What happens if you tell Meeko to go home?

The child will then ask the Dragonborn if they can keep Meeko, and if players agree to the request, sending Meeko home will result in him heading back to the Dragonborn's specified house instead of Meeko's Shack, making him a permanent resident at their home.
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What happens if you tell Meeko to go back home?

If dismissed, Meeko will return to Meeko's Shack, even if the Dragonborn has purchased a home. With the addition of Hearthfire, it is possible to make Meeko a pet. This requires the Dragonborn to have adopted at least one child and to return to the house where their children are with Meeko as an active follower.
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How do I get Lucia to adopt Meeko?

Found a solution.
  1. Dismiss Dog.
  2. Travel to a far city (House is in Whiterun went to Winterhold)
  3. Went back to the dog's location (Meeko at Meeko's Shack)
  4. Got dog (Meeko) and went to Whiterun.
  5. Came back to house and it worked.
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What happens when you tell your dog to go home in Skyrim?

Your dog will stay in your house and wait for you for a time, but you'll eventually get a message that your dog has gone home. However, because you've given him a nice warm place to stay (and because we don't think he can open doors) he'll consider your house his new home.
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What happens if Meeko dies in Skyrim?

No more Meeko, ever? Does he respawn at the shack after time, or does he get back up after battle? Yes, he can permanently die unfortunately. But if you're willing to be cautious and save before deadly encounters, you can keep him alive.
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how to make your kid adopt meeko(might work on any pet)

Who is the unkillable dog in Skyrim?

You can find dog called "Barbas" outside the village and it will take to the Sanctuary of Clavicus vile. Once you have spoken to Daedra Lord, the dog will accompany you until you complete the search for a best friend Daedra. The dog is technically a quest item and therefore can not be destroyed.
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How long will Meeko wait?

Talk to the guy in the area (not the stable owner or the stable boy, they don't own the dog) he'll offer his dog (name is Vigilance). BTW Meeko will follow you only for 2 days after which he'll go back to the shack where you found him. Other dogs are Stump, Ysgramor, Torom and Tiber.
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What happens if I tell vigilance to go home?

He goes back to where you bought him and you have to buy him again to get him to follow you. Where does Vigilance go if you tell him to go home?
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Can Meeko guard Goldenhills Plantation?

You are also able to set any pet capable of combat (with the exceptions of Meeko and Gogh) to guard the farm. Like the steward, these can be swapped out at any time. The interior of the farmhouse consists of 5 rooms across three floors, including a two-room basement and a large master bedroom/loft.
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Can you keep the talking dog Skyrim?

The Dragonborn can choose to kill Barbas for Vile in exchange for the Rueful Axe, or choose to reunite Barbas with this master and recover a powerful Daedric artifact. Additionally, should the Dragonborn choose to recover the axe and postpone doing so, Barbas can become a permanent and an invincible follower.
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Can you give Meeko to Lod?

If you give Meeko to Lod, the message will pop up: "Your pet returns home." This is hardcoded as far as I know and happens when a pet follower is dismissed. Which is required to make Meeko follow Lod instead. Q: ESPFE? A: Yes.
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Can my kids adopt Meeko?

Your kids won't say anything about him. He is a follower but he can also be adopted as a pet by your kids.
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How do I send Meeko to my house?

Meeko is a secondary follower and can thus follow you in addition to a primary follower. He can also become a house pet with the Hearthfire add-on by asking him to follow you and then showing him to one of your children. If dismissed or left waiting for more than two days, Meeko will return to his shack.
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Can you have Meeko and vigilance at the same time?

If you cant find Meeko, or he is already dead, you can also buy Vigilance from the Markarth Stables for 500 gold. He's the same thing, just with a different name. Without Mods you can have one humanoid follower and one animal follower (dog) plus a horse.
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Can you adopt Aventus aretino?

You can now adopt Aventus Aretino. Speak to him in the Aretino Residence after completing the quest Innocence Lost. Compatible with Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP) or other mods that return Aventus to the orphanage after the quest. Just speak with Aventus inside Honorhall Orphanage instead.
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Is Meeko a good companion?

Meeko, on the other hand, might be weaker, but he's a good boy – loyal until the end and likely not fond of human flesh.
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Can Lydia be a steward?

Lydia is the Housecarl assigned to the Thane of Whiterun. She's headstrong and dependable. She can be your wife, follower, or an impressive steward. Rest assured that your Homestead will be in good hands with Lydia, as she's self-reliant and a skilled warrior.
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Can you get your kids a dog in Skyrim?

Children will get pets at random unless you get one. For example, if you get Meeko has a follower, bring him home and you kid see it, they'll eventually ask you if they can keep it. Just order Meeko to stay in the house. Once it's done, the dog will stay there once dismissed has a follower.
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Who is banning in Skyrim?

Banning is a Breton breeder outside of Markarth in the Markarth Stables. He is revealed to be a cannibal during the quest "The Taste of Death."
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Does Meeko respawn?

Even though the shack was owned by the Nord, he is not named and the shack is instead named for the dog Meeko. If Meeko becomes a follower and the Dragonborn tells him to wait in an area and let three or more days pass he will be gone from that area and respawn back at the shack.
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Can you adopt Bran in Skyrim?

They function exactly like the other animal followers, having only 'wait' and 'follow' as commands, following the typical behavior of running and attacking things on sight, and are allowed to be recruited in addition to an NPC follower. With the Hearthfire add-on, Bran can be adopted by your child and become a pet.
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What happens if I tell Meeko to go home?

Meeko goes back to that shack I found him and his master in after a few days when I tell him to get. I had a stray dog for 8 hours. I went through some serious adventuring with him during that time. Then he was killed in battle.
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Can I adopt Meeko in Skyrim?

Some of the rewards earned in Skyrim come in the form of pets that the Dragonborn can adopt. So long as players have a house available, it is possible to adopt a creature and ask them to go there. This is also the case for Meeko, but unlike some of Skyrim's other pets, this animal can be pretty difficult to locate.
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Will Barbas follow me forever?

Barbas isn't a permanent follower without mods. If you tell him to stop following you he'll travel to Haemar's Shame and wait for you there. You can then meet up with him and continue his quest.
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