ghost types are weak to Dark and other Ghost type attacks. They're resistant against Bug and Poison. They're immune from Fighting and Normal (Normal is immune to Ghost, too). Ghost attacks does double damage to Psychic type Pokémon.
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Does Yawn affect ghosts?

Furthermore, as a normal-type move, Ghost-types are unable to be affected by Yawn the same way Dark types are unaffected by Hypnosis.
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Does screech work on Ghost types?

Despite being a Normal type attack, it is effective against Ghost Pokémon.
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Can Swift hit Ghost Pokémon?

Also, Swift does not affect the order of attacks in a round. Because it is a Normal type attack, it cannot affect Ghost Pokémon.
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What type is immune to Fighting?

Poison is immune to Rock. Fighting is immune to Dark. Dark is immune to Psychic. Ghost is immune to Fighting.
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Are ghost types immune to poison?

For instance, Ghost-type Pokémon are immune to Normal-type attacks and strong against Poison-type attacks, so a Pokémon using a Normal-type attack will do less damage than a Poison-type attack of the same strength.
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Are ghost types immune to roar?

Yes they do. Ghost types are only immune to direct attacking normal attacks like double edge, or main status moves like using thunder wave against a ground type. Passive moves like roar still affect ghosts just as confuse ray still works on normal types.
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What are the weaknesses of ghost type?

The Ghost type (Japanese: ゴーストタイプ Ghost type) is one of the eighteen types. Ghost-type moves are super effective against Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokémon, while Ghost-type Pokémon are weak to Dark- and Ghost-type moves.
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