What gods would Dragonborn worship?

In the Realms, Dragonborn are most likely to worship Ilmater and Chauntea. They also worship the Untheric god Enlil. The worship of any member of the draconic pantheon was taboo in dragonborn culture due to their long history of enslavement by dragons on their homeworld, but only the faith of Tiamat…
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Which God is the Dragonborn?

A Dragonborn (or Dovahkiin in Dragon Language) is a mortal blessed with the Blood and soul of a dragon by Akatosh, the Father of Dragons and chief of the Divines. Some sources claim that Dragonborn are fragments of Akatosh's soul and share this status with Alduin and possibly all of Dragonkind.
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Would a Dragonborn worship Bahamut?

Likewise, dragonborn viewed Bahamut not only as their deity, but also as their father, and as such they honored and respected him above all.
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What is the Dragonborn religion called?

Dragon religion has no proper name as it is not a highly organized faith and has no formal doctrine. “Dragon religion” is the name given to the collection of beliefs and practices held by most dragonborn.
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Do dragonborns worship dragons?

Evil dragonborn often worship Tiamat, goddess of chromatic dragons.
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The ULTIMATE Guide to Daedra Worship - Elder Scrolls Lore

What God do Dragonborns worship?

In the Realms, Dragonborn are most likely to worship Ilmater and Chauntea. They also worship the Untheric god Enlil. The worship of any member of the draconic pantheon was taboo in dragonborn culture due to their long history of enslavement by dragons on their homeworld, but only the faith of Tiamat…
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Do Dragonborn dislike dragons?

Dragonborn have a strong hatred of dragons, who enslaved them on Abeir.
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What race would Dragonborn be?

The Last Dragonborn being a Nord is certainly poetic in consideration of the province's culture, but Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls at large show that the race of Tamriel's most venerated heroes is usually inconsequential.
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Can Dragonborn have wings?

However, mostly all Dragonborn have wings, with the exception of some Wingless that are born that lack them.
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Can dragonborns breed with humans?

Draconic Ancestry

Although dragonborn of different ancestries could interbreed between them, it was generally believed that dragonborn could not breed with members of different humanoid species.
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Who would a Dragonborn paladin worship?

Dragonborn religion is an elaborate form of ancestor worship or animism. It's the rejection of the Dragonborn's one true god for idols and other gods that they decided to follow after. In this case, their ancestors.
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Why does Tiamat hate Bahamut?

Tiamat's enmity with Bahamut dates back to their creation, when Io made them; they were made with the intention of becoming complements and mates, but their personalities were too much at odds. Tiamat murdered Vorel, her eldest brother, and tried to frame Bahamut for the deed.
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What dragons worship Tiamat?

According to the ancient draconic myth Elegy for the First World, Bahamut and Tiamat both coalesced from the primordial chaos at the beginning of time. Whatever the truth, her cult grew rapidly in the communities of chromatic dragons, especially among blue, green, and red dragons.
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Is a Dragonborn a demigod?

The Dragonborn is a mortal gifted the soul of a dragon. All dragons come from Akatosh, the god of time. Every dragon and their soul is a piece of Akatosh.
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Is Alduin the Dragonborns brother?

Since the Dragonborn has the soul of a dragon, Alduin could technically be the Dragonborn's brother, but this is subjected to debate as he is also mortal. Ironically, despite referring to the Dovahkin as being arrogant, it was his own arrogance that led to his demise.
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What is the Dragonborn's real name?

He has an actual name—Miraak. And the same goes for you. I'm getting technical, but my point is that Last Dragonborn is obviously a descriptor, and I think Prisoner is the same thing. Up until you give your character their actual name, Prisoner is what everyone else around you calls you.
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What is the rarest type of Dragonborn?

Brown, gray, purple, adamantine, mithral and steel are significantly rarer, either due to their otherworldly origin, or by how they were created or where they live. Dragonborn descended from dragon turtles, as well as mirage, fey, and shadow dragons also exist, though they're very rare as well.
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Is A Dragonborn Immortal?

Being Dragonborn doesn't seem to have any effect on anyone's lifespan, in and of itself. So a Dragonborn would live as long as their race would normally live. That would be a few hundred years for elves, about a hundred years for men and Orsimer, and unknown for Khajiit, and Argonians.
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Why can't Dragonborn fly?

Dragonborn, despite the association with dragons, do not have wings and cannot inherently fly. There are simplified momentum mechanics for some things: Such rules do not apply to the general case, only where they are specified.
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What is a black Dragonborn?

Being one of the more aquatically associated Dragonborn, its easy to see why the Black dragonborn make their homes along coasts, tropical rivers, and wetlands. Their natural affinity for the night, and water has birthed a bustling maritime culture, that tends to be nocturnal.
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Are there female Dragonborn?

The Last Dragonborn is all races, all genders, all classes. They are potential incarnate, Unbound from fate, with perception transcending causality.
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Which Dragonborn race is best?

For your Baldur's Gate 3 Dragonborn Sorcerer, we suggest the White Dragon ancestry. That's because the Armor of Agathys spell is quite decent for most of the game.
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Who does Dragonborn worship?

In the Realms, Dragonborn are most likely to worship Ilmater and Chauntea. They also worship the Untheric god Enlil.
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What is the lifespan of a Dragonborn?

Dragonborn Traits

Age: Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80.
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Can dragonborn be multicolored?

per the rules as written, a dragonborn can only pick one breath weapon, color of skin/scales is a cosmetic choice and can be anything you like.
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