What happens if your companion dies in Skyrim?
If a companion dies from an NPC then they are considered unconscious and will come back. If the companion dies from your blow, accidental or intentional, then they are dead and will not come back.How do you revive a dead companion in Skyrim?
Revive her using a console command.Open the console and click on her body. A code will appear. Simply type “resurrect” into the console, press enter, and close the console. She will be resurrected.
Can you bring a companion back to life Skyrim?
Those playing Skyrim on PC can permanently resurrect NPCs using Console Commands. To do this, players should press the tilde key, often found below the Esc button on the keyboard, and click on the NPC they wish to revive; then, they should type "resurrect" and press the Enter key.Do companions die permanently?
If an enemy deals killing damage to a companion, they will be KO'd and will return to battle after the fight is over or if you heal them. However, if YOU deal the killing blow (either by a missed attack or an AoE spell), they are dead FOREVER.What happens if you lose your companion in Skyrim?
If you lose either, they woill return to the Jarls longhouse to which they were assigned to you. Might take a couple days. If they do NOT return there, then they have somehow died.Skyrim: Top 5 Spouses You Must Marry - Greatest Wives and Husbands of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
How do I recover my lost follower in Skyrim?
When you have lost your follower, you should first try to retrace your steps. If you told your follower to wait for you, they will be where you asked them to wait. If you still can't find them, try using Fast Travel, your follower should reappear with you at your new location.What happens if Lydia dies?
If Lydia died in Skyrim, however, the problem becomes more difficult for players to resolve. There are no spells that can effectively bring an NPC back from the dead. The Raise Zombie spell will only temporarily bring Lydia back, and she'll turn into a pile of ashes afterward.Do Skyrim companions die forever?
Top Voted Answer. If a companion dies from an NPC then they are considered unconscious and will come back. If the companion dies from your blow, accidental or intentional, then they are dead and will not come back.Where do dead followers go in Skyrim?
They go to the halls of the dead in the hold capital where you got them. It was one of the companion guys (one of the twin brothers).What companions don t die in Skyrim?
Mjoll, Serana, Freya, and Derkeethus are all essential and cannot die. The spooniest bard.Can I resurrect Lydia in Skyrim?
To get Lydia back, all you have to do is level Conjuration to 100, get Conjure Thrall, and then raise her body again.Can a follower be revived in Skyrim?
You'll have to reload your game if your follower dies. There is no resurrecting them. Give her the "Shocker".How do you revive a dead NPC in Skyrim?
To achieve this, the player must first press the "~" key in-game which opens the console. To select the body to be resurrected, they must then click on the desired body, which will then direct all following commands towards the body. Then type the command "resurrect" (without the " signs).Can you marry Lydia in Skyrim?
Can you marry Lydia in "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"? Yes you can. Get an amulet of Mara at the temple of Mara in Riften.What happens if your husband dies in Skyrim?
You'll still be married in Sovngarde. Bitter is the tongue that cuts as a knife. There is no "til death do you part" in Skyrim. You'll still be married in Sovngarde.What happens if your Housecarl dies in Skyrim?
If any character dies in Skyrim, they stay dead and can't be replaced. If you can't use console command to revive them, but otherwise, you need to go back to a save point where they were still alive. You would have to go back to a save point, before she died.How to bring back dead companion in Skyrim?
Open the console, click on Lydia's corpse then type "resurrect". you have to open console, type resurrect, click on the body. or that in another order. you can also use the Console to set her as essential, so she dont die again.What happens if your NPC dies in Skyrim?
Typically, any NPC that has a unique name will not Respawn. However, if they're needed for a Quest or something, an NPC is usually marked as Essential (and unable to be killed) this is mostly so the game won't mess up completely if someone important dies! A named NPC will go to a holding cell a while after death.Can you lose your follower in Skyrim?
Vast caves full of enemies or areas that are difficult to navigate can be the worst areas that the Dragonborn can lose one of their faithful allies. Retrieving them can be difficult and annoying, especially since they don't show up on Skyrim's map.What happens if a follower dies?
Follower death is handled pretty oddly; If their health is exhausted due to enemy fire, they just get knocked out. Healing them or finishing combat and allowing them to regenerate will bring them back to life. If you kill them due to friendly fire, that's it: they're dead permanently.Can you lose companions in Skyrim?
Companions go to their default place when they leave your service. Jenassa goes to the Drunken Hunstman where you meet her, for example. Lydia will go to Breezehome (if you've bought it) or Dragonsreach (if you haven't). My house was the first place a went - she told me she'd be there when we parted company.Can companions permanently die?
Usually companions are very resilient to where they will go through the injured animation pretty much all the time, but if they keep taking damage for some time afterwards or a ton of damage all at once then they WILL die.What kills Lydia?
Ultimately, Lydia's neuroticism is her fatal flaw. Walt poisoned the tea she obsessively drinks to ease her anxiety.Does Lydia become a vampire?
Lydia's most crucial ability is her Semi-Immortality. While she continues to age, albeit at a slower rate than humanly possible, she cannot be killed, even temporarily, by any Supernatural creature. She cannot be turned into a vampire nor can she be compelled by vampires or immortal beings like Silas.Where does Lydia go if she dies?
She will either be at Breezehome or Dragonsreach. If she is dead, you will find her body in the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun.
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