What evolves into Solgaleo?

Use 100 Cosmog Candy on Cosmoem during the day to evolve Cosmoem into Solgaleo. Time of day in Pokemon GO is relevant to your local time. If your Pokemon GO map is currently in daylight hours, your Cosmoem will evolve into Solgaleo.
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What does Solgaleo evolve from?

Solgaleo (Japanese: ソルガレオ Solgaleo) is a dual-type Psychic/Steel Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VII. It evolves from Cosmoem when leveled up in Pokémon Sun, Ultra Sun, Sword, or Scarlet starting at level 53.
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How should I evolve Cosmoem?

In order to evolve Cosmoem into Solgaleo, you will need 100 Cosmog Candies and you will have to perform the evolution during the day. Daylight hours in Pokémon GO are dependent on your local time zone and are reflected in the main map that you can see on the game's home screen.
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Does Cosmog evolve into Solgaleo or Lunala?

Cosmoem can evolve into Solgaleo or Lunala via the use of 100 Cosmog candies. New chapters of the Cosmic Companion Special Research story are now available, promising new mysteries to solve with Cosmoem, Rhi, and Professor Willow.
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What does Ash's Cosmog evolve into?

Assuming you've already aquired the cosmog, we'll skip the part of obtaining it. To evolve it is simple, just level it up. It evolves into Cosmoem at level 43 and Solgaleo or Lunala at level 53. It will evolve into Solgaleo if it's in Sun or Ultra Sun and Lunala if it's in Moon or Ultra Moon.
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Nebby Evolves into Solgaleo! | Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon—Ultra Adventures | Official Clip

Does Cosmog have 2 evolutions?

It evolves into Cosmoem starting at level 43, which evolves into either Solgaleo or Lunala starting at level 53 depending on the game it evolves in: in Pokémon Sun, Ultra Sun, Sword, and Scarlet, Cosmoem evolves into Solgaleo, and in Pokémon Moon, Ultra Moon, Shield, and Violet, it evolves into Lunala.
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How to get Cosmog in Pokemon GO 2024?

In addition to encountering Necrozma and receiving the typical raid rewards, Trainers will obtain Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy from Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma raids respectively. Trainers will also receive Cosmog Candy upon successfully completing one of these raids.
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Which Cosmog is better?

Cosmog can evolve into either Solgaleo or Lunala, and each has its own strengths. Solgaleo shines (pun intended) in situations where you need a strong Physical Attacker. On the flip side, Lunala is your go-to when you need a powerful Special Attacker. So, your choice should align with your battle strategy.
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Can we get both Solgaleo and Lunala?

At the time of publishing this guide, these four Pokémon can only be obtained via the Special Investigation A Cosmic Companion. And since we have to choose between Solgaleo or Lunala, if we want the other one, we will have to exchange it with a friend to get its entry into the PokéDex.
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How many cosmogs can you get?

Currently, in Pokemon GO, you can indeed get a second Cosmog. However, this involves completing certain in-game tasks and participating in specific story-driven events. It's not as straightforward as catching a second Pikachu, but it's definitely possible.
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Who is stronger, Solgaleo or Lunala?

Solgaleo and Lunala are matched in terms of combat performance. The decision between these two Pokemon ultimately comes down to your personal preference. They differ primarily in their elemental types and various strengths and resistances against other elements.
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Why is Cosmoem so heavy?

The reason Cosmoem is so heavy despite being so small is because it is based on a protostar. Protostars are incredibly dense baby stars that have an astonishing amount of mass squished into a small space. It's quite a wonder how Lillie was able to carry Cosmoem around in her bag.
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Is Cosmog a legendary?

Cosmog (コスモッグ, Kosumoggu?, trans. Kosumoggu) (KOZ-mog) is a psychic-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VII.
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Is it better to evolve Cosmoem in the day or night?

Normal Day/Night is the easiest and most fitting evolution, imo, but, if they really want to keep the "extra mile" thing because Legendary, have it evolve into Solgaleo by Sun Stone during the Day and into Lunala by Moon Stone during the Night.
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What God is Solgaleo?

Solgaleo is labelled as an emissary of the sun and also the beast that devours the sun.
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How to upgrade Solgaleo?

You Can Obtain Legendary Spirit

Once Main Character & Solgaleo are ready to be raised to 6★ EX, you can use Legendary Spirit to complete the upgrade. Also, raising Main Character & Solgaleo to 6★ EX will make it possible to change the color of the Main Character's outfit.
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Can Lunala breed?

No. As with previous entries, Legendary Pokémon - such as Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, or Sun and Moon's cover stars, Solgaleo and Lunala, cannot be bred.
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Can you get Cosmog in sword?

Cosmog is an optional Legendary Pokemon available in Pokemon Sword and Shield's Crown Tundra DLC. In order to obtain Cosmog, you'll need to have progressed through part of Legendary Clue 1 given to you by Peony in Freezington.
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Who can beat Lunala?

The best Pokemon Go Lunala counters are Mega Tyranitar, Shadow Tyranitar, Mega Houndoom, Necrozma - Dawn Wings, Mega Gengar & Tyranitar.
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Is A Cosmog rare?

This extremely rare Pokémon is known to only a select few in Alola. At one time, it was known only by the kings of Alola and their heirs, and it was called the child of the stars.
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Do I only get one Cosmog?

While the Starry Skies Special Research active currently will give you access to one (or two) Cosmog, you will only get the standard amount of Candy for catching the Pokemon. The only way to earn Cosmog candy is by making the creature your Buddy and having it follow you around as it finds and collects Candy.
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Can Cosmog be shiny?

Pokemon GO: Can Cosmog And Cosmoem Be Shiny? While players can complete several tasks to get a Cosmog and later evolve it into a Cosmoem, the same cannot be said for their Shiny variants. Shiny Cosmog and Shiny Cosmoem have yet to be added to Pokemon GO.
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How to get Cosmog sun?

Go to the Lake of the Sunne if you're playing Pokémon Sun, or the Lake of the Moone if you're playing Pokémon Moon. Once you're there, you'll see a cutscene where a Cosmog appears. After the cutscene ends, go up to the Cosmog and press A to get your very own Cosmog.
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