What gives you the most XP in AC Odyssey?

Just about everything you do in Assassin's Creed Odyssey gets you XP, but these are the best ways!
  1. Fight at the Arena. The Arena is part of a Side Quest - They Just Want Cruelty - which is picked up the first time you kill a mercenary. ...
  2. Pick Up Legendary Contracts. advertisement. ...
  3. Complete Conquest Battles. ...
  4. Do Side Quests.
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What is the fastest way to gain XP in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

Complete Bounties

There is a message board in every region, and there should be at least one bounty to complete in each. Bounties are still one of the most efficient ways to gain experience in Odyssey. Assassins that have multiple bounties in one location should activate an XP boost and complete them all at once.
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How do you boost XP in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

  1. Check the XP rewards on all available quests to get the most bang for your buck. ...
  2. Explore. ...
  3. Complete all of a location's objectives, especially Forts, for loads of XP. ...
  4. Mop up any and all side quests on or below your level. ...
  5. Check mission boards and speak to locals for extra, and quick, missions.
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What is the fastest way to get XP in Assassin's Creed origins?

How to level up fast in Assassin's Creed Origins
  1. Take on side quests for easy extra XP. ...
  2. Explore tombs for free ability points. ...
  3. Focus on activities at, or above, your level for max rewards. ...
  4. Unlock the right abilities to boost the XP you earn. ...
  5. Loot does little to level you up, so don't get side tracked looking for it.
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How do you get XP fast in Assassin's Creed Odyssey Reddit?

Primarily the following:
  1. Side missions, as soon as possible. ...
  2. Explore everything, clearing out all enemies.
  3. Bounties - the first one you get is for wolf pelts. ...
  4. Ainigmata Oistrakas.
  5. Raid forts, repeatedly. ...
  6. Hunt pirates…
  7. Explore all caves.
  8. Go for all underground burial sites.
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Assassin's Creed Odyssey How To Level Up Fast In 2020 (AC Odyssey How To Level Up Fast)

Is level 50 max in ac odyssey?

Ok, so since the new patch the max level is level 99. I wanted to reach level 50 so I can upgrade my legendary armor by going after cultists and receiving the armor already at current level.
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Can you reach level 99 in ac odyssey?

With a 99 level cap, mastery levels after that, and the Atlantis dlc you have way more than enough ability points to get them all. But don't do that, it's a waste of points. Just get the passive ones that buff your character, then get things like critical assassination and overprower strike if you like those.
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What is the max level on AC Odyssey?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a long game, and reaching the max level of 99 can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to make the process easier. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey will keep you invested from the beginning to one of the different endings it offers.
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Can you buy XP in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

Purchasing XP Boosters

The other option is found in Assassin's Creed Odyssey's in-game store. For 1000 Helix Credits, you can purchase a permanent XP booster that increases experience gain by 50% forever.
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Is 40 the highest level in Assassin's Creed?

In the main game, max level is 40. If you've got The Hidden Ones, it's raised to 45, and if you own CoTP it's raised again to 55.
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Does difficulty affect XP gain in AC Odyssey?

Some quests, like the quests to kill the polemarchs, will always be recommended for your level regardless of difficulty. So, the TL;DR: It appears you don't get more Xp for doing the same things on a harder difficulty, but you do get more Xp for killing higher level enemies or handing in higher level quests.
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Does higher difficulty affect XP in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

By increasing the difficulty you can potentially get far more XP than the Permament 50% XP Bonus provides. That means that if you're playing on Easy/Normal/Hard, you can change the difficulty to Nightmare before turning in a Quest (including mid cutscene) to increase the XP reward.
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What is the max level in AC Odyssey without DLC?

The original cap was 50, so things should stop being an issue after that. Anything higher is only to beat the S-tier mercenaries. Yes you can reach level 99 without DLC/Season Pass.
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What happens after level 50 in ac odyssey?

Once you have reached level 50, you can spend your Ability Points on Mastery Levels to improve your Assassin, Hunter and Warrior skills further. Bonuses gained through Mastery Levels, such as additional armour, damage or health, will be added on top of existing bonuses gained from weapons, gear and engravings.
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What is the best sword in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

Among the best swords in the game are the Xiphos of Dionysos for its assassination damage boost and the Prometheus Sika for its warrior damage and fire buildup.
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Is Nikolaos sword good?

Anyway, the sword looks great, it isn't anything too fantastical, which I honestly prefer, but overall, it was a fantastic choice to make available early on, and it can easily last until endgame.
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Can you get every skill in Odyssey?

Not enough points given or acquired naturally to max out all three trees. Each skil requires 3 points to max. and there are about 45-50 skills. So you only get about 1/3 the points required to max everything.
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Do enemies scale in AC Odyssey?

Enemy scaling will be enabled by default in New Game+ - if you do not wish for enemies to scale up to your level, you can disable this feature in the Gameplay options menu.
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What is the hardest beast in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

Hunting Medusa is also made a bit easier if you complete the Daughters of Artemis questline. You can find our guide here. The Medusa fight is the hardest battle in all of Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
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What level is Medusa AC Odyssey?

As reported by GamesRadar, players must reach at least level 46 to unlock the Medusa quest. However, achieving the highest level of 50 will give the character the best chance to defeat Medusa, as all her warriors are level 50 as well.
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At what level does odyssey end?

Hard to say, it depends how much side stuff you do. Personally I was level 61 when I finished. For most players, typically around 50 to 70.
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How many years does AC Odyssey span?

The game's plot tells a mythological history of the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta from 431 to 422 BC.
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Can you get all mastery levels in AC Odyssey?

You can choose from 72 unique Mastery Levels, with the ability to upgrade each up to 20 times. To upgrade your Mastery Levels: Navigate to the Abilities tab in the in-game menu.
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What is the longest AC game?

That being said, Odyssey is host to the largest world in the series. Odyssey's massive world lets players spend upwards of 149 hours to complete everything the game has to offer in terms of main content and extras. This effectively makes Odyssey the longest game in the series — for completionists, at least.
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