What does the illager banner mean?

An Illager banner (also known as an Ominous Banner in Java Edition) is a special banner type that can be carried by Illager captains. Killing an Illager captain that is not on a raid will give the player the Bad Omen effect. Illager banners can be found at pillager outposts and are dropped from raid captains.
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What do you do with illager banners?

This is just a small fun little addition to the game, you can now wear banners by placing them in your head slot. It does not provide protection or any bonuses except looking different. This idea came from the Illager Captain wearing a banner.
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Do ominous banners attract pillagers?

If a player were to hang an ominous banner in their base then it would make it more likely for pillager patrols to spawn near you.
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What does the illager symbol mean?

A raid captain illager is an illager (Pillager, Vindicator or Evoker) that has the Ominous Banner (banner with an illager face-shaped pattern) on its head. It will trigger a raid if a player with Bad Omen enter a village with the status effect. ( doesn't apply to other entities)
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What does the Bad Omen banner do?

Bad Omen is a status effect that transforms into either Trial Omen if an afflicted player sees a non-ominous trial spawner, or Raid Omen if an afflicted player enters a village. Formerly, it causes a raid to appear when an afflicted player enters a village.
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Everything about the Illager in Minecraft: Pillagers Vindicators Evokers & more (Life on Minecraft)

What happens if you put up a pillager banner?

basically, the banner, which is dropped by the pillager, may have an effect for further pillager spawning. For example, if a person places the banner, pillagers would not be able to spawn in a certain radius.
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What does killing a pillager captain do?

Pillager captains now properly give a bad omen when killed. Pillager captains now properly drop their illager banners when killed. The bad omen is now only received when killing the captain, not when damaging it with a ranged weapon. Illagers can now properly be turned into captains via tags.
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Is the witch an illager?

A witch is neither an illager nor a villager. Witches do not use housing, the equipment in their swamp huts and cannot open doors. Witches are peaceful toward villagers and wandering traders when not participating in raids, although their potions can hit one by accident.
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What is the rarest illager in Minecraft?

Evokers: Also known as Evocation Illager (Java Edition 1.10-1.12. 2), the Evokers a rare and powerful type of Illager Spellcaster that can be found both in the base game and in Minecraft Dungeons.
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Will pillagers steal your stuff?

Another mechanic pillagers can have is if they manage to kill the player, they can steal some of their stuff and take it back to a pillager outpost that is located within a decent distance from the player's house. The pillagers will obviously only take the better items that the player drops if they are slain.
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What happens when you tame a pillager?

Side Effects of Taming a Pillager

Your tamed pillager will still scare away villagers. Even though your tame pillager will not attack any of the villagers, the villagers are still programmed to run away from pillagers in the game. You should use a name tag on your tamed pillager to prevent him from despawning.
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Can pillagers enter your house?

Pillagers are still able to open doors just like villagers, and unless you're planning on waiting them out, they don't just give up willy nilly. If you control where pillagers will be, it's a lot easier to deal with them when and how you want to.
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What do pillagers want?

What Are Pillagers and What Do They Do in Minecraft. Pillagers are mobs armed with crossbows that attack players, Iron Golems, Wandering Traders, and Villagers. Other than patrolling, guardian, and raiding certain areas, they don't serve any significant purpose in-game.
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How long does the illager banner last?

The effect can last up to 1 hour and 40 minutes and occurs when a player kills either an Illager Patrol, Illager outpost, or Illager Raid captain.
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What does the illager horn do?

You can blow the horn making the villagers run inside because they think there might be a Raid. Of course something like this pays a price. Iron Golems will attack you because they think you are summoning a Raid. It can also be used to confuse Illagers.
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What is the illager banner for?

An Illager banner (also known as an Ominous Banner in Java Edition) is a special banner type that can be carried by Illager captains. Killing an Illager captain that is not on a raid will give the player the Bad Omen effect.
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Why are pillagers spawning in my house?

The fact that pillagers spawns at 8 light level (instead of 7 like other hostile mobs) makes it really difficult to light some buildings, they tend to spawn close and sometimes even inside (specially in desert buildings that usually have sand floor) close to windows and near players.
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Can I turn a pillager into a villager?

Using a Confusion potion and a Golden apple you can change a Pillager into a Villager.
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Can you befriend pillagers?

Discover how to make hostile pillagers friendly in Minecraft by using a shield to block their crossbow shots until it breaks. Learn how to interact with pillagers in a new way!
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Can you tame the Ender?

Egg has no use, but only just a trophy, there should be a long and complicated way to hatch it in the normal world. Then after that, you can tame it with chorus fruit and it will be tame like a cat (not a dog because it will have WAY to much damage) and with a saddle can be ridden.
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Why did my bad omen disappear?

The player no longer gets Bad Omen when all villagers die or all beds are destroyed during a raid.
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Can you burn a pillager outpost?

TNT with flint and steel or fire charges to ignite it (these can also be used to burn the outpost down)
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Can pillagers steal your stuff in Minecraft?

During a raid Pillagers will try to loot chests or any other storage items like barrels and shulker boxes. This would be a feature that would occur on normal difficulty and higher. You would be able to kill the Pillager for any items they looted.
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