What do you get after killing Miraak?

Hermaeus Mora intervenes. Miraak's death marks the end of the quest. Upon his death, five to ten dragon souls are gained from him, plus any he stole from dragons the Dragonborn killed.
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What do I get after defeating Miraak?

Defeating Miraak will allow you to absorb his soul, or rather all three Dragon souls he absorbed during the fight. You can return to Hermaeus Mora at any time by reading the Black Book: Waking Dreams to spend a Dragon Soul to respec a single talent tree.
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Does Skyrim end after defeating Miraak?

It almost sounds like you're under the assumption that Miraak is the game's final boss. He's not; he's the final boss of the game's Dragonborn DLC. That questline is only one of 8 questlines the game offers, and then there's still a ton of sidequests to do. Go complete whatever quests you haven't finished yet.
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What loot do you get from Miraak?

PCXbox 360PCPlayStation 4. His clothes, mask, boots, grieves, staff and cool looking sword... The only thing worth looting off Myraak is his staff.
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Is Miraak the final boss?

Miraak is the main antagonist of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He is the final boss and is the archnemesis of Takes-In-Fire, the last Dragonborn.
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After Defeating Miraak, What Happened To The Dragonborn?

Who is the true final boss of Skyrim?

Skyrim Final Boss fight - Alduin - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A clip of the final boss fight in the game (main story) against Alduin.
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Is the last dragonborn more powerful than Miraak?

1 The Last Dragonborn

As powerful as Miraak was, with him being able to suck the souls from still living dragons and being able to steal the souls from dragons killed by the player over great distances, he was still no match for the Last Dragonborn.
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Can you befriend Miraak?

An alternate ending to the end of the Dragonborn DLC: Using the power of the Bend Will, you can make Miraak your new best friend! Then you fight waves of Mora's minions and escape together.
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What is the reward of killing Miraak?

Hermaeus Mora intervenes. Miraak's death marks the end of the quest. Upon his death, five to ten dragon souls are gained from him, plus any he stole from dragons the Dragonborn killed.
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Is Miraak gear good?

Usefulness. Miraak's gloves, boots and robes potentially grant a total of 25% Spell Absorption. However, they can also be used to help achieve a figure of over 100% if used alongside the The Atronach Stone (50%) and the Atronach Alteration perk (30%).
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Can you use bend will on Miraak?

Miraak Follower is a mod made for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It involves an alternate ending to The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn in which the Bend Will shout is used to make Miraak a follower.
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What level should you fight Miraak?

Miraak has a higher starting level (35) and a higher scaling cutoff (150) than Alduin, (10 and 100) so depending on when you fight him either very early or very very late using legendary skills he may be more of a challenge.
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Who killed Miraak?

May he be rewarded for his service as I am! Miraak's final words after being impaled by Hermaeus Mora. Lord Miraak, also known as the First Dragonborn, is a minor antagonist in the 2011 action role-playing game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and the titular main antagonist of its 2012 DLC pack, Dragonborn.
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Is Miraak in DLC?

The character Miraak is the primary antagonist of the Skyrim DLC: Dragonborn. Miraak believes he is the one true Dragonborn, and sends cultists to kill the player and eliminate the "False Dragonborn". Miraak hides on the island of Solstheim, which be traveled to in the Dragonborn DLC Expansion.
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Is Miraak the main quest?

The Temple of Miraak is the second quest for Dragonborn Main Storyline. Upon reaching the Temple of Miraak you will meet a Nord female named Frea who seeks to free the minds of her people who have been enslaved by Miraak's power.
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Can I loot Miraak?

Equipment. Miraak's mask. The following are items equipped by Miraak. They can be looted from his skeletal corpse following the battle.
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How do I stop Miraak from stealing?

The only legitimate way is to kill him or to exclude yourself to Solstheim (he won't appear if you kill a dragon in mainland Skyrim). There is, however, a glitch. If you kill a dragon and its body falls into the water before it starts burning, Miraak won't appear for some reason.
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What is the hardest boss in Skyrim?

1 Karstaag

Karstaag is by far the hardest boss to fight in Skyrim, and he's also one of the hardest bosses to find due to his quest not being tracked in the journal. On Solstheim, players must retrieve Karstaag's Skull from the back of the Glacial Cave, then take it to Castle Karstaag and place it on his throne.
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What happens after I defeat Miraak?

For Miraak's death, you will be rewarded with at least six dragon souls (additional number of dragon souls is equal to the number of dragons you've killed in the plug-in, regardless of whether their souls are stolen by Miraak or not) and you may loot his body for his equipment, as well as the bodies of the dragons.
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Can you recruit Miraak in Skyrim?

A quest marker should appear. Follow it to the Temple of Miraak. You should now see your new follower Miraak, a camp and two friendly Cultists you can also recruit.
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What race is Miraak Skyrim?

Miraak may be more powerful than the average man; however, he's still mortal, and as such, he has a race from one of the ten races of Tamriel. Miraak is a Nord, and this doesn't come as too much of a surprise since he served the dragons in ancient times.
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Can Miraak beat Alduin?

Miraak certainly can beat Alduin if given the tools. He is more proficient with his shouts despite what happens in game due to being a lot older. He is no Greybeard and learned the Thu'um from scratch after all.
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What is the rarest type of Dragonborn?

Brown, gray, purple, adamantine, mithral and steel are significantly rarer, either due to their otherworldly origin, or by how they were created or where they live. Dragonborn descended from dragon turtles, as well as mirage, fey, and shadow dragons also exist, though they're very rare as well.
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What is the minimum level to defeat Miraak?

I've fought him at level 30. Granted, that was a heavily modded game, and I had modded armor and weapons to do it. For vanilla, I'd say you'd need to be level 50, at minimum.
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