What happens if you fail to attend your wedding in Skyrim?

If you do not attend the wedding at the time specified, you will fail the quest and upset everyone in attendance the same as if you had called off the wedding.
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What to do if you miss your wedding in Skyrim?

Missing Your Wedding

If you manage to forget your wedding, not all is lost. You can beg your dearest for another chance. There will be another ceremony on the following day.
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What happens if you don't attend a wedding in Skyrim?

If you miss the ceremony or call it off, the Mara priest will b pissed, you can never get married, and you are asked to leave the temple. You done screwed, son, unless you have a save from before you set the wedding up. Well just like with all things in life, the worst outcome happens.
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What happens if you fail the marriage quest in Skyrim?

You can make amends by leaving a short cool down period of a couple of hours, and then going and apologizing to Maramal. You must then go to your potential spouse and apologize. The wedding will take place the following day at the same time.
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Can you back out of a marriage in Skyrim?

You can't formally get a divorce in Skyrim, but you might be able to get a new Marriage Partner. For good or bad there is a way to back out of your marriage in case you find a more suitable partner or got stuck with coyote ugly because you needed a place to couch surf.
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Why You Should Miss Your Skyrim Wedding

Can you have 2 wives in Skyrim?

Once you get marry with the vanilla system, you can use the Shrine to move your vanilla spouse to one of the multiple marriage slots. You can also reset the vanilla quest using the shrine so that you can have another wedding.
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What happens if you cancel your wedding in Skyrim?

You can call off the wedding during the ceremony if you no longer wish to get married. However, this will cause your guests, fiancé, and Maramal to be upset with you. Make amends with your spouse, and then speak to Maramal again. He's naturally distressed by your actions, but he'll agree to give you another chance.
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What happens if you marry Camilla in Skyrim?

Once married she will start her own store, if you do not own a house yet you will have to live with her in the RiverWood trader. Once you move her into a new home outside of Riverwood she will open up her own store, which you can use freely. Usually, she will have 700-750 gold.
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Can your spouse get kidnapped in Skyrim?

Kidnapped for Ransom is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Dragonborn's spouse is kidnapped and held for ransom by Rochelle the Red and her bandits.
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Who is the best wife to marry in Skyrim?

Aela The Huntress is one of the most popular wives in Skyrim, and it's not without good reason. In a world where many women are unable to live out their adventuring dreams, she stands out as a powerful warrior, confident leader, and one of the most fascinating members of the Companions.
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What happens if you don't go to a wedding?

Wedding gift etiquette generally encourages sending a gift even if you can't attend the nuptials, however, the decision is ultimately up to you. All that's really expected is sending back your RSVP card. Think about your relationship with the couple and if you have the financial means to send a present.
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Can you marry Serana?

Although it is not possible to marry vampires, including Serana, in vanilla Skyrim, it is still possible to do so with the help of mods. To make marriage with Serana possible, fans should use the Marriable Serana mod made by C0drm0nk33 and available on Nexus Mods.
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How many times can you get married on Skyrim?

There are a total of sixty six NPCs in the game that are eligible for marriage. You can only have one spouse.
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What happens if you say no to marriage in Skyrim?

if you talk to someone else who is marriageable and go through the "interested in me, are you?" thing, you will instead marry that person. Whoever you talk to last is who you marry. Or like the other commenter said, you can back out at the ceremony, but they all yell at you and make you feel bad.
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Can you be late to your wedding in Skyrim?

If you wait two days, a text above the screen will appear and the wedding will be canceled and cannot be rescheduled. You will have to load the game or just go about with your day, but you cannot ask/attend another wedding ceremony if missed the first.
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What to do if you miss your wedding?

Make It Up to the Couple

Although you likely have a viable reason for missing the wedding, you may still feel guilty about the circumstances. Following up with a heartfelt note or phone call is essential. Make sure to express your apologies and avoid pestering the bride and groom with a series of excuses.
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Can you be intimate in Skyrim?

Your character can get married in the game but no explicit sex is shown. If you sleep in your home shared with your spouse (implied off-screen sex), you receive a "Lover's Comfort" bonus for a limited time. Players can have their character in their underwear.
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Can your spouse divorce you in Skyrim?

Sadly, there isn't a way to divorce anyone in Skyrim. Marriage is for life, which is why, the only way to undo a marriage is to kill the spouse. For spouses that are followers, they can just be brought to a particularly difficult dungeon and left to die, but for other spouses, they'll need to be "dealt with" at home.
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Can your spouse get killed in Skyrim?

Basically anyone you marry can die except for a select few like Mjoll the Lioness. The same applies for any follower.
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Who is the easiest girl to marry in Skyrim?

Considered among the most popular companions and marriage partners, Lydia is an iconic spouse in Skyrim. She's relatively easy to meet since the main quest will lead players her way.
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How many wives can you have in Skyrim?

So how we want each house has one wife? No. Even if you have multiple houses, you cannot have multiple wives.
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Can you remarry if your partner dies Skyrim?

Sorry you can only marry once. You can't get married multiple times in Skyrim. There is no "til death do you part" in Skyrim. You'll still be married in Sovngarde.
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Will your wife leave you in Skyrim?

There is no divorce in Skyrim, the Nords frown upon it. If you wish to be single again the only option is widowhood. You cannot remarry in Skyrim, so if you choose a follower of the opposite sex to be with you , you will live in sin.
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Why does my marriage keep failing in Skyrim?

If you arrange a marriage after 8 PM and before 8 AM the next morning, you must enter the temple between 8 AM and 8 PM. If you're inside, the marriage won't start. If you arrange a wedding after midnight do not wait a full day until 8 AM, you will miss the ceremony and fail the quest.
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Can you break an engagement in Skyrim?

If you decide you might not have picked the right person, you can decide not to go through with the ceremony.
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