What happens if you fix a ruined portal?

You can easily repair a Ruined Portal so that it can be used again as a working Nether Portal to transport you between the Overworld and Nether.
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Can a ruined portal spawn complete?

Some ruined portal variants are short enough to generate completely on the surface.
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Are ruined portals useful?

The major factor regarding Ruined Portals is that some parts of the Portal's frame is made of Crying Obsidian. This purple-veined variant does not count towards a functioning Portal Frame, however they can be used with Glowstone to craft Respawn Anchors, which are artificially-made respawn points when in the Nether.
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What happens if your nether portal is destroyed?

If that happens, you can build another portal if you have enough obsidian and a flint and steel. If you don't have any obsidian or flint and steel you may look in the chest of the nether fortress to find them. You can remove the corners of the Portal so that the portal can be made with all blocks you have.
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Can you get soul sand from ruined portals?

Ruined Portals should spawn some soulsand along with the netherrack, so they create natural bubble elevators when spawning underwater.
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How You Can Fix a Ruined Portal to Go into the Nether

Can you break crying obsidian with your fist?

Breaking. Crying obsidian can be harvested only with a diamond or netherite pickaxe. ↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds.
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How rare is a big ruined portal in Minecraft?

When a ruined portal generates, it has a 5% chance to be a giant ruined portal, for about a 1.67% chance per giant portal design. This gives normal ruined portals a 95% chance, for a 9.5% chance per normal ruined portal design.
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Can ruined portals be fixed?

In the Nether, a Ruined Portal chest will contain items that you can use to rebuild the portal such as obsidian, flint and steel, and fire charges.
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Can crying obsidian make a portal?

Crying obsidian has different uses than the normal obsidian, and making portals is something you can't do with it. No , you can make only with obsidian.
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What does crying obsidian do?

Crying obsidian is a new decorative block in Minecraft 1.16. It is used to craft a respawn anchor, with 6 crying obsidian and 3 glowstone blocks. It cannot be used to make a nether portal unfortunately. The respawn anchor allows respawning in the nether should you die.
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How do you restore a ruined portal?

Restoring and Repairing Ruined Portals

First, you need to rebuild the frame of the portal. Clear away any blocks around the edge of the portal that aren't made of obsidian. Replace them with obsidian blocks to complete the frame.
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How many ruined portals are there in a Minecraft world?

Ruined Portals are a new structure added in 1.16 and can spawn in both the overworld and the nether, although the overworld ones are most useful. There are 13 different ruined portal variants, with different chest locations so learning them can be useful.
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Are end portals unbreakable?

End portal frames, like bedrock, are indestructible in Survival or Adventure mode. It can be obtained only by accessing the Creative inventory or commands.
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How rare is a complete ruined portal?

Much like each village has a rare chance of being a zombie village instead, maybe for ruined portals, there is a rare chance for a ruined portal to be a full portal. Full ruined portals could account for 1% of all ruined portal spawns, making full portals quite rare.
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Can nether portals be underwater?

Many people have underwater conduit powered bases, and since nether portals aren't waterloggable, they cant have easy access to the nether in their base without clearing water, which can ruin the vibe of he base.
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Why do random nether portals spawn?

The game will determine the 'closest' viable spawn location that correlates with the coordinates the portal is placed in the overworld. This is why you see portals spawn low if they're build near bedrock and spawn near the nether ceiling when they're build up in the sky.
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How rare is crying obsidian?

Crying Obsidian is relatively rare, as there are only three ways to obtain it and all three of these aren't very reliable.
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How do you make obsidian cry?

Crying obsidian can be acquired from a ruined portal – an ancient structure, found in both the Nether and the Overworld, that once allowed transport between the two, but has succumbed to the ravages of time.
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Where can I find Netherite?

To get Netherite you'll need to mine Ancient Debris first, which can only be found in the Nether. When you enter the Nether you'll need to mine until you reach Y level 8-15. Most Ancient Debris will spawn at Y level 15. Once you get at the Y level, begin mining as you would normally.
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Where do ruined portals take you?

A ruined portal is a portal to the Nether. It is mostly referred to as a “Ruined Nether Portal.” If you replace all of the areas where there is “Crying Obsidian” with Normal obsidian and then shape it into a rectangle, then light it with flint and steel, it will be turned into a working portal.
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Why won t the Nether Portal work?

One could be that the portal is in the wrong shape. The portal has to be 3 blocks vertically INSIDE the portal. If you jump in the portal frame, you should be able to jump up one block. It also has to be 2 blocks wide horizontally.
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Can you rebuild the end portal in survival?

Well, if you're playing survival mode then you can't. Sorry. Like bedrock, End portals can't be destroyed or created in survival mode. To acquire one you'll need to either use creative mode's inventory system or use commands.
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How rare is an end portal with all eyes?

Speaking of chance, when each portal frame block is generated, there's a 10% chance that it'll already contain an eye of ender, so that'll save you some time. With 12 blocks, though, the chances of them all containing an eye of ender are very low. Like... one in a trillion low.
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What is the biggest portal in Minecraft?

A nether portal is built as a vertical, rectangular frame of obsidian (4×5 minimum, 23×23 maximum). The four corners of the frame are not required, but portals created by the game always include them, resulting in 4 free/extra obsidian.
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