What does Thorns 3 enchantment do?

Having one armor piece with thorns three has an 11.25% chance of dealing two hearts of damage and deals an average of 1.125 damage, which is just a little more than half a heart. Two items with thorns three have a 28.83% chance to deal max damage and deal around a heart of damage on average.
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Is Thorns 3 possible?

Thorns III cannot be directly obtained using an enchanting table, but can be obtained by using an anvil to combine two Thorns II enchantments.
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Is Thorns 3 the highest level?

The maximum level for the Thorns enchantment is Level 3. This means that you can enchant an item with up to Thorns III.
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Is Thorns a good enchantment?

Are thorns good in Minecraft? Yes and no. Yes, they deal damage to the armor, but if you have mending you should be ok. It is worth it when it comes to fighting mobs or players.
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Is Thorns 3 good Minecraft?

Yes and no. Yes, they deal damage to the armor, but if you have mending you should be ok. It is worth it when it comes to fighting mobs or players. Thorns 3 on prot 4 netherite allows you to basically go fully afk and not die.
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What Does THORNS Enchantment Do in Minecraft?

How much does Thorns 3 do?

Having one armor piece with thorns three has an 11.25% chance of dealing two hearts of damage and deals an average of 1.125 damage, which is just a little more than half a heart. Two items with thorns three have a 28.83% chance to deal max damage and deal around a heart of damage on average.
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Is Thorns 3 good on armor?

Thorns is even more disliked by the playerbase because it applies a durability penalty to any armor. Basically, if the enchantment successfully inflicts damage on an enemy, it takes off an additional two points from the overall durability of the armor, making it wear off quickly.
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Is Thorns 3 a treasure enchantment?

Thorns III cannot be directly obtained using an enchanting table, but it can be obtained by using an anvil to combine two Thorns II enchantments, by trading with villagers, or by finding an item enchanted with it from the loot chest as below.
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Can you have thorns and mending?

You need to enchant books to the desired level, and you can combine Protection, Thorns, Unbreaking and Mending books together and it is safe to enchant without going over the cap. Just make sure each enchantment is separate first before combining them.
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How many emeralds is Thorns 3?

Thorns (max level 3): Trade cost: 11 – 45 emeralds.
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Can you get protection 5?

Damage reduction from Protection, Fire Protection, Feather Falling, Blast Protection, and Projectile Protection stacks up to an upper limit of 80% (see armor enchantments). However, it is impossible to reach this cap with the base Protection enchantment alone as it is impossible to obtain Protection V in survival mode.
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How rare is feather falling?

As feather falling is one of the rarest enchantments to get from an enchanting table but there is a 2.7% chance of Feather Falling IV appearing on a pair of diamond boots. Another way to obtain feather falling IV is by combining two Feather Falling III enchantments on an anvil or trading with villagers.
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Can villagers trade Thorns 3?

Thorns III cannot be obtained with the enchanting table, but it can be obtained by using an anvil to combine two Thorns II enchantments, trading with villagers, or looting chests.
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How many bookshelves do you need for level 30?

You can make the enchantment table more powerful using bookshelves. Surrounding the table with bookshelves will give you access to higher enchantment levels, up to maximum level of 30. To reach level 30, you'll need 15 bookshelves total.
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What is Aqua affinity?

Aqua Affinity is a helmet enchantment that increases underwater mining speed.
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Is Thorns worth using?

Thorns is definitely worth considering for your Minecraft adventures. Why? Because it adds a neat little trick to your armor. When mobs or other players hit you, Thorns has a chance to deal some damage back to them.
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Does Looting give more XP?

Looting is an enchantment for swords that can cause mobs to drop more items and increase the chances of rare drops. The additional drops do not affect experience.
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Does thorns work on arrows?

Enemies who attack a player with the Thorns enchantment will always take damage when the effect procs, no matter what form of combat was used. As an example, the proc will still have the same effect for attacks from melee hits, arrows, or even a snowball.
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Does soul speed use up durability?

Soul Speed and Depth Strider are both enchantments that can be put on a pair of boots however only soul speed takes durability while in use and depth strider works but does not use durability. These are both enchantments to make you faster in some way (water or nether) but only one of them uses durability.
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What is the highest level of feather falling?

Feather Falling is an enchantment for Boots, and the highest level is IV. It reduces fall damage by a little for every level. This enchantment is very useful for cave explorations, where a large drop that would normally kill you will only damage you.
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What is the best enchantment for chestplate?

Chestplate. The optimal enchantment orders is [(Chestplate + Protection IV)@4 + (Unbreaking III + Mending)@2]@7 with a cost of 4 + 2 + 7 = 13 levels.
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What is bane of arthropods?

Bane of Arthropods is a weapon enchantment that increases damage to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, bees, silverfish, and endermites).
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