What does dump stat mean?

dump stat (plural dump stats) (roleplaying games) A statistic (of a player character skill or other property, etc.) where a poor value is accepted in order to allow for improved statistics in other areas. Charisma is a common dump stat for players who want to give their PCs better strength or intelligence.
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What are the dump stats in 5e?

Well, in D&D, there are 6 dump stats: Strength, Dexterity (How fast and well you move), Constitution (How tough you are), Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence. So, for a wizard, whose spell damage is based on Intelligence, there is no need to get high levels of Strength; therefore, it's a dump stat.
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What does dump mean in D&D?

Dump as in trash. It's where you throw a "trash" really low score where it won't stink up your character. Your "dump stat(s)" are the score which basically determine nothing about how well a particular character functions. For example, Strength is a dump stat for wizards and Intelligence is a dump stat for fighters.
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What does it mean to dump a game?

Dumping games is the act of taking a game from your system or gamecart and copying it into a readable format onto your SD card. Dumping is perfectly legal if you keep the dumps to yourself, however sharing these dumps is piracy and is illegal.
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What does dump mean in retail?

Dumping is considered a form of price discrimination. It occurs when a manufacturer lowers the price of an item entering a foreign market to a level that is less than the price paid by domestic customers in the originating country.
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D&D Stats Explained: Did You Just Dump the Super Stat

What is dump sales?

If a company exports a product at a price that is lower than the price it normally charges in its own home market, or sells at a price that does not meet its full cost of production, it is said to be "dumping" the product.
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What does the term dump refer to?

2 of 2 noun. 1. : a place where discarded materials (as trash) are dumped. 2. : a place where reserve military supplies are stored.
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What is a dump stat in video games?

(roleplaying games) A statistic (of a player character skill or other property, etc.) where a poor value is accepted in order to allow for improved statistics in other areas. Charisma is a common dump stat for players who want to give their PCs better strength or intelligence.
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What does dump mean in social media?

A photo dump is a random collection of photos on Instagram in a carousel post format. The images are often unedited, authentic, and raw. Typically, these posts are loosely related to the account owner's daily experiences.
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What does dump out mean in slang?

(informal, transitive) To discard, to throw away, to toss out.
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What is dumpstat?

A dump stat in roleplaying gaming is an informal term for an ability score — in Dungeons & Dragons, Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma — which gives little to no benefit to a particular player character build.
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What does dump mean drugs?

In subject area: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science. Dose dumping, which is defined as “unintended, rapid drug release in a short period of time of the entire amount or a significant fraction of the drug contained in a modified release dosage form” [1], can have dangerous effects.
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What is a dump in military?

An ammunition dump, ammunition supply point (ASP), ammunition handling area (AHA) or ammunition depot is a military storage facility for live ammunition and explosives. The storage of live ammunition and explosives is inherently hazardous.
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Is strength a good dump stat?

Where Strength is a caster's preferred dump stat, unless you're a Warlock or Sorcerer, this is your preferred dump stat.
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What happens when you roll 20 in D&D?

If the d20 roll for an attack is a 20, the attack hits regardless of any modifiers or the target's AC. This is called a critical hit.
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What are the max stats in DnD?

A score of 18 is the highest that a person usually reaches. Adventurers can have scores as high as 20, and monsters and divine beings can have scores as high as 30. Each ability also has a modifier, derived from the score and ranging from −5 (for an ability score of 1) to +10 (for a score of 30).
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What does dump mean in games?

Game dumping is the process of using a tool, like a disc drive or cartridge dumper, to extract the Read Only Memory of a game.
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Why is it called dump?

You can also call a dump a "landfill," but dump makes sense — it comes from the verb dump, "to toss, drop, or throw away." A figurative meaning of the word is to abruptly and unkindly break off a romantic relationship with someone: "It would be so mean to dump him on his birthday."
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What does dumps mean in slang?

Definitions of dumps. noun. an informal expression for a mildly depressed state.
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What is a dump in sports?

in team sports, to pass the ball a short distance to another player in your team: dump something off He moved right before dumping off a short pass to the running back. He dribbled under the basket and dumped off the ball to the centre.
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What is a dump on a card?

A credit card dump is when someone makes an illegal and unauthorized digital copy of a credit card. Credit card dumps have existed for many years. However, they're becoming increasingly popular and more widely used due to the increase in identity theft, credit card theft, credit card forgeries, and other cybercrimes.
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What is a dump in Ultimate?

A "dump" is a short pass that doesn't move the disc towards the endzone your team is attacking, and in fact often moves it backwards. A dump is also often called a "reset."
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What does dump on mean in slang?

Definition of 'dump on (someone)'

a. to attack with verbal abuse; criticize harshly.
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What is a dump on the Internet?

A data dump is usually a large amount of data or files transferred between two systems over a connected network. For example, several thousand personnel files need to be analyzed by the corporate HR system. That data is dumped, or transferred en masse, onto the server that needs the files.
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What does dump mean in media?

A photo dump is a series of 3-10 photos, video clips, and/or memes uploaded in carousel format on a social media platform. The images are usually unedited or random in nature. The term was popularized on Instagram and is still mostly used in reference to Instagram photo carousel posts.
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