What does Mercer write on the wall?
On the wall of the Dwarven ruin, he wrote "One Step Ahead _Mercer" but he wrote it backwards.Why does Mercer betray you in Skyrim?
Mercer conciders you a threat to his dominance in the guild, and a risk to leave alive after hearing the conversation between him and Karliah. He wishes to continue to steal the wealth of the guild and with you alive that would be at risk. At least he thinks he can clean them out before anyone else can catch on.Why is Mercer Frey so strong?
The Skeleton Key can open any lock, and is used to open the Ebonmere, the portal connecting Nirn to Nocturnal's plane of Oblivion, the Evergloam; however, the Key is capable of unlocking more than just locks, with Mercer having used it's power to unlock his full potential, granting him greatly enhanced strength and ...How to get out after killing Mercer?
Escaping IrkngthandAfter you have killed Mercer, take the Skeleton Key and Eyes of Falmer. The chamber that you are in will begin to fill with water. Although it may be scary, stay in the room until the water until a rock near the statue in the room falls, revealing an entrance to the Bronze Water Cave.
What are Mercer Frey's weapons?
Mercer's signature weapon is a Dwarven Sword of Devouring, which he supposedly stole from Irkngthand. During the final fight with him, a Dragonborn with a high sneak skill can hide from him, causing him to proclaim "The shadows are my domain!" This happens during any combat situation."Is the Writing on the Wall?" - The cast of Broadway's The Lion King
How did Mercer get Chillrend?
Sometime after the end of the Great War, circa 4E 180, the Warrior came across Chillrend in their journey. The weapon is thought to have been looted from an extravagant chest. The sword later came into the possession of Mercer Frey, the Guildmaster of the Skyrim branch of the Thieves Guild.What did Mercer write on the wall?
On the wall of the Dwarven ruin, he wrote "One Step Ahead _Mercer" but he wrote it backwards. Why? Was the Key having some kind of effect on his brain? Was Mercer dyslexic?How do you not drown after killing Mercer Frey?
***Read here if you wish to skip video: After killing Mercer Frey, skip to 1:10 and stand at the location that I am standing in the video until the water reaches you. The stones up top would eventually fall down and you should be able to escape.How old is Mercer in Skyrim?
Is twenty-five years since the death of Gallus too long? I mean looking at Brynjolf, I put his age around 40, so that means that when the whole thing went down he would have been 15 and possibly a new recruit? Mercer looks around 50, so he would have been 25.Were Gallus and Karliah lovers?
Gallus was in a romantic relationship with Karliah, who he had mentored and inducted into the Nightingales.How powerful is House Frey?
The lord of the house is called the Lord of the Crossing and wield Wolvesbane. The strategic location of the Twins has allowed the house to become quite wealthy. One of the most powerful bannermen of the Tullys, the Freys power is unmatched.Can I be a villain in Skyrim?
From saving to world to leading its factions, The Elder Scrolls 5 certainly makes you feel like quite the benevolent protagonist. However, Skyrim does occasionally offer the Dragon a once-in-awhile opportunity to become the bad guy and embrace an inner evildoer.Who is the real butcher in Skyrim?
Calixto Corrium was the real killer.Why won't Mercer open Snow Veil Sanctum?
You need to get him near the door and kind of keep prodding him around until he gets in the right spot to open it for you, Just keep Fus-Rah-Doh -ing him about and you should get him where you need him.What does the eye of the Falmer do?
It can be looted from Mercer Frey's body along with the Right Eye of the Falmer during the quest "Blindsighted" and its only use is to be sold to Delvin Mallory for gold. After it has been sold to Delvin, it will be on a bookshelf near the Thieves Guild vault in The Ragged Flagon - Cistern.Where is Brynjolf after killing Mercer?
After the Thieves Guild main questline, Brynjolf can be found wandering around the cistern and the flagon.What did the mysterious hand write on the wall?
Daniel reads the words "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN" and interprets them for the king: "MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed ... and found wanting;" and "UPHARSIN", your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.How to slay Mercer Frey?
Slay Mercer FreyOnce you can draw your weapons, attack him. He'll disappear from time to time as part of his tricks. Take note that even if he's invisible, doesn't mean that he's invincible. The obvious shimmer of his movement will still be visible so use this to locate him and attack him when you're in range.
Where is Mercer hiding?
You can now proceed with the infiltration of Mercer's abode. His house is located conveniently right outside of your guild's alternat exit. You can shoot the mechanism using an arrow for the ramp to go down. This will however, cause Vald to become hostile, thereby killing the chance to speak with him peacefully.Why is Chillrend so good?
Chillrend at its highest level (lvl46) has an advantage over dragonbone sword. That is its' 30 points of frost damage. A crafted enchanted weapon can go up to around 25 points?, and the difference becomes wider when you include augmented perks from the Destruction tree (about an 8 point difference).What is the strongest version of Chillrend?
The best possible version is available at level 46. Target takes 5 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina. Chance to paralyze the target for 2 seconds.
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