What happens when you combine all the dragon priest masks?

All Dragon Priest Masks Adds 20 to carry maximum, waterbreathing and improves prices by 20%. After getting all eight masks, go to Labyrinthian to acquire the Wooden Mask, which will transport you to Bromjunaar Sanctuary, where you will receive Konahrik.
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How do you combine dragon priest masks?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

You can't "combine" them. I won't spoil it for you, but you can get a nice mask if you get all of the 9 masks in the game.
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What does the final dragon priest mask do?

To those who aren't familiar, Konahrik is the "final" base game dragon priest mask you obtain in Skyrim after collecting every other one. Upon placing them all in the Labyrinthion and wearing the wooden mask, you are brought back in time where you can take Konahrik, after which you go back to your original timeline.
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Where do I put all the dragon priest masks?

You will have to go to the central barrow at Labyrinthian, then go to the broken shrine and put on the wooden mask. That shall teleport you to a new shrine. When you are teleported, click on each of the faces on the shrine, placing all of the masks onto the statues.
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Can you keep the dragon priest masks?

the answer is yes, the whole point of collecting the masks is to return them to the spot where the wooden mask takes you. you do not have to take them all at once.
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Skyrim: Dragon Priest Masks - Aftermath

Can the dragon masks be destroyed?

The final chapter states that if the Mask of the Dragon Queen is claimed or destroyed before Tiamat appears, the ritual to summon her fails. "The mask, the sacrifices, and the ritual can all be targeted by the characters. Doing so effectively might actually end the ritual and prevent the appearance of Tiamat.
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Is it possible to go back to Skuldafn?

Accepted Answer

After you've been there in the main story you can't go back unless you use the command: coc skuldafn02 and that will put you close to the top of the ruin but when your done you can't fast travel out so you'll have to use coc whiterun (or some other place) to get out.
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Is Miraak a dragon priest?

As his nickname suggests, Miraak was the original Dragonborn who lived during the Merethic Era when dragons still dominated Nirn. Unlike most Dragonborn, Miraak served the dragons as a Dragon Priest. He ruled over the island Solstheim which was situated to the northeast of Skyrim and the northwest of Morrowind.
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What is the best mask in Skyrim?

Skyrim: Ranking the Dragon Priest Masks from Worst to Best
  1. 1 Konahrik.
  2. 2 Otar.
  3. 3 Nahkriin.
  4. 4 Krosis.
  5. 5 Volsung.
  6. 6 Ahzidal.
  7. 7 Dukaan.
  8. 8 Zahkriisos.
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Can you wear the jagged crown with a dragon priest mask?

It is also possible to wear the Jagged Crown on a Dragon Priest Mask with both being visible. In order to do this Dragonborn must acquire at least two masks.
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Do all Dragon Priests drop masks?

Not all dragon priests have masks. There are a number of tombs that have dragon priests, but no mask.
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Are dragon priest masks leveled?

Masks do not level, no.
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What does the wooden dragon priest mask do?

The wooden mask is unlike the other dragon priest masks. Its purpose is to gain access to the dragon priest shrine. Wearing the wooden mask within the barrow sends its wearer back to a time before the destruction of the Bromjunaar sanctuary. The central focus of the sanctuary is the restored shrine.
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How do you get a Konahrik?

This dragon mask can be acquired after collecting all the previous masks. To collect this mask, entry into Bromjunaar Sanctuary is required, which can be found within the central barrow in Labyrinthian. There lies a Wooden Mask that sends its wearer back to a time before the destruction of Bromjunaar Sanctuary.
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Is Ulfric a Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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Who is stronger alduin or Miraak?

Alduins fog would remain, and he'd feast on souls until his power was enough to kill Miraak. Miraak certainly can beat Alduin if given the tools. He is more proficient with his shouts despite what happens in game due to being a lot older.
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Who is the weakest dragon priest in Skyrim?

Skyrim's Dragon Priests, Ranked From Least to Most Powerful
  1. 1 Miraak. A foe unlike any other, Miraak wields the power of dragons, Hermaeus Mora, and his own Dragonborn blood.
  2. 2 Ahzidal. ...
  3. 3 Vahlok the Jailor. ...
  4. 4 Dukaan. ...
  5. 5 Nahkriin. ...
  6. 6 Volsung. ...
  7. 7 Zahkriisos. ...
  8. 8 Krosis. ...
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Can you tame Alduin?

Certain named Dragons cannot be tamed (Alduin, Sahloknir, Paarthurnax, Durnehviir, and the Skeletal Dragon in Labyrinthian). Odahviing can be tamed and ridden by traveling to the Throat of the World where he circles the summit.
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Does killing Alduin stop dragons?

His death does not kill all dragons. Indeed, I did Dragonborn after finishing the main story, and there are still dragons galore. And Parthuurnax outlives Alduin, unless one is foolish enough to assuage the Blades' bloodlust.
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Is there any loot after killing Alduin?

There is a brief moment where the option to loot Alduin's body appears before he disintegrates, although he cannot actually be looted. It is possible, if Kahvozein's Fang is equipped in the right hand, to harvest Dragon Heartscales. When Alduin dies, a whirling vortex appears above Sovngarde.
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Does Vahlok have a mask?

Vahlok is the only notable Dragon Priest to not have a mask associated with him. He is the only known Dragon Priest, with the possible exception of Otar before his madness, who was noted for being benevolent. His name in-game is Vahlok the Jailer (not Jailor).
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What is needed to summon Tiamat?

The ritual to summon Tiamat required, among other things, a large group of sacrificial prisoners and a treasure hoard worthy of the Dragon Queen.
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How many dragon mask are there?

A Dragon Priest Mask is a powerful and unique piece of headgear that can be obtained after defeating each of the fourteen unique dragon priests found throughout Skyrim. 9 Dragon Priest Masks can be found in Skyrim and 4 can be found in Solstheim, from the Dragonborn expansion.
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