What happened to garona in warcraft?

While her party was wiped out, she was spared and sent back to relay a message to the warlock Gul'dan. After a period of time, she returned and met with the Magus on many occasions. Eventually, she was granted the title of Emissary and sent to Karazhan.
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What happened to Garona in Warcraft movie?

With great sorrow, Garona obliged Llane's request and killed him using the knife given to her by Lothar. As a result of killing the enemy chief, Garona was honored and Gul'dan even welcomed her into the Horde, addressing her as an Orc and not a half-breed.
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Is the Guardian Garona's father?

Second, Garona Halforcen is half-orc and half-draenei, not half-human. And she is Medivh's lover, not his daughter. In fact, the story Medivh tells Garona about a woman he met (the scene where he implies that he's her father) resembled strangely his story with Garona in the Warcraft lore.
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Who did Garona assassinate?

The Last Guardian (which I enjoyed reading) portrayed a scene, in which Khadgar summons a vision, and Garona can see that she ends up betraying her benefactor king Llane and stabs him to death. She then bursts into tears and refuses to accept that this is her future.
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Why is Garona cursed?

Garona revealed how brutal orc life was, that her name in Orcish meant "cursed", and her mother was burned alive for giving birth to her for being a "halfbreed".
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Is Garona half-orc?

It was later explained that Garona was a half-orc/half-draenei, as Gul'dan deceived her into believing that she was half-human.
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Is Garona a rogue?

But since she was a rogue, he figured they needed her for Shade of Aran and would rotate her out for a warlock afterwards. (Zing!) Medivh's apprentice, Khadgar, didn't know that Medivh had been the one to bring the orcs into Azeroth and was upset at Medivh for receiving Garona as a Horde emissary.
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Who kills Guldan?

Taking with him his most capable followers, Gul'dan cast open the doors and entered. He did not, however, find the godhood he was promised. Instead, he was torn to shreds by a swarm of insane demons that the tomb's opening had unleashed. The remainder of his clans were slaughtered upon Doomhammer's arrival.
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Did Doomhammer betray Durotan?

The burliest Frostwolf in several generations, Orgrim is fearsome in battle, where he wields his namesake the legendary Doomhammer. Misjudging the warlock Gul'dan, Orgrim betrayed Durotan, dooming his clan to extermination.
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What is Garona's last name?

Italian: nickname from a variant of ghironda 'hurdy-gurdy' (a stringed instrument). Galician: habitational name from Gironda in Galicia (Ourense).
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What did Medivh give Garona?

Medivh tells Garona to go to Anduin. He created a magical circle, gives her a magical luminous flower, and she teleported away.
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Is Warcraft II coming out?

However, despite retaining many of the elements that made the Warcraft games so popular, the movie never received a sequel – remaining as a standalone entry in the franchise. Warcraft is available to stream on Netflix.
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What happened to the baby orc in Warcraft?

That baby is Thrall, Durotan's son and future warchief of the whole Horde. In the lore of the games, he's raised among humans as a gladiator and a slave, but eventually escapes and rises through the orcish ranks to become boss of everyone.
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What happened to Anduin Wrynn at the end of Shadowlands?

Near the final battle against Zovaal, Anduin manages to break free from the Domination, but is left mentally and emotionally damaged due to his actions while under the Jailer's control. While not an active participant in Dragonflight, Anduin is heard to be roaming Azeroth in solitude to heal his damaged mental state.
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What happened at the end of Warcraft?

Medivh dies and the portal closes, leaving Llane, Garona, and a small number of human soldiers to fight the orcs. Llane secretly orders Garona to kill him, bringing her honor among the orcs and putting her in a position of power to bring peace between the two races.
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Who killed Illidan?

Illidan is a raid boss and the primary antagonist to the World of Warcraft expansion The Burning Crusade. He was slain by Maiev Shadowsong, his former jailer turned prisoner, in a coup d'état initiated by Akama and player adventurers.
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Why was Draenor dying?

When the orc shaman Ner'zhul recklessly opened dimensional portals to find new worlds to conquer, Draenor was torn apart and believed completely lost.
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Is Gul dan warlock?

Once called “Darkness Incarnate” and “Destroyer of Dreams,” Gul'dan was the first orc warlock and is considered one of the most powerful warlocks to have ever existed. He lived to amass power by any means necessary—even betraying his kin to those that sought to enslave them.
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What happened to Garona in wow?

While her party was wiped out, she was spared and sent back to relay a message to the warlock Gul'dan. After a period of time, she returned and met with the Magus on many occasions. Eventually, she was granted the title of Emissary and sent to Karazhan.
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Is Garona an Alliance or Horde?

Garona Halforcen is a half-orc, half-human warrior, and respected member of the Horde.
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Who is the main orc in wow?

The orcs were without a racial leader for two periods of time within World of Warcraft. The first being from the Darkspear Rebellion and the Siege of Orgrimmar in which they rejected and aided in the defeat of Garrosh Hellscream up until World of Warcraft: Legion revealed Varok Saurfang as their new leader.
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Is Medivh still alive in WoW?

To this day, Medivh's soul remains within the haunted tower of Karazhan. Fragments of his soul have been known to challenge or provide guidance to those who brave the tower's dangers. Medivh was the wielder of Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian after his mother passed it on to him.
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Who is the evil orc in Warcraft?

An alternate version of Gul'dan appears as the main antagonist in World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor and one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Kil'jaeden) of World of Warcraft: Legion. Originally a shaman, he became the first orcish warlock as well as the de facto founder of the Orcish Horde.
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