What dragon was daemon singing to?

Daemon was singing to Vermithor in the House of the Dragon Season 1 finale.
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Why is Daemon singing to Vermithor?

Singing might also be an effective way to communicate with dragons, especially riderless ones like Vermithor. The Bronze Dragon needs social readjustment, so Daemon is presumably singing to make it clear that he's not an enemy.
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Whose dragon is Vermithor?

History: Known as the Bronze Fury, Vermithor was the dragon of former King Jaehaerys I Targaryen until his death. Following the long-reigning king's demise, Vermithor has remained unclaimed and living the depths of the Dragonpit until King's Landing.
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Who is the dragon that Daemon sang to?

While the dragon was not named in the episode, Game of Thrones' official Twitter account confirmed that it was Vermithor as they shared the scene with the dragon's name as the caption.
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Who was Vermithors Rider?

Before his tease in the finale, Vermithor was ridden by Jaehaerys, the king before Viserys. (He was the old dude sitting on the throne in House of the Dragon's prologue.) It was his council that chose Viserys over his cousin, Rhaenys—Corlys's wife and the Queen Who Never Was.
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[ENG] Daemon Targaryen Singing to Vermithor | High Valyrian Dragon Song Translation

Who's bigger, Vermithor or Vhagar?

While Vhagar is larger and more experienced, Vermithor still could be a formidable opponent against her in the future.
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Does Daemon ride Vermithor?

After Daemon sings a High Valyrian song for Vermithor, will Daemon succeed in conquering Vermithor? Daemon himself can't “conquer” (ride) Vermithor, because he already rides Caraxes. You get one dragon; that's it.
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Who mounts Vermithor?

But more importantly for the context of the episode, Vermithor is the dragon once mounted by the benevolent King Jaehaerys I Targaryen (Michael Carter). Vermithor is a beast, sure, but he also has the potential to be a political play.
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Who will fly Vermithor?

Vermithor remains riderless since Rhaenyra and Daemon's grandsire, King Jaehaerys I passed away in 103 AC. He remained riderless during Viserys' reign, but a man named Hugh Hammer will mount him in the Dance that breaks out in 129 AC.
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Why was Vermithor hidden?

Vermithor accepted Viserys' grandfather, Jaehaerys Targaryen, as his rider when he became king. But after Jaehaerys died, Vermithor didn't take a new rider. He made his lair in the caverns of the Dragonmont on Dragonstone, under an active volcano.
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Does anyone claim vermithor?

Born during the early years after Aegon's Conquest, Vermithor was first claimed by Jaehaerys I Targaryen, and remained bonded to the Old King for his half century of rule. He then went an additional half century without a rider, before eventually being claimed by then Hugh.
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Who bonds with Vermithor?

Vermithor and Silverwing seemed to be life-long companions (or mates) to one another, presumably because their first riders loved each other so much. Silverwing mourns Vermithor. She becomes feral after his death whereas prior to the Dance she is described as being incredibly and weirdly docile.
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Who claims Vermithor in the books?

In the books

Vermithor was famously the mount of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, the Old King whose great and prosperous reign lasted 55 years. Jaehaerys I's sister-wife Queen Alysanne Targaryen was also a dragon-rider, and her mount was Silverwing.
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Does anyone else ride Vermithor?

After Alysanne grew bored and flew her own dragon Silverwing north to the Wall, Jaehaerys came after her on Vermithor. Vermithor became riderless when Jaehaerys died in 103 AC. Throughout the reign of Jaehaerys's successor, King Viserys I Targaryen, Vermithor had no new rider.
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Who will ride Vermithor in season 2?

Hugh will be introduced as Vermithor's new rider when House of the Dragon season 2 adapts the “Sowing.” This event saw Rhaenyra's council seek out Targaryen and Velaryon bastards and their descendants to try to master and ride the wild or unclaimed dragons they possessed on Dragonstone, as the Black army needed them to ...
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Who killed Vhagar?

During the fight that followed between them, Daemon jumped from Caraxes in mid air, and killed Aemond by stabbing him in the eye with Dark Sister. Both dragons crashed in mid air and fell to the lake, Vhagar drowned, Caraxes managed to swim ashore, and died sometime later, while the body of Daemon was never found.
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Which dragon killed Vermithor?

Vermithor was no more than twenty feet above the battle when Seasmoke slammed into him from above, driving him shrieking into the mud. The riderless Blue Queen soon joined the fray and all three fought to the death on the ground amidst mud and blood and smoke.
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Is vermithor stronger than vhagar?

Still, Vhagar has seen more battles than Vermithor, which possibly gives her an edge. Ultimately, though, it is impossible to say which dragon is more powerful as the two dragons never battle each other.
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Was Daemon trying to claim Vermithor?

Will Anyone Ride Vermithor? Daemon already has a dragon, so he's not trying to claim Vermithor for himself.
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Who mounts Dreamfyre?

Dreamfyre was a mature she-dragon. She was once the mount of the Old King's sister Rhaena Targaryen. Dreamfyre later became the beloved mount of Helaena Targaryen.
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Why did Hugh Hammer betray Rhaenyra?

For their betrayal, Hugh Hammer and Ulf White infamously became known as the Two Betrayers. It was believed that the treachery of the two dragonseeds was out of avarice, as they both resent the lands that Rhaenyra gave them and that Hugh and Ulf, who have a lust for power and wealth, desired to become lords.
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Why was Vermithor in a cave?

His previous rider was King Jaehaerys I, the grandfather of King Viserys I and Princess Rhaenys. Upon Jaeharys's death, Vermithor did not take up another rider and instead lived under the active volcano at Dragonstone.
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Who rode Dreamfyre?

But the blue-silver beast named Dreamfyre always seemed destined to be paired with her eventual rider Helaena Targaryen (Phia Saban), a dragon-dreamer who can predict the future.
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Can Daemon have two dragons?

However a single Targaryen can only bond with one dragon in their whole life. (This explains why Viserys never claimed another dragon after Balerion died.) Daemon is already bonded to Caraxes.
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