What happened to Jacob in Callisto Protocol?

However, in reality, it's revealed that Jacob's escape was actually a dying dream. He had been mortally wounded after helping Dani escape, with Mahler recovering his body and keeping him on life support so that she can use his implant's connection with Dani's to transmit all of her evidence and research data.
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What did Jacob do in The Callisto Protocol?

Jacob finds a crate that he delivered to and from Callisto in the lab, rummaging through the medical supplies to find the contained Larvae of the Behemoth underneath them, realizing that he was, indirectly, responsible for the outbreak that occurred on Europa.
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How many endings does callisto protocol have?

Just one ending. "A happier ending?
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Is Percy in Callisto protocol?

Percy is the main protagonist in The Callisto Protocol: Helix Station.
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What happened to Max in Callisto Protocol?

They finally crashed and Jacob regained consciousness, but survived and remained unscathed. He then examined Max, only to see that his face was partially ripped off by the crash. After Max asked why Jacob did not listen to him, he finally succumbed to the injury and died, dropping his lighter.
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The Callisto Protocol Final Transmission DLC Ending Explained

What happened to Dani Callisto protocol?

It is revealed that she was killed before the prologue of the game took place. Dani then discovered that the United Jupiter Company had been behind what happened on her home world. In the end, she decided to join the rebel group known as the Outer Way to uncover the truth about what happened on Europa.
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What happened to Elias Callisto protocol?

However, after the tram station, Jacob and Elias are separated when a mutated Captain Ferris finds them and ejects them onto Callisto during a storm. Elias' suit doesn't work properly as a result, and when Jacob finds him it's already too late to do anything.
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Will there be a Callisto Protocol 2?

The developer revealed through its social media channels its upcoming game: Project Birdseye, which won't be the sequel to The Callisto Protocol 2 that some fans were expecting, but rather a completely new adventure, very different from the original title, although set in the same universe as the saga.
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What happened to Captain Ferris' callisto protocol?

Dodging his strikes and spit projectiles, and killing the Exploders that Ferris summons into the field, Jacob manages to best Ferris. As Ferris dies, Jacob extracts a sample from him using a syringe, as Warden Cole states that Ferris was only an imperfect vessel, and that this isn't the end.
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Will Callisto Protocol have DLC?

The Callisto Protocol returns with Final Transmission DLC – first gameplay details revealed – PlayStation.
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What happened to Jacob Callisto?

In reality, it is revealed that Jacob's escape was actually a dying dream. He had been mortally wounded after helping Dani escape, with Mahler recovering his body and keeping him on life support so that she can use his implant's connection with Dani's to transmit all of her evidence and research data.
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How long does it take to 100% Callisto protocol?

Read More. How long is The Callisto Protocol? When focusing on the main objectives, The Callisto Protocol is about 10 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 15½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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Can you defeat the robots in Callisto protocol?

Apart from keeping distance from Security Robots, players must be incredibly precise with their weapons to continue shooting at their only weakness, the red eye. Once a Security Robot has been defeated, players can salvage it for loot, which can then be sold to acquire Callisto Credits from the Reforge Station.
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How old is Jacob in Callisto Protocol?

Jacob Lee is the main character of The Callisto Protocol and the person you control in the game. The 42-year-old cargo ship pilot is portrayed by actor Josh Duhamel, famously known for his roles in the early Michael Bay Transformers films.
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What is the hardest enemy in Callisto protocol?

The Two Head is one of the strongest enemies in the game and has very few weaknesses but by shooting at the hands will cause his hands to be destroyed and deal massive damage.
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Why wasn t Callisto Protocol good?

The game is a bit on the shorter side still, even with all the new content. And the implementation of dodging and melee combat is still incredibly awkward to handle. I really wanted to like the Callisto Protocol, but I wound up disappointed again. 3 out of 10.
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Why does Dani hate Jacob Callisto Protocol?

Jacob's Role In The Europa Outbreak

In the early hours of the game, Dani has an issue with Jacob, as she thinks he's responsible for the outbreak on Europa and the subsequent death of her sister.
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Why is Callisto protocol flopped?

Despite a promising premise, the game suffered from poor execution and also faced a plethora of technical issues at launch.
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Who is patient zero in callisto protocol?

Caitlyn Mahler. Black Iron Warden Duncan Cole used the remains to replicate the conditions of the original outbreak in an attempt to recreate Subject Zero as Subject Alpha by releasing the pathogen in the prison. This would also be known as the Callisto protocol.
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Are Callisto Protocol and Dead Space connected?

Dead Space's Influence Bears Many Resemblances in The Callisto Protocol. The Callisto Protocol is not connected to Dead Space, at least not in terms of their original narratives or IPs. The two IPs are completely independent of one another, but there are clear reasons why fans may think they are interconnected.
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Is there an alternate ending to Callisto protocol?

There's only one ending.
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Is Callisto protocol repetitive?

Apart from the setting and the design, this game doesnt have any good stuff. Repetitive combat, enemies and objectives, makes this game one of the most boring/repetitive survival horror (if this game can even be called that) that i have ever played. Unless its free or less than 5 dollars, do not buy this.
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Is Jacob still alive in Callisto protocol?

However, in reality, it's revealed that Jacob's escape was actually a dying dream. He had been mortally wounded after helping Dani escape, with Mahler recovering his body and keeping him on life support so that she can use his implant's connection with Dani's to transmit all of her evidence and research data.
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What happens to the warden in callisto protocol?

Cole laments losing the sample, but reveals he will use the data collected to carry the protocol into its next phase, before setting the prison to self-destruct as he bids the two farewell and escapes.
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Is Callisto protocol still broken?

The game is not broken, I have finished it with both characters and I can confirm it. If you're stuck on a puzzle, create a thread asking and giving details about your current progress and people will respond. You can change puzzle difficulty.
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