What happens if your follower dies in Skyrim?

If a companion dies from an NPC then they are considered unconscious and will come back. If the companion dies from your blow, accidental or intentional, then they are dead and will not come back.
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Can you resurrect a follower in Skyrim?

Simply type “resurrect” into the console, press enter, and close the console. She will be resurrected. This method also works to resurrect other NPCs/characters.
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Can followers respawn in Skyrim?

Follower death is handled pretty oddly; If their health is exhausted due to enemy fire, they just get knocked out. Healing them or finishing combat and allowing them to regenerate will bring them back to life. If you kill them due to friendly fire, that's it: they're dead permanently.
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What happens if you lose your follower in Skyrim?

If they get lost, you'll have to find them and carefully lead them around the obstacles. If you don't find them within a few days, they should return to their original location.
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Where do dead companions go in Skyrim?

They go to the halls of the dead in the hold capital where you got them.
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When Lydia Dies For The First Time

What to do if Lydia dies?

The only real option (at least for console players) is to load a previous save to get Lydia back. Once again, however, PC players can use console commands to revive Lydia if she has died. They just need to type the "resurrect" code, "000A2C94.
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Are followers immortal in Skyrim?

Essential followers in Skyrim cannot be killed, making them valuable companions in tough battles. Characters like Aela the Huntress, Barbas the talking dog, and Cicero offer unique skills and immortality, making them powerful assets to any player's journey.
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Can followers be killed in Skyrim?

According to the game guide Companions can never die to other NPCs.
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Which Skyrim followers are unkillable?

So, first step, fight a little more carefully. (And, because they can die after being dismissed, make sure you escort them home before dismissing them.) As far as unkillable followers, there are a few: Mjoll, Derkeethus, Serana (Dawnguard), Frea (Dragonborn), and Cicero plus the Dark Brotherhood Initiates.
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What kills Lydia?

Ultimately, Lydia's neuroticism is her fatal flaw. Walt poisoned the tea she obsessively drinks to ease her anxiety.
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Can you marry Lydia in Skyrim?

Can you marry Lydia in "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"? Yes you can. Get an amulet of Mara at the temple of Mara in Riften.
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Can you get another housecarl if Lydia dies?

To answer your question TC, if they die they don't get replaced. You get one for each house though.
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What to do if your companion dies?

Reloading before they died is the only way to get them back usually. There are a few essential followers who cannot die and are an option should you want that.
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Can you bring a companion back to life Skyrim?

Those playing Skyrim on PC can permanently resurrect NPCs using Console Commands. To do this, players should press the tilde key, often found below the Esc button on the keyboard, and click on the NPC they wish to revive; then, they should type "resurrect" and press the Enter key.
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How do you find out if a follower died in Skyrim?

To be 100% sure that he'll return (assuming he's still alive), you'd have to wait 30 in-game days then return to the bar where you first met him. If he's still not there, you can be sure that he's dead.
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How do I recover my lost follower in Skyrim?

When you have lost your follower, you should first try to retrace your steps. If you told your follower to wait for you, they will be where you asked them to wait. If you still can't find them, try using Fast Travel, your follower should reappear with you at your new location.
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Can you get followers back if you dismiss them in Skyrim?

When dismissed, the follower returns to wherever you first found them (e.g. Lydia can be found at Dragonsreach in Whiterun). You can equip followers with additional, or better weapons and armor to make them even more valuable assets to combat situations. When sneaking, your follower will sneak with you.
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Who is the best follower in Skyrim?

Skyrim's best follower is Serana, one of the few pure-blood vampires to exist in the Elder Scrolls universe. Serana plays a large part in the main quest for the Dawnguard DLC and is designed as one of the most advanced followers in the game.
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How do you revive a dead companion in Skyrim?

Open the console, click on Lydia's corpse then type "resurrect". you have to open console, type resurrect, click on the body. or that in another order. you can also use the Console to set her as essential, so she dont die again.
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What followers Cannot be killed in Skyrim?

Mjoll, Serana, Freya, and Derkeethus are all essential and cannot die. The spooniest bard. Technically, most Followers 'cannot die' due to being Protected (see UESPwiki for moar).
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Which followers are immortal in Skyrim?

I know some of that ain't right. Mjoll can't die, Cicero can't die, Initiates can't die. Also most of them can progress to 50, Initiates can hit 100, and J'Zargo has no cap.
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What happens if Lydia dies?

TC, if she dies, she dies. Unless you want to resurrect her each and every time via cheats. If you can find her, and want to keep her, hit the ~ (tilda) key, click her body, and type "resurrect" without the parenthesis.
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Can you bring a follower back to life?

To get them back all you need to do is hunt them down during a crusade 3 times. Revive them back at the cult with a ritual.
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How to find Lydia's dead body?

Check the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun. Her body should be there.
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What is the rarest enemy in Skyrim?

Here are the rarest creatures in Skyrim.
  • 8 Spriggan.
  • 7 Werewolf.
  • 6 Hagraven.
  • 5 Chaurus Hunter.
  • 4 Dwarven Centurion.
  • 3 Dragon Priest.
  • 2 Wispmother.
  • 1 Dremora.
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