What gender is Kirby?

The English manual for Kirby's Dream Land refers to Kirby as a "little boy", whereas the Japanese version uses wakamono (若者), which translates to a gender-neutral "youngster" or "young person".
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What is Kirby's gender pronoun?

In Japanese media, Kirby is usually described using gender-neutral pronouns and terminology. English localizations use masculine pronouns when describing Kirby, however, their gender is otherwise left vague.
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Why is Kirby pink if he's a boy?

Players only seem to get confused because, generally, Kirby is pink. But color doesn't have a gender, so this has just been an uneducated assumption. Kirby, described by Nintendo, is a boy.
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Is Kirby male or female on Reddit?

Officially Kirby's gender is not known, and the 1st person pronoun he uses is ぼく(boku). Boku usually is used for boys, but some (young) girls also use boku.
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Is Kirby a boy or a girl quiz?

Kirby is almost always referred to as a male in localization, but interestingly, in the original Japanese, Kirby's gender is NEVER actually specified.
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Kirby's Gender Controversy

Is Kirby a gender neutral name?

Kirby is a gender-neutral name that works well for both baby boys and girls.
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Is Kirby LGBTQ?

Kirby is not bi, gay, straight, or assexual. Kirby is an entity beyond the comprehension that you mere mortals have.
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Do Kirby characters kiss?

Though Face-to-Face is meant to be sharing food mouth-to-mouth, it is often conflated with the two characters kissing each other. This idea is supported in Kirby Fighters Deluxe and Kirby Fighters 2, where the Face-to-Face text bubble says "Smooch!" (or "SMOOCH♥") in English and "チュ♥" (a kissing noise) in Japanese.
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Is Kirby canonically a child?

At POV, We all see kirby as a young child, however that's not the actual case. The Pink Puffball is actually a millennia old than he appears. In the anime, he's 200+ years old, which is non canon to the actual games, in which fans get confused with.
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Is Kirby asexual?

They are asexual, and reproduce by splitting into three at the end of each level, after which all three 'children' perform a strange ritual known as the Kirby Dance.
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Is Kirby a girls game?

Kirby is considered male in America. In Japan the matter is left neutral. Kirby is (pardon how I say it) a kids game. There is no need to ascertain a creature that is not humanlike to have a gender.
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Does Kirby have a girlfriend?

In one strip of the Yonkoma manga series, Kirby announces to Ribbon that he has a girlfriend; he describes her to Ribbon and then Ribbon asks Adeleine to draw a portrait, and to Ribbon's shock, the portrait is of ChuChu.
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Does Kirby get pregnant?

In the season finale "The Cabin", Kirby learns that she is pregnant and realizes that the child is Adam's, but is afraid to tell Jeff.
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Is Kirby a final girl?

Being the only unconfirmed victim of the Woodsboro Remake, Kirby was confirmed alive through a photographic cameo in the fifth entry, making her the sole teen survivor of the fourth film and a final girl.
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What is Kirby's girlfriend's name?

Fun Fact: In one of Kirby's (official Nintendo) comics, Kirby had a girlfriend/wife named, “Susie.”
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Does Kirby have a confirmed gender?

In Japan, Kirby's gender is unknown. As you can see in this image, you can see that his gender reads “不明” (fumei) which literally translates to “not clear.” The irony is that Kirby is referred to as a boy in some Japanese Kirby media. However, in localizations, Kirby is a boy.
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Who did Kirby end up with?

Kirby and Adam rekindle their romance as she helps him and Blake regain control of Denver-Carrington. Kirby and Adam announce their plans to marry at the end of the miniseries.
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Is Kirby only pink?

Nintendo director Shigeru Miyamoto envisioned Kirby as yellow but eventually, Sakurai won them all over and everyone's beloved pink blob was born. In time, and after many adventures, Nintendo eventually honored Miyamoto's wishes by adding a yellow Kirby to the Kirby Air Ride for the GameCube and to Super Smash Bros.
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Who is Kirby's love?

Ribbon is a character in the Kirby series, debuting as an ally in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. She is a fairy from Ripple Star and is Kirby's presumed love interest.
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How tall is Kirby?

He may only be eight inches tall, but you should never underestimate this little pink hero. On the planet Pop Star, Kirby used his elastic body and his uncanny ability to absorb enemies to save Dream Land from the mischievous King Dedede.
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Is Kirby a Pokémon?

Given that Kirby had shown up several years before Pokémon was ever released, the concept for the latter series did come into being back in 1990. Nevertheless, the timing and the lack of crossover between the two game properties firmly make it clear that Kirby isn't a Pokémon.
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How old is Kirby in the anime?

Cause in the anime he is over 200 but in the games he is 30.
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