What does Morven Stroud sell?

He will trade a sword, battleaxe, light armor, heavy armor, or a spell tome for 25 Soul Husks. The item received appears to be random within the type chosen. If asked for a spell tome, Morven will select one at random. Spells of all levels, except master level, can be given whether the Dragonborn knows them or not.
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Can you get a Daedric sword from Morven Stroud?

Morven's items use the same lists as the very highest tier of randomized rewards in dungeons. This means that the items range from iron weapons and the most basic of spells, to daedric weapons and expert-level spells.
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What is the reward of the soul husk in Skyrim?

Bring twenty-five samples to Morven Stroud. As a reward, he opens up his merchandise for sale. He exchanges arms, armor and spell tomes, for another twenty-five husks per item.
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What to do with soul husks in Skyrim?

For those who didn't know, the soul husks (harvest-able, ash-grey, coral-looking things) in Soul Cairn are edible, and they prevent the giant crystals from draining your health for about ten seconds. You can also trade them with soul in the Soul Cairn items in certain categories, like light armor, spells, and weapons.
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How to get soul husk?

So you need to do the quest "The Staff of Hasedoki" to get the soul husk. You need to do the quest up to the dungeon part in which you fight two bone men (no idea if they're leveled). They both have a chance to drop a soul husk so save before entering incase you don't get it the first time.
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Skryim Dawnguard: 25 Soul Husks for Morven Stroud in the Soul Cairn

What items does Morven Stroud give?

He will trade a sword, battleaxe, light armor, heavy armor, or a spell tome for 25 Soul Husks. The item received appears to be random within the type chosen.
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Can you grow soul husk?

Soul Husks do grow back. The Soul Cairn has a Respawn Time of 10 days. This means that when you have been away from the Soul Cairn for ten days then everything in the Soul Cairn respawns except for things that can't. However, if you return to the Soul Cairn before ten days have passed the timer resets.
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Where is the Soul Husk merchant?

The wiki says he's in "The Northern section of the Soul Cairn, just east of the main path", but that's maddeningly unhelpful in a map this size.
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Do you get anything for killing the reaper Skyrim?

During combat, the Reaper will spit green slime, like the Afflicted. When defeated, it drops three empty black soul gems, an iron battleaxe, and a Daedra heart, suggesting that it is Daedric in nature. The Reaper is mentioned by some of the souls found in the Soul Cairn, even though they do not know who or what it is.
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What happens if you purify the heart Skyrim?

Here, players can select the option to return the Corrupted Human Heart to complete the Crypt of the Heart quest. Players will be rewarded with the Ebony Knight Armor upon completing the quest. Players can complete an optional quest, Purify Knight Heart at the Altar, to get a better version of the Ebony Knight Armor.
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What happens if you use Wylandriah's soul gem?

Wylandriah's Soul Gem can fit a grand soul and while it can not be removed from the Dragonborn's inventory and it's not capable for use in enchanting, it can be used to recharge enchanted weapons, removing it as if it was a normal soul gem. Wylandriah's Soul Gem uses the same model as a grand soul gem.
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What does harvesting soul fissures do?

Inside the Soul Cairn, you can find Soul Fissures that allow you to harvest souls and place them in gems, much like using the Soul Trap spell. If you remain for too long in Soul Cairn, you will begin to experience a deleterious effect that slowly drains your health.
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How do you get Daedric Armour?

All you need to do is roam Skyrim, find random dungeons to explore and clear them out. Unenchanted Daedric weapons start appearing at level 46, enchanted Daedric weapons start appearing at level 47, unenchanted Daedric armor starts appearing at level 48 and enchanted Daedric armor starts appearing at level 49.
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How do you get the ebony sword?

The Ebony Blade is a long, two-handed katana weapon that can be obtained during the “Whispering Door” quest after reaching level 20 in Skyrim. After completing the “Dragon Rising” quest, you can find the Ebony Blade in the lower level of Dragonsreach in Whiterun Hold.
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Who is the secret boss in the Soul Cairn?

The Reaper is the shadowy figure of an executioner with burning red eyes. He uses an iron battleaxe to attack in addition to a spitting attack similar to that of the Afflicted. In order to fight the Reaper, you must acquire a complete set of three Reaper Gem Fragments, which are scattered in chests of the Soul Cairn.
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How many Reaper gems are there?

There are three soul gem fragments that are needed to activate the altar. You can find all three and you go around and defeat the keepers, massive soul gems (by eating soul husks for 10 seconds), steletons and what not. You much revisit the reapers layer before saving the mother.
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Is the reaper weak to anything?

The Reaper has no weaknesses but also no resistances. You can use literally anything, so pick the most powerful attack for every unit you're controlling.
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What can you buy from Morven Stroud?

The items obtainable from Morven use the same lists as the highest tier random rewards in dungeons, ranging from iron weapons and the most basic spells to expert-level Daedric weapons and spells. This also means that even at level 100 you can get an iron weapon.
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What does lightning attractor do in Skyrim?

Yet another type of structure you'll come across is the lightning attractor, which is activated by placing a grand or greater soul gem into a holder, which will then cause lightning to strike the rod, turning the soul gem into an empty black soul gem. Using these lightning rods will summon several hostile creatures.
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How to get ghost horse in Skyrim?

It can be ridden but can't normally be obtained. The only way to get it is if you experience a bug where you come across the headless horseman but he spawns off of his horse and is chasing it instead of riding it. This glitch can't be forced as it is entirely random and quite uncommon.
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What can you grow in soul sand?

Soul sand is used for growing nether wart, a primary base ingredient for many varieties of potions. Nether warts can be placed on soul sand like seeds on farmland and over time they grow through four growth stages (placing the nether wart on soul sand grants the "A Seedy Place" advancement‌ [Java Edition only]).
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What are soul husks for?

Soul Husks are plant-like food items that can be found and harvested in the Soul Cairn. When eaten, it interrupts the soul drain effect in the Soul Cairn (i.e., the giant soul gems will not drain Health when approached) and grants a 10% magic resistance bonus for 10 seconds.
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