What happens if you use an unforgivable curses Hogwarts Legacy?

There is no morality system in Hogwarts Legacy, nor are there choices that lead down different paths. Any NPCs that are with you when you use them might have a shocked reaction and might verbally berate you for using them, but there won't be any gamified punishments.
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Do you get punished for using Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy?

Since there is no morality system in Hogwarts Legacy, you will not be punished for using Avada Kedavra. However, your companions will react whenever you use an unforgivable curse.
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What is the punishment for using an unforgivable curse?

those three curses — Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus — are known as the Unforgivable Curses. The use of any one of them on a fellow human being is enough to earn a life sentence in Azkaban. That's what you're up against.
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Is there a downside to using dark magic in Hogwarts Legacy?

In fact, all downsides of using dark magic in Hogwarts Legacy are almost nonexistent compared to its benefits. Although players will disappoint most of their in-game companions and NPCs, they'll ultimately be able to annihilate their competition with consistency and ease.
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Is there a penalty for using dark arts in Hogwarts Legacy?

There are no consequences to using any dark arts in this game nor their associated talents. In fact, using all 3 unforgivable curses and the entire dark arts talents tree makes you OP. That's the only real consequence.
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Is there A consequence if you using unforgiveable curse In Hogwarts legacy?

Can you go evil in Hogwarts Legacy?

Morality explained. While you can make certain choices and use spells that may be considered morally questionable, you cannot canonically be evil in Hogwarts Legacy. Essentially, there's no version of the story where you'll be recognised as inherently evil and rise up as a proto-Voldemort.
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Why can't Hogwarts keep a Dark Arts teacher?

Because the position had been cursed by Tom Riddle when Dumbledore denied it to him, so that any teacher would stay for only one year, and Dumbledore wanted Snape close to him as his spy for the Order. Because when Voldemort applied for the position and was denied, he placed a jinx on it.
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Can you stop Sebastian from killing his uncle?

It is, without a doubt, the darkest mission in the game. Later, in the Undercroft, the game gives you the option to turn Sebastian in or to let him get away with the murder of his uncle. Of course, in the real world, murder is a serious crime and should always be reported.
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Does using the unforgivable curses affect the ending?

No, using Unforgivable Curses in the game will not result in a bad ending.
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Does it matter if you use the unforgivable curses in Hogwarts Legacy?

The curses cannot be used on Hogwarts grounds, reinforced by the game not allowing them to be cast while within the school. As for completing the game in full, the spells aren't required for any Achievements/Trophies, nor will their usage prevent you from unlocking any of them.
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What spell killed Bellatrix?

In the final movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2, Molly first hits Bella with a spell that freezes her, most likely Petrificus Totalus. Then, she launches another one that shatters her entire body into pieces, which could be expelliarmus, bombarda, stupefy, or any spell that can produce such an effect.
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Is it okay to use crucio in Hogwarts Legacy?

There are three unforgivable curses: Cricio, Imperio, and Avada Kedavra. These incredibly cruel and harsh spells are delegated as unforgivable and extremely illegal in the realm. Players can learn these spells in Hogwarts Legacy by completing some side-quests; they can even refuse to learn them.
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Is Imperio an unforgivable curse?

The Imperius Curse (Imperio) was a tool of the Dark Arts, and was one of the three Unforgivable Curses. When cast successfully, the curse placed the victim completely under the caster's control, making the victim unquestionably obedient to the caster. A person under the curse was said to be Imperiused.
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Can you go to Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy?

Visiting Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy is only an option for players who chose a particular House at the start of the game, and it is only a very brief and linear visit, but it's still exciting to see and walk around such a storied locale, even briefly.
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Should I turn Sebastian in Hogwarts Legacy?

That said, those hoping to see Sebastian during the end-of-year celebration or run into him during the post-game will be unable to if they choose to turn him in, so it's best to keep him around if players don't want to miss out on any additional Sebastian content, even though there isn't much to be seen.
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Does it matter if I cast crucio on Sebastian?

The curse spells are tied to Sebastians quest line, if you turn it down and still get the next ones then you can, otherwise nope. I would accept crucio. it has no negative impact on your game. They make it seem serious, but it is not.
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How do you get the bad ending in Hogwarts Legacy?

How To Get Hogwarts Legacy's Bad Ending. To get the "bad ending," players should select the second dialogue option stating "I intend to open it" when Fig asks what players will do with the Repository. This option opens up three additional dialogue responses.
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How to get the true ending in Hogwarts Legacy?

Side quests are another option, although this may take longer than just flying around and collecting the missing Field Guide Pages. A complete guide to Field Guide Pages can be found here. To get Hogwarts Legacy's true ending, players will need to complete both the "Weasley's Watchful Eye" and "House Cup" quests.
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Can you get expelled in Hogwarts Legacy?

Totally possible. Might make the game a bit short, unless it's part of the story.
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Is there any way to cure Anne Hogwarts Legacy?

Results. Overall, the plot was a failure. Anne Sallow was never cured, Solomon Sallow was senselessly murdered, and it was unlikely that Sebastian Sallow ever recovered from what he had done.
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Can I still learn Avada Kedavra if I turn Sebastian in?

Talk to Sebastian.

You'll be able to learn all the unforgivable curses from him that you don't have, including Avada Kedavra. If you said no earlier and then snitched on him, Sebastian won't be able to teach you Avada Kedavra.
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Was Umbridge a death eater?

Harry describes Umbridge to Sirius Black, saying that she's vile enough to be a Death Eater, despite not being one. Umbridge is also depicted to be a prejudiced person, despising half-breeds and Muggle-born witches and wizards to the point of firing Hagrid due to his half-giant birth status.
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Why was Umbridge hired?

Becoming a Hogwarts professor

Her placement was to limit the learning of martial magic and allow the Ministry to monitor the activities at Hogwarts.
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Do you get punished for using dark arts in Hogwarts Legacy?

It doesn't affect the main story at all. You get very minor dialogue differences in the side quests related to the dark arts, but there is no penalty. Essentially, you will have one ally who is pro dark arts, one who is against them, and their dialogue changes depending on your choice.
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